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[#79967] Christening of Maren Olsdatter, Borge

Gjest Mark Shepherd

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Gjest Mark Shepherd

My 6th great grandmother, Maren Olsdatter, was married to Niels Marcusen in Borge, Ostfold, Norway, see [url="http://www.arkivverket.no/URN:NBN:no-a1450-kb20061013050455.jpg>Lenke , last entry for year 1753.There are several Maren Olsdatters christened in Borge who could be the one married to Niels Marcusen. There is no farm name on the engagement/marraige record. The following are all possibilitles. Daughter of Ole Haralsen and Berthe Guttormsdatter, ? Jen Holered farm, christened 24 June 1723, see Lenke, fifth entry from top, L hand page. Daughter of Ole Moum and Gioran Svendsdatter, christened 25 July 1723, see Lenke, second from bottom L hand page. This child most likely died at 8 days old as parish register shows death of Ole Moum's female child recorded 11 post Trinity 1723, see Lenke Daughter of Ole Monsen and Siri Larsdatter, ? Lansvig farm, christened 7 Sep 1725, see Lenke, 3rd entry from top, R hand page. Daughter of Ole Helgesen and Inger Pedersdatter, I can't read the farm name, christened 23 Dec 1725, see Lenke, second entry from top, R hand page Daughter of Ole Olsen and Gioran Moum, christened 4 June 1730, see

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Gjest Mark Shepherd

This is the information and sources I have about their family:I. Niels MARCUSEN was born in 1724 in Borge, Ostfold, Norway.1 He was christened on 10 Sep 1724 in Borge, Ostfold, Norway.1.Niels MARCUSEN and Maren OLESDTR were engaged in 1753 in Borge, Ostfold, Norway.2 Unable to decipher engagement date, last entry for 1753 They were married in 1754 in Borge, Ostfold, Norway.2 Last recorded engagement of 1753, record states were later married but no date given, assumed 1754. Maren OLESDTR was born (date unknown). Niels MARCUSEN and Maren OLESDTR had the following children:A. Johanna NIELSDR was born in 1754 at Ulfeng? farm in Borge, Ostfold, Norway.3 She was christened on 1 Dec 1754 in Borge, Ostfold, Norway.3B. Marcus NIELSEN4 was born in 1757 at ?Svateberg farm in Borge, Ostfold, Norway. He was christened on 13 Nov 1757 in Borge, Ostfold, Norway.5 He appeared in the census in 1801 in Fredrikstad, Ostfold, Norway.4 recorded age 50 in census but based on christening, death and no other similar age persons of this name listed in this region in the census suspect this is an error in age recording Marcus died on 27 Feb 1809 at the age of 52 in Glemmen, Ostfold, Norway.6 age 53 years.C. Martha NIELSDR was born in 1761 in Borge, Ostfold, Norway.9 She was christened in 1761 in Borge, Ostfold, Norway.9 1. , , No page #, [url="http://www.arkivverket.no/URN:NBN:no-a1450-kb20061013050341.jpg;>Lenke digital images, (Lenke : accessed ). 2. , , No page #, last entry 1753, Lenke. 3. , , No page #, last entry 1754, Lenke. 4. 1801 Norwegian Census Records Digital Archive (University of Bergen) http://digitalarkivet.uib.no. 5. , , No page #, Lenke. 6. , , P 282, male # 27, ; digital images, (http://www.arkivverket.no/URN:kb_read?idx_id=7454 : accessed ). 7. , [RecordBookID], , . 8. , , No page # , year 1770 #11, . 9. , , No page #,

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Gjest Harald Linde-Nielsen

I had a hope I could find a clue among their childrens godparents but I can not see any connections.Finnes det noen som har tilgang til Bygdebøker eller andre kilder fra Borge i Østfold som kan være til hjelp her?Harald

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Gjest karl johnny sommer

Hey Mark - Ole Olsen (Ole Moum) and Giøran Svendsdatter was Marens parents.Their children Maren was baptized juli 25,1723 in Borge.she died august 8 the same year.a new Maren of the same parents are baptized juni 4,1730 in Borge.Maren was buried january 31,1781,with the address'Svarteberg Ulfeng'50 years old.She was first married to Johannes Christensen,who died in 1753.Their children:Christian and Inger.Maren married then Niels Marcussen 1753/54,Niels was baptized 17 des 1730 and was buried 14 sept 1783.He was the son of Marcus Gjermundsen Ulfeng and Torborg Asbjørnsdatter.Maren and Niels children: Johanna 1 des 1754 to 1820 - Marcus 13 nov 1757 and Marthe 24 january 1761.Sources:Church books Borge and 'Farms and families in Borge og Torsnes' (Bygdebøkene 'Gårder og slekter i Borge og Torsnes')Karl Johnny Sommer

