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Death of Torbor Asbiornsdatter


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Torbiorn Asbiornsdatter was married to Marcus Geirmundsen in 1725, see http://www.arkivverket.no/URN:NBN:no-a1450-kb20061013050449.jpg. Marcus was also known as Marcus Ulfeng. There is a burial record on 30 Jul 1741 (9 post Trinity)that says Marcus Ulfeng ???? 38 see http://www.arkivverket.no/URN:NBN:no-a1450-kb20061013050487.jpg. However there is a marraige record of what I believe to be the same Marcus Geirmundsen to Martha Jonsdatter on 30 Oct 1742, see http://www.arkivverket.no/URN:NBN:no-a1450-kb20061013050452.jpg , and another burial record of Marcus Ulfeng on 7 Mar 1756, see http://www.arkivverket.no/URN:NBN:no-a1450-kb20061013050490.jpg. I was thinking that the first burial record says Marcus Ulfeng's wife, 38 but I am not sure. I believe Marcus actually died in 1756. Can anyone help me with my poor Norwegian reading skills?

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Hi Mark


I have the following information from "Gårder og slekter i Borge og Torsnes 9":


MARCUS GJERMUNDSEN (? - 03-07-1756) First marrige 1725, April 15. TORBORG ASBJØRNSDATTER (ca 1683 - 1741, buried July 30.)

Second marrige: 1742, December 16. MARTHE JONSDATTER (? - ca 1750)

Third marrige: 1753, November 7. OLIE PEDERSDATTER


Children of first marrige: ELSE (1726-?), GJERMUND (1728 -?), NIELS (1730 - 1783), ANNA (1733 - ?), LARS (1734 - ?)


Children of second marrige: TORBORG (1744 - 1787), LARS (1747 - ?)


Children of third marrige: PEDER (1754 - ?)



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