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[#32204] Request for 1801 Vanse census data clarification

Gjest Dale Flowers

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Gjest Dale Flowers

I have been researching my wife’s genealogy and need some help clarifying some of the data in entries 1507 through 1511 of the 1801 census for Vanse. I found that Jacob Adriansen was married to Abel Hansdtr on either June 24, 1774 or on December 28, 1774. I have no information on Abel Hansdtr after her marriage to Jacob Adriansen. Jacob Adriansen also married Olene Rejersdtr on November 11, 1793. I also have found that Jacob Anreas Jacobsen (born on February 10, 1793) was the son of Jacob Adriansen, but his mothers name was not given.I would like to know what “Felles børn” means in the context of this census entry, knowing that Jacob Anreas was born before Jacob Adriansen married Olene Rejersdtr.I would also like to know the meaning of “Farer fra hamburg”. Should it be read as “Far er fra hamburg” which could mean that the family came from Germany? My wife has an undated school paper that her mother wrote about not knowing her ancestry. In the paper she quoted her father as telling her “Of course you know that we are not Norwegian”. At some time my wife’s family must have came to Norway from another country.I assume that “Mandens søn” indicates that Hans Jacobsen’s mother was not Olene Rejerdtr.

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Gjest Jan Oldervoll

Felles børn means that as far as the priest thougth Andreas and Oline were the parents of both marte and Jacob. Two possibilities: He may have been wrong or they may had the child years before they were married.Farer fra Hamburg (travels from Hamburg) probably means that he was a sailor on a ship from Hamburg. No reason to believe he had any other connection to Germany,Mandens søn means that he was Andreases son from his first marriage.

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Gjest Berit Knusen

Census 1801 Vanse LenkeIt says that Jacob was married for the second time and it was Olenes first marriage. Marthe Sophie and Jacob Andreas are their children, but Hans was son of Jacob (Olene was not his mother) and Hans was travelling/sailing from Hamburg, seaman ?

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Gjest Bodil Brøgger

The men from Lista were great sailors with a long tradition of sailing to Holland, England and other countries. You can see that on the same farm were other sailors: 'matros i fart' + 'i fart fra kiil' (maybe Kiel in Germany) + 'Enroull. matros'.Napoleon had taken many countries in 1801. Denmark-Norway was neutral, as far as I know. It was not until the English bombarded the capital Copenhagen in 1807 that the Danish king allied himself with Napoleon. Which led to Norway being given to Sweden in 1814.The men from Lista continued to sail on, or to go to USA with their women and children.

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Gjest Jan H. Trelsgård

According to the 'bygdebok' of Lista (Vanse) by Kåre Rudjord Jakob Adriansen married Abel Hansdatter 1774. She died 1793, 36 years old. They had the following children: 1) Adrian Elias b. 1775,came to Stave (a farm Lista/Vanse) 2) Hans b. 1777, as mentioned in the 1801-census he was a sailor in Hamburg and in 1820 (when his stepmother died) the family did not know whether he was alive or dead 3) Jens Mikael b. 1779, in 1820 it is mentioned that he had been living abroad for 21 years and that he presumably was married in England 4) Gunhild Kristine b. 1782, 1805 married Reier Osmundsen Hananger at Lista/Vanse 5) Anna Rebekka b. 1785, married Kristian Tollisen Råvedal from Lyngdal, came to Rødland at Lista/Vanse 6) Maren Sofie b. 1788, 1824 married Gabriel Andersen Høyland, Vanse/Lista 7) Jakob Andreas b. 1793, 1817 married Susanne Elisabeth Kristensdatter Høygård.Jakob Adriansen then married Olene Reiersdatter Rødland 1793. She died 1820, 68 years old. In this marriage Jacob had three children but they all died as infants.In 1820 Jakob Adriansen married Jamina Tønnesdatter, d. 1845, 70 years old.With this information in mind it seems clear that Jakob Andreas Jakobsen's mother was Abel Hansdatter.

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