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Gjest Mark Shepherd

Thank you Karl. You have been very helpful. Do you have a marriage date for Maren's first marriage to Johannes Christensen? Do you have baptism date for Johannes Christensen and Maren's children Christian and Inger?Thank you again,Mark

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Gjest karl johnny sommer

Hi Mark - I found Johannes Christensens marriage with Maren Olsdatter in 1743.This can not be our Maren!She was only 13 years in 1743.Maren Olsdatter 1730-1781 and Niels Marcusen 1724-1783,bouth with address Svarteberg (Black rock)Ulfeng,most be rigth.Other options:Ole Helgesen/Ole skomaker(Shoemaker)and Inger Pedersdatter.Their children were Maren born 23 des 1725,Mari 17 des 1730,Anders 31 mai 1735,Ingeborg and Maren 5 okt 1738.Ole Haralsen and Berte Guttormsdatter,got on wat I can se only one child Maren.She was born juni 1723.She married Jon Halvorsen Lilleby.Last options:Ole Monsen Langvik and Siri Larsdatter,their children:Maren 7 sept 1725,Anne 26 sept 1728,Inger 4 apr 1734 and Mons 6 sept 1739.She is the only possible Maren may have married Johannes Christensen in 1743.I hope you understand my bad english. Karl Johnny Sommer

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Gjest Mark Shepherd

Hi Karl,Thank you for your help. I can understand your English very well. Our Maren Olsdatter is confusing. There is also a Maren Olsdr, 27 years who was buried 28 Jan 1757 see Lenke. This couldn't be the Maren who is the mother of Marcus (Marcus is my 5th great grandfather) because she was buried in Jan 1757 and Marcus was christened in Nov 1757 and she had another child in 1761. However it could possibly be the Maren who was christened 4 Jun 1730 with parents Ole Olsen (Ole Moum) and Giøran Svendsdatter. I suspect the Maren Svateberg who was buried in 1781 is the same as was the mother of Marcus I am still not sure if she is the one who was christened 4 Jun 1730 because of the Maren Olsdatter who was buried in 1757.I have some questions that maybe you could help with.1. The Maren Olsdr, 27 years who was buried 28 Jan 1757 has something written before her name but I am not sure what it says. Maybe you could help.2. I am guessing from your entry that connects our Maren to parents Ole Olsen (Ole Moum) and Giøran Svendsdatter that information came from Bygdebøkene 'Gårder og slekter i Borge og Torsnes'. Is that a correct guess?3. If you have access to Bygdebøkene 'Gårder og slekter i Borge og Torsnes', does the book say how our Maren is connected to parents Ole Olsen (Ole Moum) and Giøran Svendsdatter? I don't see any definite connection from the church book and farm names4. I also have some questions about Maren's husband Niels Marcusen but I am going to put in a new entry the debate forum so if you could look at that and see what you think.Thank you again for your help,Mark

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Gjest Mark Shepherd

Hi Karl,Thank you for your help. I can understand your English very well. Our Maren Olsdatter is confusing. There is also a Maren Olsdr, 27 years who was buried 28 Jan 1757 see Lenke. This couldn't be the Maren who is the mother of Marcus (Marcus is my 5th great grandfather) because she was buried in Jan 1757 and Marcus was christened in Nov 1757 and she had another child in 1761. However it could possibly be the Maren who was christened 4 Jun 1730 with parents Ole Olsen (Ole Moum) and Giøran Svendsdatter. I suspect the Maren Svateberg who was buried in 1781 is the same as was the mother of Marcus I am still not sure if she is the one who was christened 4 Jun 1730 because of the Maren Olsdatter who was buried in 1757.I have some questions that maybe you could help with.1. The Maren Olsdr, 27 years who was buried 28 Jan 1757 has something written before her name but I am not sure what it says. Maybe you could help.2. I am guessing from your entry that connects our Maren to parents Ole Olsen (Ole Moum) and Giøran Svendsdatter that information came from Bygdebøkene 'Gårder og slekter i Borge og Torsnes'. Is that a correct guess?3. If you have access to Bygdebøkene 'Gårder og slekter i Borge og Torsnes', does the book say how our Maren is connected to parents Ole Olsen (Ole Moum) and Giøran Svendsdatter? I don't see any definite connection from the church book and farm names4. I also have some questions about Maren's husband Niels Marcusen but I am going to put in a new entry the debate forum so if you could look at that and see what you think.Thank you again for your help,Mark

