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[#66359] Assistance translating stillbirth record - Mathies Nielsen

Gjest Bonnie Mathisen

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Gjest Bonnie Mathisen

Mathies Nielsen and 1st wife Andrine Andersdatter's stillborn son: page 737, entry # 8I am interested to know if this stillbirth record lists the number of living children the couple had, the number of stillbirths they had previously, and whether they had any children who had died. It appears that it does (4 children, 1 stillbirth?) but I hope someone can help me pick out the details I'm missing.I have found quite a bit of information on the family after Mathies' second marriage (following Andrine's death) but I am still trying to piece together the family he had with her.Thank you!


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Gjest Randi Broli

Boy born March 28. Parents Mathias Nielsen and Andrine Andersdatter at Enerhaugen. The woman had not been feeling well. Of 4 children 1 stillborn. Natural birth. The child was lifeless, had been dead for nearly 2 months and was in decay. Therefore no remedy cold be used. This information was given by the midwife Lise Gjerstrøm. The child was buried on April 4.As understand it Andrine had given birth to 4 children altogether, and that only this last one was stillborn.

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