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[#81333] Marraige or engagement of Niels Olsen Tofteberg and Anna Andersdatter

Gjest Mark Shepherd

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Gjest karl johnny sommer

Hi Mark - I also found this pair via Fs pilot,but I think it stand on the groom:Niels Ols.Tofteberg.And his bride are named Anne Torbiorn...? Is it possible that her last name was wrong with her funeral in 1762? Torbiorn Nielsen born 1759 ??? K J Sommer

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Gjest karl johnny sommer

Hi Mark - Tune 1720 - 1758 page 105,on the rigth kollone. Tune that is adjacent to the northern of Borge: K J Sommer

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Gjest Mark Shepherd

Hi Karl,Thanks again. I think you are correct that the last name was wrong at the burial in 1762. I also found another child, Inger, christened 21 Mar 1762, father Niels Olsen and mother Anna Gulbrandsdatter Tofteberg, see [url="http://www.arkivverket.no/URN:NBN:no-a1450-kb20061013050429.jpg>Lenke. I suspect that since Anna was from Tune rather than Borge, the priest maybe didn't remember her surname and so it is wrong at Inger's christening also. I am pretty sure this is the same Niels Olsen and the same Anna who was the mother of Torbiorn and died in 1762. I also found another wife of Niels Olsen Tofteberg, Mari Mortensdatter, buried 29 Mar 1778, see

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Gjest Mark Shepherd

Hi again Karl,Do you agree that Anna Torbiornsdatter who was married to Niels Olsen Tofteberg on 1 May 1756, Anna Tofteberg who was the mother of Torbiorn Nielsen (father Niels Olsen), christened 24 Jun 1759,see [url="http://www.arkivverket.no/URN:NBN:no-a1450-kb20061013050421.jpg>Lenke, Anna Gulbrandsdatter Tofteberg, mother of Inger Nielsen,(father Niels Olsen) christened 21 Mar 1762, see Lenke, and Anna Andersdatter, wife of Niels Olsen Tofteberg, buried 5 Sep 1762, see

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Gjest karl johnny sommer

Hi Mark - I agree with you that Anne Gulbrandsdatter,Anne Andersdatter and Anne Torbiornsdatter,must be the same person.Have the priest tasted too much alter wine?It is qute amazing that it can be so much wrong about a persons last name.I have seen several times on Niels Olsen Toftebergs marriage in Tune 1756,if possible indicate Annes last name,I think it's Torb....? I found an Anne Torbiornsdatter baptized in Tune juni 2, 1720,father Torbiorn,can not decipher his last name probobly a farm name.By Niels and Maren Mortensdatters marriage november 25,1764.Nils is about 56 years old (born 1708)and Maren (Mari)about 60 years old (born 1704).It is not suprising that we did not find eny children of this marriage. K J Sommer

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