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[#14817] Endre Andfindsen Bruhjell Kvamme

Gjest Patricia Carlsen Mikkelsen

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Gjest Patricia Carlsen Mikkelsen

I have run into some problems researching about Endre Andfindsen and his family. Here is what I found so far:2.6.1732 -- Endre Andfinds. Bruhjell (soldat) married Guri Tostend Tennefoss ytre. I don't believe he had any children with Guri, and she died in 1749 at Tennefoss ytre.I don't have a birth year for Endre, but I wonder about it. According to her burial record, Guri was 82½ when she died.15.7.1754 -- Endre Anfinds. Tennefoss ytre married Mari Hermundd. Vik almenning. They were married in Kvamsøy. I found birth records for three sons, all born at Kvamme gard in Vik (Kvamsø) -- Andfind Endres. b. 0.2.1755; Andfind Endres. b. 19.1.1761, and Hermund Endres. b. 2.3.1765.I believe that their second son, Andfind Endres. (b. 1761), married Martha Pedersdatter sometime before 1790, although I can't find their marriage record. I found birth records for five children, born from 1790-1803 at Måren/Måredalen in Kirkebø.I can't find burial records for Endre Anfinds. or Mari Hermundd., and the marriage record does not show their ages.I guess my two problems are --To verify that the Andfind Endres. who married Martha Pedersdatter was really the son of Endre Andfinds. and Mari Hermundd.To find out more information about Endre Andfinds. and Mari Hermundd. -- like when and where they were born, when and where they died, names of parents, etc.I would appreciate any assistance or advice…Helsing, Patricia

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Gjest Arnstein Rønning

Bruhjell and Tennefoss is in BALESTRAND and so is Kvamsøy. I recommand that you put in another question, and put 'Look up in bygdebok for Balestrand' in the headline. There is at least one 'bygde-book' for Balestrand.

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