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Gjest karl johnny sommer

Hei Mark - 1. It says the girl(pigen)which is an indication that she has never been married.Bygdebøkene Borge/Torsnes has now been published in nine volumes.Next volum will examine the distrikt Moum in Borge.It says nothing about Ole Moum and Gioran in (bygdebøkene) but I am pretty sure this is the rigth Maren.I see it also associated with Moum regard Marcus 1757.He lived there in the first year after marriage,befor moving to Byens marker.Maren the daugther of Ole Monsen,born 1725 and died 17 jan 1772.She was married to Lars Olsen Tambur (Langvik) K J Sommer

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Gjest Mark Shepherd

Thanks again Karl,Do you know when the Moum district bygdebøkene will be published?Also I found another possibility although I think it is less likely. There is a Mari Ulfeng buried 26 Jan 1777, age 62, see Lenke. At the christening of Niels and Maren's first child Johanna, the mother is listed as Maren Ulfeng, but at Marcus Christening, is listed Maren Olsdatter at Svateberg farm. Do you know if there is a connection between Ulfeng and Svateberg farms?Thanks,Mark

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Gjest karl johnny sommer

Hi Mark - Some information I found in 'Bygdebøkene'The Mari you mention is Mari (Maren)Hansdatter,born about 1715 and died 1777.She married about 1737 with Gjermund Jonsen(Ulfeng)who was the owner of much of Ulfeng.He was born about 1708 and he was buried on 26 des 1782 74 years old.Their children:Hans 1739,jon 1745 and Anna 1748.Svarteberg was a part of Ulfeng!The grandfather of Marcus 1757:Marcus Gjermundsen death in 1756,he was married three times.He married Torborg Asbjørnsdatter 15 april 1725.She was born about 1683 and was buried 30 juli 1741.Their children:Else 26 okt 1726,Gjermund 4 april 1728,Niels 17 des 1730 - 14 sept 1783 (Svarteberg),Anna 14 mai 1733 and Lars 6 juni 1734.He then married Marthe Jonsdatter 16 des 1742.Children:Torborg 1 mars 1744 and Lars 16 okt 1747.His third wife was Olie Pedersdatter.They married 7 nov 1754.Children:Peder 21 juli 1754.Johanna sister of Marcus was born 1 des 1754 and died 26 des 1820 on the farm 'Hunn'in Borge.She was married to Morten Pedersen.From the church books in Borge,som information that I think you already have.Anna wife to Marcus.She was baptized in 1756.Her parents:Hans Gundersen and Anna Jørgensdatter.I belive thei live on'Knolden' Moum in Borge. We'll see when the volum ten to deal with the district Moum.I know one of the authors of the 'Bygdebøkene'and I will ask him about now districth Moum is publishedKarl

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Gjest karl johnny sommer

Hi again Mark - Who is your nexst ancestor by Marcus 1757? Possible there may be something in the 'Bygdebøker' about this person. Karl

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Gjest Mark Shepherd

Thanks again Karl,You have given me much new information on my ancestors families that I didn't have.I am descended through Marcus and Pernille's third child Andreas, christened 22 Sep 1793 in Fredrickstad. I already have a lot of information on all the children of Marcus and Pernille. They were in the 1801 census and I have all the children's christening dates. I also have a lot information on Andreas and his wife Guri Juhlsdatter and their children.Thank you so much for your help,Mark

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Gjest Mark Shepherd

Hi again Karl,At the baptism of Maren's first child, Johanna, Ole Moum is listed as a witness. I believe this good supporting evidence that Maren was the daughter of Ole Olsen (Moum) and Gioran Svendsdatter christened 4 Jun 1730.Mark

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Gjest karl johnny sommer

Hi Mark - Wantet to help you with more information about this.Have not yet contact with publisher of bygdebøkene in Borge around the release of the districth Moum.I see that the withnesses at Johannas baptism 1754 are Ole Moum.Gjemund Ulfeng,......?Aarum,and Charlotta Aarum.Aarum is the Neigboring district of Moum in Borge.I belive Ole and Giøran Moum are parents to Maren.I think much of this will be clarified when the districth Moum will be released.With regard K J Sommer

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