Andreas Hagbart Amundsen Bokkeplads / Havnedalen b. 22 Jul 1859 - Hoffgårdsplass, Lurdalen, Eiker in Buskerud, Norway
I am attempting a novel approach to finding a common Patrilineal ancestor with a living distant male relative who has also obtained the Big Y-700 Y-Chromosome analysis carried out by 'Family Tree DNA'.
Could you please trace the patrilineal ancestry of 'Andreas Hagbart Amundsen Bokkeplads / Havnedalen b. 22 Jul 1859 - Hoffgårdsplass, Lurdalen, Eiker in Buskerud, Norway' as far back as possible?
I have traced my direct Patrilineal ancestry back to Sjur Loftsgården, of Loftsgården farm in Åsbø or Åsbøgrenda, Nore Parish, Buskerud, born circa 1575.
I am hopeful that we will have a common Patrilineal ancestor in the archived records, but even if we don't that will also be useful information, because that would define the limits of our Y-Chromosome similarity.
Thank you, in advance. I hope you agree that this is a fascinating novel approach to DNA Genealogical research.