Gjest Per Bragstad Skrevet Februar 27, 2009 Del Skrevet Februar 27, 2009 One of my uncles (from Evenes in Ofoten) went to sea on an iron ore carrier in Narvik, bound for an English harbour. He ended up in the US during WW1. One of his comrades, ended up in South Africa. During the years lots of young men of Ofoten went to sea on these iron ore carriers between Narvik and harbours in England and Germany. Maybe this Magnus Bertin went to sea the same way and ended up in Swansea? Maybe there is a record of him in a shipping office? Lenke til kommentar Del på andre sider More sharing options...
Gjest Ron Berg-Iverson Skrevet Februar 27, 2009 Del Skrevet Februar 27, 2009 Rob you can check at Tromsø if there is a skifte for Hans Olai Mikkelsen.It might be recorded there.Good luck! Ronhttps://wiki.familysearch.org/en/Norway_Archives_and_Libraries#For_Troms_and_Finnmark_counties_.28Fylker.29 Lenke til kommentar Del på andre sider More sharing options...
Gjest Ron Berg-Iverson Skrevet Februar 27, 2009 Del Skrevet Februar 27, 2009 That link is not working.Heres who you contact about a skifte for Hans Mikkelsen.Statsarkivet i Tromsø (State Archive in Tromsø)Huginbakken 18, Breivika, TromsøWrite to:9293 Tromsø NorwayPhone: 47 77 64 72 00 Fax: 47 77 64 72 01 www.arkivverket.no/tromso/om.htmlE-mail: statsarkivet.tromsø@arkivverket.no Lenke til kommentar Del på andre sider More sharing options...
Gjest Rita Andreassen Skrevet Mars 1, 2009 Del Skrevet Mars 1, 2009 HeiAbout Maria Hansdtr. She is found in Bergen. She married Fredrik Martin Joachimsen in 1898. They had one son before 1900 - Carl Johan, born 5 des 1898. He took Elholt as last name. Haven`t been looking for other children.Rita Lenke til kommentar Del på andre sider More sharing options...
Gjest Rob Hansen Skrevet Mars 1, 2009 Del Skrevet Mars 1, 2009 Hi Rita,That's fabulous - where was she married ?? Did she stay in Bergen ?? where was Karl born which register is he in??Rob. Lenke til kommentar Del på andre sider More sharing options...
Gjest Åse Kristiansen Skrevet Mars 1, 2009 Del Skrevet Mars 1, 2009 Census 1900 Bergen [url="http://www.rhd.uit.no/folketellinger/ftliste.aspx?ft=1900&knr=1301&kenr=046&bnr=0043&lnr=07>Lenke Says Maria born at Ybestad, Bredvold Nor Another link to the same census Lenke til kommentar Del på andre sider More sharing options...
Gjest Rolf A Fæster Skrevet Mars 1, 2009 Del Skrevet Mars 1, 2009 They are married in Bergen: Fredrik Martin Joakimsen Maria Hansdtr Breivold Mai 21 1898 BB Lenke til kommentar Del på andre sider More sharing options...
Gjest Rob Hansen Skrevet Mars 1, 2009 Del Skrevet Mars 1, 2009 Can you send a link I can't see it!!Are there any children other than Karl??Thankyou. Lenke til kommentar Del på andre sider More sharing options...
Gjest Åse Kristiansen Skrevet Mars 1, 2009 Del Skrevet Mars 1, 2009 Lenke BB is Byskriveren i Bergen, they were married in civil court. Lenke til kommentar Del på andre sider More sharing options...
Gjest Rob Hansen Skrevet Mars 1, 2009 Del Skrevet Mars 1, 2009 Thanks Ase I was looking frantically - any indication of children other than Karl Johan?? Lenke til kommentar Del på andre sider More sharing options...
Gjest Åse Kristiansen Skrevet Mars 2, 2009 Del Skrevet Mars 2, 2009 The databases of baptisms in Bergen only go to 1894 and I haven't got time to look through the scanned church records; I don't even know what church they belonged to or if they belonged to a church at all. Lenke til kommentar Del på andre sider More sharing options...
Gjest Rob Hansen Skrevet Mars 5, 2009 Del Skrevet Mars 5, 2009 Maria hansdatter married Frederick Martin Joakimsen in 1898 in Bergen[url="Http://digitalarkivet.uib.no/cgi-win/webcens.exe?slag=visbase&sidenr=3>Lenke 6 & filename = vigd1816 & gardpostnr = 32172 & highlight = # 32172 UPPERI don't know how to make links and can't find instructions. Any assistance possible please ??She had at least one son Karl johan who changed his name in 1929 to Elholt. Can someone please say what the parish record says about this?? Lenke til kommentar Del på andre sider More sharing options...
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