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[#29646] New Zealand

Gjest Audun Kristensen

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Gjest Audun Kristensen

Er der noen som kjenner til om New Zealand har foretatt folketellinger med navn og bostedsadresse etter 1900? Og hvor en isåfall kan få tilgang til disse..

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Gjest Nina Karlsen

Her er en oversikt over folketellinger: New Zealand Census of population & dwellings 1851: New Zealand's first census. Problems with administration. Māori not included. Figures not published until 1954 in 'Statistics of New Zealand for the Crown Colony period, 1840-1852'. (Cen:Ref 3T5ws/S) Since 1858 statistics of the official census have been published 1858, 1861, 1864 and 1867 censuses published in 'Statistics of New Zealand' (Cen:Ref 3T5ws/S) From 1871 each census has been individually published. (Cen:Ref 3T5ws/C) Census dates are 1871, 1874, 1878, 1881, then 5 yearly to 1926. 1931: census not taken due to the Depression 1936, 1945, 1951. Since then 5 yearly The 1945 census was substituted for 1941 and 1946 owing to World War 2 For the early history of the Census see the General report pp.1-16 of the 1921 Census 1986 Supermap - the Census made available as a database for the first time 1991 Census issued as Supermap II 1996 Census: Supermap III (includes some 1986, 1991 census data). Central, Hocken, Medical & Science Libraries 1996 Census: Standard Regional Tables series are available from Statistics NZ web site www.stats.govt.nz/96regionaltables free. Packaged in Excel97 at either regional council or territorial authority level, the tables provide data to area unit (approximately suburb) level. The 30 tables offer a range of information on population and household characteristics 2001 Census. www.stats.govt.nz note the 'Table builder' featureSer ut til at det bare er statistikk som er publisert. Vet dessverre ikke noe om sperretid i N.Z. Denne siden ser ut til å inneholde referanser til genealogisk materiale: http://homepages.paradise.net.nz/~dchamber/top.htm

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