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[#17143] Ingeborg Johnson, Illinois 1920/1930

Gjest Anne Arnesen

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Gjest Anne Arnesen

Hei:-)Kan noen hjelpe meg med å sjekke Ingeborg Johnson i Cook county, Illinois i 1920 og 30 censusen?Hun jeg leter etter ble født i Norge i 1859, og ble gift med Oluf Johannesen (Johnson).På forhånd takk! Anne

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Gjest Kathy Bergan Schmidt

In the 1930 US Census, Illinois, Cook County, Chicago, microfilm #T626-468, ED 1224, page 11B: Ingeborg Johnson, head of household, 69, widow, owns the home, born in Norway of Norwegian parents, year of emigration 1870, naturalized citizen, 'none' given for occupation.Address is 2013 N. Keeler Ave. If you type that into the Google search engine, it should show you right where the house is (if it's stll there!).Another family were renters in the house. Harry White,head, 39, married at age 21, born in Russia of Russian parents, immigrated 1905, naturalized, Tailor. Wife Olive (or Oline?), 38, married at age 20, born in Norway of Norwegian parents, immigrated 1906, son Harry, 17, born in Illinois.I have volunteer duty at the local historical library to do, but later today I'll look for Oluf in 1920 -- if no one else beats me to it!

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  • 11 måneder senere...
Gjest Anne Arnesen

Hei igjen:-) Oluf Johannesen var født 8 juli.1855 i Vestre Aker/Kristiania. Foreldre var Nils Johannesen og Barbra Olsdatter.Anne

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Gjest Jon Torp

AnneHva vil du vite? For å finne disse folka i USA er det viktig med alle opplysninger - når var emigrasjonen? Når ble de gift ? fikk de noen barn ? Vet du når de døde ?

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Gjest Anne Arnesen

Hei:-) Han får attest for utreise i 1879. Hennes attest har jeg ikke funnet.Ingeborg og Oluf gifter seg i 1878. De bor i Chicago i 1888-96, når de dør vet jeg ikke, ei heller om de amerikaniserte etternavnet sitt.Har du tilgang til folketellinger i USA? Anne

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Gjest Roger Thauland

I might not have noticed this item last year, was out of town; have not heard from Kathy since before her 'Boston adventure', recently (---had to do with someone called John K.), so i must send an email; anyway, i can lookup 5 Ingeborg's from the 1930's and 1940's,-and the 1917 city book is online, i can search that using a local librarys access-because they may have been at the address awhile. Do you have more details, like birth dates and places? Roger.

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Gjest Anne Arnesen

Hi:-)Thank you both! I've tried to find this family for some time now, but it has been impossible.Here's the family in 1865 - all the brothers left for Chicago (Brookfield?)- they used Johannesen as their last name (like their father Nils Johannesen), but Nilsen when they had their confirmations: LenkeAnne

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  • 2 år senere...
Gjest Anne Arnesen

Hei igjen. Her har saken stått stille siden siste innlegg.I Chicago registreringen på stemmeberettigede 1890 er det en O.Johannesen. (Oluf hadde også en bror, Otto).Er det noen som kan lese adressen og finne familien i folketellingen for 1900?Anne

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Gjest Patty Dahl

Hei Anne! I took a look at the 1900, Illinois, Cook county census through Heritage Quest (same census as in Ancestry). I only found an Otto Johansen, born 1854 and married to Maria (born 1866). This Otto immigrated 1882...do you think this is the brother to Oluf? They have several children...one 'step son' and several daughters. mvh Patty

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Gjest Anne Arnesen

Hei Patty:-)Here's the details of the entire family: Otto Johannesen born April 17th 1866 in Aker/Kristiania, Norway. Settled in 'Brookfield', Chicago IL(2) Oluf Johannesen born July 8th, 1855 in Aker/Kristiania ,Norway. Married to Ingeborg Larsen born 1859. Settled in 'Brookfield', Chicago IL(3) Johan Johannesen born Dec.9,1851 settled in 'Elmore', N.A.(4) Christian/Kristian Johannesen.DOB February 20th 1864 in Aker/Kristiania. He settled down in Chicago area - possibly 'Brookfield', Chicago IL.In 1896 they used Johannesen but at their confirmation they used Nilsen (sons of Nils)It would be great if you manage to help me as I've tried almost everything to find them:-)Thank you! Anne

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Gjest Patty Dahl

Hei igjen Anne! As you can imagine there are many spelling variations to the last name. Hard to know which one is used in this country or how it was recorded for the census. I did try some other spellings including the 'Johannesen' version....did not find them. Do you know about the year of immigration for any of the 'boys'?Also what is N.A...(Elmore, N.A.)...North America?mvh Patty

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Gjest Anne Arnesen

Hei Patty:-DThanks for trying! I have no idea what 'Elmore' N.A. is - a guess would be North America...:-)They immigrated between 1879- Johan in 1879/1880 Oluf 1881-1889 Kristian in May-August 1889 (in 1883 he's registered as a sailor) Otto - before 1889. He was a hackneyman (teamster?)Their mother died in 1915 and there are mentioned only 3 brothers in Chicago - one is probably dead.Regards, Anne

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Gjest Patty Dahl

Hei Anne! Well, since I have not had any luck searching for this family, perhaps you might try something else. I found a website for the library in Brookfield, Illinois. Perhaps they might have some other way of searching for the family if you send the librarian an email? The website for the library is: www.brookfieldpubliclibrary.info You can then find a link to send an email to the librarian.On the map of Chicago, Brookfield is just one of the MANY suburbs (small areas) in/near the city.I hope this might help! mvh Patty

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Gjest Anne Arnesen

Hei Patty:-D Thank you again for trying! I've been in contact with the library once before - they gave me a phone number to an historican, but he couldn't help either...They're really hard to find as I know they're in Chicago between 1888 and 1915, but can't seem to find them anywhere - not 10 requests for death certificates has given any result.The eldest one, Johan, could be in some other state as he's not mentioned in Chicago - perhaps he's the one who's dead in 1915? The three other brothers are in Chicago.Regards, Anne

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  • 3 år senere...
Gjest Anne Arnesen

Hei! Fant i dag ut at Ingeborg/Ingebjørg(i krk.boken på Nes) Larsdatter ikke følger med sin mann til Amerika. Hun dør på gården Ruud, Flå/Nes i Buskerud 14.10.1890.Dødsfallet er anmeldt skifteretten 8.oktober 1890. Er det noen som har anledning til å sjekke om det finnes en adresse til mannen i dødsfallsprotokollen/Skiftet?Anne

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