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[#80617] Kristine hansdatter is she the same person

Gjest Kim Schmitt

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Gjest Kim Schmitt

Kristine Beritha Hansdatter born June 3rd 1845 Inderoy. Confirmed September 3, 1860 Saksshaug, Inderoy She married Knut Annaeussen Rostad October 22,1895 Var Frue Kirk In Trodhiem Could she be the same Kristine Hansdatter Who died September 3, 1901 Sagene,uranienborg/ Olso. I tried to find it in the digital records but she wasn't listed. I found this listing in Family search Pilot records it has her listed as a widow . Could someone help me out here please. Thanks Kim

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Gjest Berit Knudsen

I have not found any Kristine Hansdatter dead in 1901 in Sagene or Uranienborg. But I do not belive they are the same person. Kristine married to Knut used the name Bergita in 1900.

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Gjest Berit Knudsen

I belive Knut and Kristina Kristiansdatter got 3 children(or more?) Grethe Bergitha 1883, Augusta Karoline 1886 and Arne Kristian 1890. But Kristina Kristiansdatter was his first wife. The death of the first wife no.4 13/5 1893. Lenke

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Gjest Kim Schmitt

Hi! I found Kristine's Bergretta Rostads death record in 1917 Byen,Levanger, March 5, 1917. I looked for Knut's trough 1930 and couldn;t find him. Does anybody know if he left Levanger. He was still married to Kristine in 1917.Thanks for all the help I havebeen given so far. Kim

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