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Fra Nes på Hedmarken til Amerika, 1880-tallet

Bengt E Vesthagen Oslo

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Søker opplysninger om noen av familiemedlemmene (kun de som er uthevet) av denne familien da jeg ikke klare å finne de selv.


ELISE CHRISTIANSDATTER, f. 20.1. 1844, Bergstuen nedre, Nes på Hedmark. † 14.12. 1924 i Navarino, Shawano, Wisconsin. G.m. Mathias Pedersen, f. 14.9. 1841, Grefseng-eie, Nes på Hedmark. Husmann. † 14.11. 1908 i Navarino, Shawano, Wisconsin. Paret ble gift 27.2. 1863 i Nes kirke. Familien emigrerte til Amerika (Edgerton) våren 1889 bortsett fra Petter, Karl og Karoline. De hadde reist på forhånd.


  Petter Mathiassen, f. 14.12. 1862, Bergstuen nedre, Nes på Hedmark. Utvandret til Amerika sommeren 1884. Finner han ikke i emigrantlistene, bare i utflytterlistene for Nes.

  Karl Mathiassen, f. 8.3. 1865, Gårums-eie, Nes på Hedmark. Utvandret til Amerika vinteren 1883. Han skulle til Edgerton. † 1935. G.m. Julie Andreasdatter, f. 3.5. 1866 Haagenstad, Vardal. Hun utvandret til Amerika våren 1886. † 8.8. 1928. Paret ble gift 5.7. 1887 i Cambridge, Wisconsin.

  Karoline Mathiasdatter, f. 14.4. 1867, Fossum-eie, Nes på Hedmark. Utvandret til Amerika våren 1885. Hun skulle til Edgerton. † 18.7. 1906 i Shawano, Wisconsin. Ligger begravet på Bethesda Cemetry. G.m. Charles Martin Pedersen, f. mars 1864 i Norge. † 9.4. 1928 i Portland, Oregon.

  Josefine Mathiasdatter, f. 25.10. 1870, Fossum-eie, Nes på Hedmark.

  Martin Mathiassen, f. 21.1. 1873, Fossum-eie, Nes på Hedmark.

  Emma Mathiasdatter, f. 21.3. 1875, Fossum-eie, Nes på Hedmark.

  Laurits Mathiassen, f. 8.3. 1877, Fossum-eie, Nes på Hedmark.


Etternavn som ble brukt i Amerika som jeg kjenner til: Pederson/Mathiasson.

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1900 United States Federal Census


Name: Lauris Pederson

[Loyris Pederson]

Home in 1900: Navarino, Shawano, Wisconsin

[shawano, Wisconsin]

Age: 21

Birth Date: Mar 1879

Birthplace: Norway

Race: White

Gender: Male

Immigration Year: 1890

Relationship to head-of-house: Son

Father's name: Mathias Pederson

Father's Birthplace: Norway

Mother's name: Eliza Pederson

Mother's Birthplace: Norway

Marital Status: Single


Household Members: Name Age

Mathias Pederson 59

Eliza Pederson 56

Lauris Pederson 21




Name: Eliza Pederson

Home in 1900: Navarino, Shawano, Wisconsin

[shawano, Wisconsin]

Age: 56

Birth Date: Nov 1843

Birthplace: Norway

Race: White

Gender: Female

Immigration Year: 1890

Relationship to head-of-house: Wife

Father's Birthplace: Norway

Mother's Birthplace: Norway

Mother: number of living children: 7

Mother: How many children: 8

Spouse's name: Mathias Pederson

Marriage Year: 1862

Marital Status: Married

Years Married: 38




Name: Mathias Pederson

Home in 1900: Navarino, Shawano, Wisconsin

[shawano, Wisconsin]

Age: 59

Birth Date: Sep 1840

Birthplace: Norway

Race: White

Gender: Male

Immigration Year: 1890


Relationship to head-of-house: Head

Father's Birthplace: Norway

Mother's Birthplace: Norway

Spouse's name: Eliza Pederson

Marriage Year: 1862

Marital Status: Married

Years Married: 38




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Det ligger et anetre ute på ancestry.com som har denne familien, etter hva jeg kan se er eieren en dame,hun kaller seg Redheadly. About Redheadly Gender Female

Age Group 50-59

Education Some College

Employment Unemployed

Languages English

Lineage Northern European, British Isles

Religion Spiritual but not religious

Hun forsker i fam.: Kratzer Montana and Washington 1904 - 1952

Pederson Norway 1865 - 1928.


