Hello, I have 5 siblings I am trying to find out what happened to them. I have managed to locate their baptismal records here:
1. Jon Sivertsen - 1792 (per the online Selbu farm book) - Parents are Sivert Jonsen and Gjertrud Ellevsdatter: Could not find his baptismal/birth record
2. Ellev Sivertsen - 1794 - parents are Sivert Jonsen and Gjertrud Ellevsdatter: https://media.digitalarkivet.no/en/view/16311/162 (left page half way down)
3. Helge Sivertsdatter - 1797 - parents are Sivert Jonsen and Gjertrud Ellevsdatter: https://media.digitalarkivet.no/en/view/16311/204 ( Right page half way down)
4. Marit (Mali) Sivertsdatter - 1799 - parents are Sivert Jonsen and Gjertrud Ellevsdatter: https://media.digitalarkivet.no/en/view/16311/247 (Right page, half way down)
5, Ole Sivertsen and Nils Sivertsen (twins) - 1802 - parents are Sivert Jonsen and Gjertreud Ellevsdatter: https://media.digitalarkivet.no/en/view/16312/16 (bottom of left page, and top of right page)
I don't speak Norwegian. I am wondering of these baptismal records give a date for the baptism or a date for the birth. I know they are early records, so they may not have that information.
I am hoping that a definite date can help me find out what happened to them. The Selbu farm book (online) does not say what happened to them outside of Nils who died as an infant and Mali who married. I am trying to find out if any of the others got married. Hopefully, starting with a birth/baptismal date will help me? Unless anyone here has any different suggestions.
Thank you for your time in advance!