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[#32240] Seeking a guide to visit ancestral farms in Melhus area of Holonda

Gjest Gerald Ziesemer

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Gjest Gerald Ziesemer

Our Tronderlag Bygdelag is visiting Norway next month and I would like to visit some ancestral farms where my great grand parents and family lived before coming to Minnesota in 1890. These would be cotter farms mainly on the Gaustad farms and Skjegstad farms. How far is to this area from Trondheim? How can I find a guide to hire to take me to these farms? We have time on September 16-18 for these visits. gerald

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Gjest Roald Sjursen

I cant help you i this area, but I made an e-mail to an local newspaper (Trønderbladet) with a link to this forum. Maybe some of their readers can help you.tronderbladet@tronderbladet.noRoald

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Gjest Torill Aasegg

Bouth the Gaustad farm and the Skjegstad farm is located far south in Hølonda. The roads aren't the best, so I guess you'll need about one hour to drive from Trondheim to those farms. Sincerely Torill Aasegg

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Gjest Jan Peter Wiborg

Hi, you can locate the farms here: [url="http://www.visveg.no/>http://www.visveg.no/ Type in Stedsnavn = Gaustad / Skjeggstad, Kommune = Melhus.It takes 12 minutes to drive between the two farms. (Distance = 8 km)A drive to the centre of Trondheim takes 45 minutes from Skjeggstad. (Distance = 40 km)A drive to Trondheim airport from Skjeggstad takes 1h 15 mins. (Distance = 70 km)Source: Ruteplanlegger/routeplanner @

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Gjest Gerald Ziesemer

Thank you very much for this most helpful information. It really helps to have some idea of how long it will take to get to these locations and makes it much easier to plan a trip. Now I just have to find someone who knows the way who is willing to drive me there. Would there be any students or other people from this area who are now in Trondheim that might be interested in driving me there?

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Gjest Torill Aasegg

There are Gaustad farms bouth in Hølonda and Byneset, and I guess Mr. Ziesemer know which area he's going to. Specially since he also mentioned the Skjegstad farm. Sincerely Torill

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