Gjest Rob Hansen Skrevet Februar 23, 2009 Del Skrevet Februar 23, 2009 Magnus Bertin Hansen (1874) was living in secondary accomodation in Lofoten in 1900 .Can anyone say which Island he was living on and where I could find out more of what he was doing. His farm was Storskog, Ibestad.Thankyou very much,Rob. Lenke til kommentar Del på andre sider More sharing options...
Gjest Åse Kristiansen Skrevet Februar 24, 2009 Del Skrevet Februar 24, 2009 I would guess this is him in Ofoten, not Lofoten Living at Østre Straumsnes He was a railway worker [url="http://digitalarkivet.no/cgi-win/WebCens.exe?slag=visbase&sidenr=9&filnamn=f01855&gardpostnr=234&personpostnr=1847&merk=1847#ovre>Lenke He is also registred at Storskog Ibestad Lenke til kommentar Del på andre sider More sharing options...
Gjest Rob Hansen Skrevet Februar 24, 2009 Del Skrevet Februar 24, 2009 This is strange. I saw Magnus registered at Ibestad as expected but there was a temporary residence given as Ofoten (Where is ofoten as opposed to Lofoten?).It also says he is not married. This is a thick plot. Is this definitely the same person?? Lenke til kommentar Del på andre sider More sharing options...
Gjest Ron Berg-Iverson Skrevet Februar 24, 2009 Del Skrevet Februar 24, 2009 Åse,I believe there are 2 Magnus? As often happens Ofoten is confused with Lofoten even though there was no Ofoten in 1900 ( Evenes & Ankenes )Magnus Hansen in Skog ( by Breivoll )is not a railroad worker.Ron Lenke til kommentar Del på andre sider More sharing options...
Gjest Ron Berg-Iverson Skrevet Februar 24, 2009 Del Skrevet Februar 24, 2009 Rob,Ofoten was a municipality before 1900 consisting of a large area below Troms containing Lodingen,Tjeldsund etc. Lofoten is to the West of Ofoten and contains several islands.Commonly called Lofotens.Google Ofoten and you will find lots of information. Ron Lenke til kommentar Del på andre sider More sharing options...
Gjest Ron Berg-Iverson Skrevet Februar 24, 2009 Del Skrevet Februar 24, 2009 Magnus Bertin b.23 Jan.1874 in Breivoll chr.8 Nov.1874 Ibestad church.Hans Olai Mikkelsen & Erika Maria Pedersdtr.As for the Magnus Hansen in ( Stor )Skog: Magnus Nikolai b.28 July 1874 Skog Hans Olsen & Anna Martha Hansdtr. I think the temporary residence of Ofoten is misleading. Magnus Hansen could have been counted in the 1900 Census and the Census taker was told he was away in Ofoten? Or he could have been counted in Ofoten somewheres fishing and was recorded in the Skog census? Ron Lenke til kommentar Del på andre sider More sharing options...
Gjest Ron Berg-Iverson Skrevet Februar 24, 2009 Del Skrevet Februar 24, 2009 Hans Mikkelsen still in Breivoll in 1900 not Skog.So Magnus Hansen in Skog is not the son of Mikkelsen.Lenke Lenke til kommentar Del på andre sider More sharing options...
Gjest Ron Berg-Iverson Skrevet Februar 24, 2009 Del Skrevet Februar 24, 2009 Magnus Hansen f.1872 in Sør Straumsnes is unmarried in 1898 when daughter Astrid was born.No marriage found in Ankenes to 1900.No marriage in Ibestad to 1900 for Magnus Hansen either. Ron Lenke til kommentar Del på andre sider More sharing options...
Gjest Hans-Petter Falao Skrevet Februar 24, 2009 Del Skrevet Februar 24, 2009 Magnus Lind Hansen living in Østre Straumsnes in 1900 was born in Straumsnes 30.12.1870, married 30.12.1899 in Ankenes (Narvik). Lenke til kommentar Del på andre sider More sharing options...
