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[#80313] burial of Barbro Torgiersdatter, Rakkestad, Ostfold

Gjest Mark Shepherd

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Gjest Mark Shepherd

I am looking for the burial of my 7th great grandmother, Babro Torgiersdatter, I have the following information about her and her family. Sources are footnoted.I. Syvord THORISEN was born in 1687 , of Rakkestad, Ostfold, Norway.1 Birth year calculated from death record He was buried on 14 Feb 1745 at the age of 58 in Rakkestad, Ostfold, Norway.1 Age 58 at death. He was also known as Syver Heen. Syvord was also known as Syvord Heen.Barbro TORGIERSDATTER2 of Rakkestad, Ostfold, Norway. Listed as mother at birth of daughters Anne and Birte. Syvord THORISEN and Barbro TORGIERSDATTER had the following children:A. GURI SYVERSDATTER was born in 1729 in Rakkestad, Ostfold, Norway.3 She was christened on 2 Oct 1729 in Rakkestad, Ostfold, Norway.4 Father listed as Syvord Heen She appeared in the census in 1801 in Tune, Ostfold, Norway.5 age 72 GURI died in Dec 1802 at the age of 73 in Tune, Ostfold, Norway. She was buried on 19 Dec 1802 in Tune, Ostfold, Norway.6 Burial record lists age 74, Morthagen farmB. Sidsel SYVORDSDATTER was born in 1732 at Heen Farm in Rakkestad, Ostfold, Norway.10 She was christened on 30 Nov 1732 in Rakkestad, Ostfold, Norway.10C. Anne SYVORDSDATTER was born in 1735 at Heen Farm in Rakkestad, Ostfold, Norway.2 She was christened on 16 Nov 1735 in Rakkestad, Ostfold, Norway.2D. Birte SYVERSDATTER was born in 1740 in Rakkestad, Ostfold, Norway.11 She was christened on 16 Apr 1740 in Rakkestad, Ostfold, Norway.11 1. , , P 42, [url="http://www.arkivverket.no/URN:NBN:no-a1450-kb20061020010402.jpg;>Lenke digital images, (http://www.arkivverket.no/URN:kb_read?idx_id=4 : accessed ). 2. , , P 46, Lenke digital images, (Lenke : accessed ). 3. 1801 Norwegian Census Records Digital Archive (University of Bergen) http://digitalarkivet.uib.no. 4. , , P 22, Lenke. 5. 1801 Norwegian Census Records, Lenke. 6. , , P 490, Lenke digital images, (Lenke : accessed ). 7. , , P. 91, Lenke. 8. , , P. 6, Lenke. 9. , , P. 228, Lenke digital images, (http://www.arkivverket.no/URN:kb_read?idx_id=7494 : accessed ). 10. , , P 34, Lenke. 11. , , P 82,

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Gjest Mark Shepherd

Thank you Ketil and Else.I found her burial. I must have missed it when I looked before. It was easy to find with your help.

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