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Mette! Det ligger forsåvidt flere anetrær ute på Ancestry om denne familien. Felles for alle er at de ikke er særlig gode.

Denne du har funnet fram til har jeg ikke sett før. Men hvordan finner jeg den?

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Du må ha abonement på ancestry for å komme inn å se hele treet,har du det er det bare å søke på family trees. Personen har disse barna i treet:Carl Axel Mathison 1866 – 1935,Caroline Mathison 1867 – 1906 ,Lauris Pederson 1879 – .Altså mangler det de barna du etterspurte.Du kan kontakte vedkommende gjenom ancestry.com.


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Familitreet til Redheadly ga ingenting. Pussig at de skal være så vanskelig å finne i Ft 1920 og 1930. Muligens blir det søkt på feil navn.

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Jeg har Nes historielags årbok fra 2002 som omhandler utvandringen fra Nes og Helgøya (- forøvrig en svært grundig bok som bl.a. tar for seg bakgrunnen for utvandringen til Amerika, og den forsøker å følge de utvandrede næsningenes videre liv og skjebner i Amerika. Boken er rikt illustrert, og det ligger åpenbart svært mye arbeide bak. En sjeldent god og omfattende årbok!).


Jeg kan ikke se at denne familien er omtalt der, men du kan jo kontakte forfatteren Gunhild Kolstad - kanskje sitter hun på opplysninger som ikke kom med i årboken. Jeg vet også at Hans Myhre, som bor på Nes og som var aktiv i det gamle Brukarforumet, også har utfyllende opplysninger om næsninger i Amerika.

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Tore! Takk for informasjon om årbok. Denne kjente jeg ikke til. Skal skaffe meg den fortest mulig, da jeg har flere "Næsinger" som emigrerte og som jeg ikke har fått kartlagt helt. Hans Myhre kjenner jeg personlig. Kanskje han leser disse innleggene og har noe å bidra med?

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Gunhild Kolstad har ikke å fare med her.

Emigransjonsprotokollene har store mangler så derfor har jeg skrevet av fra filmene for de områdene som interesserer meg.

Peder Mathiassen 21, reiste med skipet Geider til Nenak 12.06.1884

Karl Mathiassen reiste med GELO 14.11.1890 til Traverse City

Karoline Mathiassen reiste med Angelo til Edgerton WI 15.15.1885.

Men, hele familien, foreldrene og yngre søsken dro over:

Mathias Pedersen og kone, Elise og barna Josefine, Martin, Emma og Laurits reiste med Rollo til Edgerton WI 15.03.1889.

Deres yngste datter Helene f og død 1879.

Emma er konfirmert 15.03.1889 First Lutheran, Edgerton Rock County, WI

Lauritz er konfirmert samme sted 18.05.1891

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Groom's Name: Carl Pedersen

Groom's Birth Date:

Groom's Birthplace: Norway

Groom's Age:

Bride's Name: Caroline Matheasen

Bride's Birth Date:

Bride's Birthplace: Norway

Bride's Age:

Marriage Date: 26 Mar 1887

Marriage Place: Cambridge, Dane, Wisconsin

Groom's Father's Name: Peder Nilsen

Groom's Mother's Name: Pauline Jensen

Bride's Father's Name: Mathias Pedersen

Bride's Mother's Name: Elise Christiansen

Groom's Race: White

Groom's Marital Status: Unknown

Groom's Previous Wife's Name:

Bride's Race: White

Bride's Marital Status: Unknown

Bride's Previous Husband's Name:

Indexing Project (Batch) Number: M00343-3

System Origin: Wisconsin-EASy

Source Film Number: 1275929

Reference Number: 00812


Collection: Wisconsin Marriages, 1836-1930

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Groom's Name: Peter Mathiasen

Groom's Birth Date:

Groom's Birthplace: Norway, Europe

Groom's Age:

Bride's Name: Jacobine Jacobsen

Bride's Birth Date:

Bride's Birthplace: Norway, Europe

Bride's Age:

Marriage Date: 26 Mar 1887

Marriage Place: Cambridge, Dane, Wisconsin

Groom's Father's Name: Mathias Pedersen

Groom's Mother's Name: Elise Christiansen

Bride's Father's Name: Jacob Johannesen

Bride's Mother's Name: Ellen Marie Hagensen

Groom's Race: White

Groom's Marital Status:

Groom's Previous Wife's Name:

Bride's Race: White

Bride's Marital Status:

Bride's Previous Husband's Name:

