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Kristen Erikson from Aksdal b. 1810. Brita Isaksdtr. from Utbjoa b.1821

William Erickson

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I am researching my family in Norway and would like to find someone to correspond with.

I found a post here from 2005 between my cousin Myrna McGhie and Lars E. Oyane, which was fantastic information, and I see Lars that you are still active here. Thank you.

My great grandfather was Kristen Erikson from Aksdal, born in 1810.

My great grandmother was Brita Isaksdtr from Utbjoa, born in 1821.

They lived on the Skarhaugen farm in Utbjoa, for 8 years before immigrating to the United States in March, 1857.

They had 4 sons, all born in Norway. Erik b. 1849 – Isak b. 1851 – Lars b. 1854 – Hallvar b. 1856. Hallvar, known to us as Oliver, was my grandfather.

This information was provided to me by Arlen Twedt of Iowa USA and is from the Ølen bygdeboker.

I am planning a trip to the area in July, 2021 and would appreciate any help in finding information on the families or Skarhaugen farm and where it was. I would not want to travel all the way to Norway to end up in the wrong part of the country.

Tusen takk


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16 timer siden, William Erickson skrev:

My great grandfather was Kristen Erikson from Aksdal, born in 1810.

My great grandmother was Brita Isaksdtr from Utbjoa, born in 1821.

They lived on the Skarhaugen farm in Utbjoa, for 8 years before immigrating to the United States in March, 1857.

They had 4 sons, all born in Norway. Erik b. 1849 – Isak b. 1851 – Lars b. 1854 – Hallvar b. 1856.


Just to locate the births and baptisms of their sons:


No 135 - Erik

Hordaland county, Fjelberg, Eid, Vikebygd, Ølen in Fjelberg, Parish register (official) no. A 6 (1835-1851), Born and baptised 1850, Page 133
Permanent image ID: kb20070226220141
Quick link: https://www.digitalarkivet.no/kb20070226220141
Permanent image-link: http://urn.digitalarkivet.no/URN:NBN:no-a1450-kb20070226220141.jpg


No 100 - Isak 
Hordaland county, Fjelberg, Eid, Vikebygd, Ølen in Fjelberg, Parish register (official) no. A 6 (1835-1851), Born and baptised 1851, Page 149
Permanent image ID: kb20070226220157
Quick link: https://www.digitalarkivet.no/kb20070226220157
Permanent image-link: http://urn.digitalarkivet.no/URN:NBN:no-a1450-kb20070226220157.jpg


No 156 - Lars

Hordaland county, Fjelberg, Eid, Ølen, Vikebygd in Fjelberg, Parish register (official) no. A 7 (1851-1867), Born and baptised 1854, Page 30
Permanent image ID: kb20070221650033
Quick link: https://www.digitalarkivet.no/kb20070221650033
Permanent image-link: http://urn.digitalarkivet.no/URN:NBN:no-a1450-kb20070221650033.jpg 


No 131 - Halvor

Hordaland fylke, Fjelberg, Eid, Ølen, Vikebygd i Fjelberg, Ministerialbok nr. A 7 (1851-1867), Fødte og døpte 1856, Side 49
Permanent bilde-ID: kb20070221650052
Brukslenke for sidevisning: https://www.digitalarkivet.no/kb20070221650052
Permanent bildelenke: http://urn.digitalarkivet.no/URN:NBN:no-a1450-kb20070221650052.jpg 

The emigration: 

No 146
Hordaland county, Fjelberg, Eid, Ølen, Vikebygd in Fjelberg, Parish register (official) no. A 7 (1851-1867), Out-migrated 1857, Page 354
Permanent image ID: kb20070221650282
Quick link: https://www.digitalarkivet.no/kb20070221650282
Permanent image-link: http://urn.digitalarkivet.no/URN:NBN:no-a1450-kb20070221650282.jpg 

This is the closest I can get: 




Edited by Grethe Flood
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22 hours ago, William Erickson said:

I am researching my family in Norway and would like to find someone to correspond with.

I found a post here from 2005 between my cousin Myrna McGhie and Lars E. Oyane, which was fantastic information, and I see Lars that you are still active here. Thank you.


You can send a Message directly to Lars Øyne using the Messages tab in the upper right hand corner of this site. He is an active user on this Forum. 

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Thank you Grethe. This is great information.

I will contact Lars, thanks for the tip Anton.

I am still learning the system.


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Contribution #6:


Thank you very much, Bill, for contacting me directly in this matter!


Here is a link to the topic from 2005: https://forum.arkivverket.no/topic/113439-27821-christen-erikson-and-britha-isaksdotter-from-fjelbergølen-to-iowa-in-1857/?tab=comments#comment-926600

I didn't find any additional information about the family than what was posted back then.


As Grethe says above in contribution #4, it would be a great idea for you, Bill, to post your specific questions in this Forum.  My guess would be you wish to find out more about the ancestry as well as about current relatives living in the area.


The County History Book («bygdebok») for Olen County would most certainly contain much further information to answer your questions!  I am sure someone in the Forum is in possession of this book and can help you with «look-ups»!


I am sorry I cannot be of more help to you at this point, but I wish you Good Luck in your research endeavors, and welcome to Norway in 2021!

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Thank you Lars for your reply. I will post in the Users Forum and see if someone can help.

It would be interesting if I did have distant relatives in Norway.

I am very much looking forward to visiting next year.



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On 9/9/2020 at 1:37 AM, William Erickson said:


I am researching my family in Norway and would like to find someone to correspond with.


I have sent you a message

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