Gjest Rob Hansen Skrevet Februar 24, 2009 Del Skrevet Februar 24, 2009 How funny!! Magnus Hansen is a riddle.On a serious note can I clarify where is Magnus Bertin son of Hans and Erikka actually living in 1900.Is he resident in Skog and temporarily in OfotenOr is he actually resident in Ofoten with a farm in Skog.Ron I think Magnus in Skog is Magnus Bertin - my sources in Harstad believe that is him and more work is being done to confirm he is there.Thankyou everyone for your answers which have been first class. Can we now clarify what the cenusus and parish records are actually saying??Regards,Rob. Lenke til kommentar Del på andre sider More sharing options...
Gjest Rob Hansen Skrevet Februar 24, 2009 Del Skrevet Februar 24, 2009 Are we any closer to knowing where Magnus Hansen actually was in 1900 or is this still a confused picture?? Lenke til kommentar Del på andre sider More sharing options...
Gjest Ron Berg-Iverson Skrevet Februar 25, 2009 Del Skrevet Februar 25, 2009 Rob,I still think the Magnus in Skog 1900 is Magnus Nikolai Hansen.Son of Hans Olsen & Natalie Johannesdtr. Born 28 July 1874 in Skog.If you click on Previous house on the 1900 Census for Magnus you will find enke Natalie at #3 living with her other son Eilert who is also in Ofoten.And another son Helge is in Tjeldsund ( Ofoten )when the Census was done.I find it very odd that Magnus Bertin would live unmarried in Skog when his parents were still living in Breivoll.Just my theory however.Magnus Bertin was confirmed 13 Oct.1889 still in Breivoll but who knows where he has gone by 1900? The problem with the Census is they only recorded names given not birth names generally. RonLenke Lenke til kommentar Del på andre sider More sharing options...
Gjest Åse Kristiansen Skrevet Februar 25, 2009 Del Skrevet Februar 25, 2009 I agree with Ron that Magnus Hansen Storskog is not the same person as Magnus Hansen Breivoll. I have been searching for Magnus Bertin from Breivoll in 1900, but without luck. I have not found him emigrating, not registred in any part of Norway in the census. I have not checked Burials or marriages. Lenke til kommentar Del på andre sider More sharing options...
Gjest Rob Hansen Skrevet Februar 25, 2009 Del Skrevet Februar 25, 2009 How do you know that Magnus Hansen born in Bredvold is not the same person as the one who lkives on Storskog in 1900?? Lenke til kommentar Del på andre sider More sharing options...
Gjest Åse Kristiansen Skrevet Februar 26, 2009 Del Skrevet Februar 26, 2009 Magnus Hansen Storskog was born at Storskog and probably got a part of the farm when he was a grown up. He was married in 1903 so he was a bachelor in 1900. His sister and mother were living in Ofoten so it's very likely that he could have been visiting them when the census was held.Magnus Hansen Breivoll has no connection to Skog or Storskog. He would have got a part of Breivoll if he wanted to be a farmer, or a part of his wife's farm if he married. The Astafjord bygdebok has no record of him after his birth, no marriage, no emigration, no record of burial. He probably moved out and may have died in another part of Norway. Lenke til kommentar Del på andre sider More sharing options...
Gjest Rob Hansen Skrevet Februar 26, 2009 Del Skrevet Februar 26, 2009 Magnus died in 1908. Would he have had to wait for his fgather's eath inorder to inherit a piece of Breivoll or would he ve received that prior to his death in 1913. Also would Magnus' son have inherited part of Breivoll or would he have missed out because his father died before inheriting??Rob. Lenke til kommentar Del på andre sider More sharing options...
Gjest Ron Berg-Iverson Skrevet Februar 26, 2009 Del Skrevet Februar 26, 2009 To Åse Magnus Storskogs 2 brothers Eilert & Helge are in Ofoten Their mother enke Natalie Johannesdtr. still is living in Storskog 1900 on the family farm.To Rob Where did Magnus die in 1908? As for the property of Hans Mikkelsen in Breivoll it would depend on the skifte ( will )Magnus older brother Jens appears to be looking after the farm in 1900.If the son predeceases his father I would doubt the sons family would have any claim unless the grandfather made a special bequest.Do you know of a son of Magnus? These items are useful when you are trying to find where Magnus lived. Ron Lenke til kommentar Del på andre sider More sharing options...