Indexing Project (Batch) Number: M00343-3

System Origin: Wisconsin-EASy

Source Film Number: 1275929

Reference Number: 00813


Collection: Wisconsin Marriages, 1836-1930

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<P>Lawrence Mathison <BR><BR>Birth: 1879 <BR>Death: 1945 <BR><BR>Burial:<BR>Ascension Lutheran Church Cemetery <BR>Navarino<BR>Shawano County<BR>Wisconsin, USA </P>

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Groom's Name: Mons Boresen

Groom's Birth Date:

Groom's Birthplace:

Groom's Age:

Bride's Name: Josephine Matheson

Bride's Birth Date:

Bride's Birthplace:

Bride's Age:

Marriage Date: 07 Jun 1897

Marriage Place: Shawano, Wisconsin, United States

Groom's Father's Name: Bove Or Bore Nikkelson

Groom's Mother's Name: Karen Christianson

Bride's Father's Name: Mathias Pederson

Bride's Mother's Name: Christianson

Groom's Race:

Groom's Marital Status:

Groom's Previous Wife's Name:

Bride's Race:

Bride's Marital Status:

Bride's Previous Husband's Name:

Indexing Project (Batch) Number: I00326-1

System Origin: Wisconsin-ODM

Source Film Number: 1275564

Reference Number:

Collection: Wisconsin Marriages, 1836-1930

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1920 United States Federal Census


Name: Josephine Boreson

[Josephine Borreson]

Home in 1920: Navarino, Shawano, Wisconsin

Age: 47

Estimated birth year: abt 1873

Birthplace: Norway

Relation to Head of House: Wife

Spouse's name: Mons Boreson

Father's Birth Place: Norway

Mother's Birth Place: Norway

Marital Status: Married

Race: White

Sex: Female

Year of immigration: 1888

Able to read: Yes

Able to Write: Yes


Household Members: Name Age

Mons Boreson 52

Josephine Boreson 47

Malvin Boreson 20

Emma Boreson 18

Hilda Boreson 16

Julie Boreson 14

Kimball Boreson 11

Elsie Boreson 9

Lester Boreson 5






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1910 United States Federal Census


Name: Josephina Boreson

Age in 1910: 39

Estimated birth year: abt 1871

Birthplace: Norway

Relation to Head of House: Wife

Father's Birth Place: Norway

Mother's Birth Place: Norway

Spouse's name: Mone Boreson

Home in 1910: Navarino, Shawano, Wisconsin

Marital Status: Married

Race: White

Gender: Female

Year of immigration: 1888


Household Members: Name Age

Mone Boreson 44

Josephina Boreson 39

Marvin B Boreson 10

Emma C Boreson 8

Hilda B Boreson 6

Julia M Boreson 4

Kimbal J Boreson 1 11/12






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1910 United States Federal Census


Name: Mone Boreson

[Mons Boreson]

Age in 1910: 44

Estimated birth year: abt 1866

Birthplace: Norway

Relation to Head of House: Head

Father's Birth Place: Norway

Mother's Birth Place: Norway

Spouse's name: Josephina Boreson

Home in 1910: Navarino, Shawano, Wisconsin

Marital Status: Married

Race: White

Gender: Male

Year of immigration: 1885




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Emma Borreson Lindsten


Birth: Sep. 4, 1901


Shawano County

Wisconsin, USA


Death: Feb. 15, 1975



Family links:


Leon M. Lindsten (1923 - 2000)*



Charles G. Lindsten (1895 - 1955)


*Point here for explanation




Ascension Lutheran Church Cemetery


Shawano County

Wisconsin, USA






Charles G. Lindsten


Birth: Dec. 6, 1895

Death: May 23, 1955


" Wisc. PVT Co. D. 338 INF WW I PH"


Family links:


Leon M. Lindsten (1923 - 2000)*



Emma Borreson Lindsten (1901 - 1975)*


*Point here for explanation




Ascension Lutheran Church Cemetery


Shawano County

Wisconsin, USA






Leon M. Lindsten


Birth: May 28, 1923


Shawano County

Wisconsin, USA

Death: May 28, 2000



Family links:


Charles G. Lindsten (1895 - 1955)

Emma Borreson Lindsten (1901 - 1975)




Ascension Lutheran Church Cemetery


Shawano County

Wisconsin, USA







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1930 United States Federal Census

about Josephine Borreson Name: Josephine Borreson

Home in 1930: Kaukauna, Outagamie, Wisconsin

View Map

Age: 59

Estimated birth year: abt 1871

Relation to Head of House: Wife

Spouse's name: Mans Borreson

Race: White





Military Service:


