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  1. Murray Rystead

    Gjertina P. Rystead ?

    Good Morning, I was wondering if anybody here would be so kind to help me figure out who this woman is. She immigrated to the United States sometime in the late 1800s, early 1900s to Minnesota. She was born in 1877 in Norway. On some of the american records it shows her born in 1876. Not sure if it's a typo or if they are mixing her up with another person with a similar name. She died in 1904/1905 in Tower, Minnesota. Also seems that her daughter died at birth. No name given. In one record if shows that her dad was Knud Eriksen and her mom was Helene Kristine Olafsdatter. Here are Gjertina's and her daughter's grave records. https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/155810225/baby_girl-rystead https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/155810216/gertina-rystead Also attached a copy of another record from the Minnesota archives as well. There have been some other records that suggest Gjertina was from Nordland/Flakstad region. But not sure if that's correct. If we were to be able to figure out her parents info and her's from Norway, as well as, figuring out which boat she was on and when she left heading to america that would be awesome. I haven't had any success yet. Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you
  2. Hello again everyone, I’m still looking for my GG Grandfather. Charles Peterson ( known as in Australia) his birthdate varies from 1828-1834, he went to the USA in about 1848-1854. He then married in 1855 in Troy, Rensselaer, New York, USA an Ellen Cavanagh who was born in 1839 from Thurles, Tipperary, Ireland. Her parents were John Cavanagh and Bridget Barragry, they never married, BUT Mary was written as her mother’s name on her death certificate in Australia. We are thinking that John Cavanagh’s mother was a Mary and looked after Ellen, when Bridget May of left or died. I have found a Bridget Barragry living with her sister in England in 1850 census. So, I need Charles Peterson’s parents names, his location / birthplace in or around the Arendal area of Norway and a more accurate birthdate. His name in Australia was Charles Peterson, but we are pretty sure in Norway it was either Charles/ Carl and Petterson or Pettersson. My father remembers an Auntie, telling him those details, when he was a teenager. Any help would be greatly appreciated, like always, thx Mark Peterson.
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