Gjest Rob Hansen Skrevet Februar 26, 2009 Del Skrevet Februar 26, 2009 Magnus died thousands of miles away in Swansea, Wales. He was involved in an accident there. His first son died of pneumonia aged one. His second son Harald grew up with Jens on Breivoll as he was weaker than his brother and would have died of pneumonia if he hadn't moved from Swansea, where he lived with his mother. He left Breivoll in 1913.On one note- is it possible to see the will Hans left?? Lenke til kommentar Del på andre sider More sharing options...
Gjest Ron Berg-Iverson Skrevet Februar 27, 2009 Del Skrevet Februar 27, 2009 So Magnus went to Swansea and is not in Norway.That would have saved a lot of needless looking in church records. Åse K. would know where the skifte was recorded if there is one.I guess you know Magnus had 3 brothers who lived in Ibestad? Martin lived in Breivoll,Mikkel lived in Parten and Jens stayed on the family farm in Breivoll.There should still be some of the family living around there as Mikkel and Martin had children.Possibly one of them has the information.We still have not found what happened to Maria who went to Bergen in 1897. Ron Lenke til kommentar Del på andre sider More sharing options...
Gjest Rob Hansen Skrevet Februar 27, 2009 Del Skrevet Februar 27, 2009 It wouldn't have saved the looking because Magnus is where?? in 1900. There is no record of him - the Magnus on Skog was a very close match there is no record for Magnus till December 12 1901 when he marries Margaret Dare in swansea. There is a great deal in Norway which is a complete mystery such as which brother(s) my grandfather stayed with 1904 to 1913 and Anne Catherine Marie disappeared to in 1900. It's a very interseting family - you couldn't make it up. Lenke til kommentar Del på andre sider More sharing options...
Gjest Rob Hansen Skrevet Februar 27, 2009 Del Skrevet Februar 27, 2009 Magnus may be in Nova Scotia in 1900 but this is not confirmed. He was a sailor so a fiend to trace!! Lenke til kommentar Del på andre sider More sharing options...
Gjest Ron Berg-Iverson Skrevet Februar 27, 2009 Del Skrevet Februar 27, 2009 Rob, the looking I referred to was in marriage and death records in Norway for Magnus.If we had known he married in Swansea in 1901 and died in Swansea 1908 we would not have bothered looking for him.As a sailor you would not find him in the passenger records also.As I said, maybe someone can find living descendants of Hans Olai Mikkelsen still around Ibestad and they might have more information for you.Looking at your new information I think Magnus has gone to sea before 1900 and that is why we cant find him? So you are not sure if Harald stayed with Jens till 1913? Who is Anne Catharina Marie? Magnus sister was Maria who went to Bergen Mar/1897 that we cant find. Ron Lenke til kommentar Del på andre sider More sharing options...
Gjest Rolf A Fæster Skrevet Februar 27, 2009 Del Skrevet Februar 27, 2009 Her er begge Magnus Hansen konfirmert: Lenke Rolf. Lenke til kommentar Del på andre sider More sharing options...
Gjest Rob Hansen Skrevet Februar 27, 2009 Del Skrevet Februar 27, 2009 I don't think the census is authoratative enough to say whether Magnus Bertin was in Skog or not. To make matters worse Magnus Bertin had family in Ofoten as well. Are there any lists of sailors from norway in this time, records of military (naval) service?? Lenke til kommentar Del på andre sider More sharing options...
Gjest Ron Berg-Iverson Skrevet Februar 27, 2009 Del Skrevet Februar 27, 2009 Rob,the Census takers only record the information they are given.Often if a resident is not there a family member will give the information.Ofoten and Finnmark were popular fishing grounds.Many people are shown in the Census that are away fishing and all the information they can show is where that person is according to the family member.Magnus is not shown at Breivoll.I am pretty certain he has gone to sea before 1900.If he was in Swansea in 1901-1908 that is where I would be looking.Possibly he was working on English ships? Sorry I could niot help you more. Lenke til kommentar Del på andre sider More sharing options...
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