Rent/home value:


Age at first marriage:


Parents' birthplace: View image

Neighbors: View others on page

Household Members: Name Age

Mans Borreson 63

Josephine Borreson 59

Lester Borreson 15



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Wisconsin Death Index, 1959-1997

about Josephine Borreson Name: Josephine Borreson

Age: 91

Sex: F (Female)

Birth Date: abt 1871

Death Date: 8 Apr 1962

Location: Kauk (May be abbreviated)

Certificate: 015282

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1930 United States Federal Census

about Emma C Lindsten Name: Emma C Lindsten

Home in 1930: Morris, Shawano, Wisconsin

View Map

Age: 28

Estimated birth year: abt 1902

Relation to Head of House: Wife

Spouse's name: Charles G Lindsten

Race: White





Military Service:


Rent/home value:


Age at first marriage:


Parents' birthplace: View image

Neighbors: View others on page

Household Members: Name Age

Charles G Lindsten 34

Emma C Lindsten 28

Alvin J Lindsten 9

Leon M Lindsten 6

Milton J Lindsten 5



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Social Security Death Index

about Alvin J. Lindsten Name: Alvin J. Lindsten

SSN: 397-28-0910

Last Residence: 54170 Shiocton, Outagamie, Wisconsin, United States of America

Born: 5 Mar 1921

Died: 17 Dec 1996

State (Year) SSN issued: Wisconsin (Before 1951)




Wisconsin Death Index, 1959-1997

about Alvin J Lindsten Name: Alvin J Lindsten

Death Date: 17 Dec 1996

Location: Shawano (May be abbreviated)

Certificate: 036264





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Social Security Death Index

about Milton Lindsten Name: Milton Lindsten

SSN: 397-28-0911

Last Residence: 54929 Clintonville, Waupaca, Wisconsin, United States of America

Born: 22 Jun 1924

Last Benefit: 54929 Clintonville, Waupaca, Wisconsin, United States of America

Died: Aug 1987

State (Year) SSN issued: Wisconsin (Before 1951)




Wisconsin Death Index, 1959-1997

about Milton Jerol Lindsten Name: Milton Jerol Lindsten

Death Date: 30 Aug 1987

Location: Waupaca (May be abbreviated)

Certificate: 020368



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Social Security Death Index

about Kimbel Borreson Name: Kimbel Borreson

SSN: 393-12-1305

Last Residence: 54130 Kaukauna, Outagamie, Wisconsin, United States of America

Born: 19 May 1908

Last Benefit: 54130 Kaukauna, Outagamie, Wisconsin, United States of America

Died: Nov 1977

State (Year) SSN issued: Wisconsin (Before 1951)




Wisconsin Death Index, 1959-1997

about Kimbel J Borreson Name: Kimbel J Borreson

Age: 69

Sex: M (Male)

Birth Date: abt 1908

Death Date: 9 Nov 1977

Location: Kauk (May be abbreviated)

Certificate: 028086



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Wisconsin Births, 1820-1907

about Melvin B Borreson Name: Melvin B Borreson

Birth Date: 18 Aug 1899

County: Shawano

Reel: 0268

Record: 001820




Social Security Death Index

about Melvin Borreson Name: Melvin Borreson

SSN: 367-10-9219

Last Residence: 49444 Muskegon, Muskegon, Michigan, United States of America

Born: 18 Aug 1899

Died: Jun 1966

State (Year) SSN issued: Michigan (Before 1951)




1930 United States Federal Census

about Melvin B Boreson Name: Melvin B Boreson

Home in 1930: Muskegon Heights, Muskegon, Michigan

View Map

Age: 30

Estimated birth year: abt 1900

Birthplace: Wisconsin

Relation to Head of House: Head

Spouse's name: Ester H Boreson

Race: White


Household Members: Name Age

Melvin B Boreson 30

Ester H Boreson 25

Levern M Boreson 4 5/12

Alice May Boreson 3 1/12

Gerald O Boreson 1 4/12



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<DIV id=record-header>

<H2><FONT size=2>U.S. Naturalization Record Indexes, 1791-1992 (Indexed in World Archives Project) <BR>about Petter Mathisen Name: Petter Mathisen <BR>Birth Date: abt 1863 <BR>Birth Place: Norway <BR>Age at event: 27 <BR>Court District: Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, Iowa <BR>Year of Arrival: 1884 <BR>Date of Action: 17 Apr 1890 <BR> <BR><BR>- <BR><BR>Står at han ankom New York i juni 1884. </FONT></H2></DIV>

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