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[#81386] [DNA] Deltakere til Fennoscandia Biographic Project

Gjest Kai Werner Østreng

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Gjest Kai Werner Østreng

'Anders Pålsen' (aktiv og kunnskapsrik bidragsyter på Rootswebs DNA-ekspertgruppe genealogy-DNA@rootsweb.com)vil starte et nytt Fennoskandinavisk DNA-prosjekt og etterlyser norske som har testet seg hos 23andMe og som er villige til å laste opp sine 'raw data' fra 23andMe. De som ønsker å bidra med sine data kan bruke hans e-post adresse ovenfor for å ta kontakt og innhente nødvendige tilleggsopplysninger om bakgrunn og evt. om pseudonym-identitet, klargjøre sikring av sin anonymitet og evt. laste opp data.Hans invitasjon på genealogy-DNA@rootsweb.com er som følger:I have for a long time wondered about how the autosomal biographic structure are for the population of Fennoscandia. I believe now there are so many people from Norway, Sweden and Finland who have tested at 23andme that this should now be possible.This is a time limited project all genomes will be deleted at completion and each participant will get their STRUCTURE like graph showing their clustering withing the region. This is a ancestry project only. Completion time depend on how quickly enough genomes comes inn.Requirements: 1) Tested with 23andme. 2) Main ancestry from Norway, Sweden or Finland. 3) All grandparents must be born in these countries, ex finnish mother and swedish father OK.Methods: 1) 23andme raw data files as downloaded from 23andme. 2) Analysed using genetic software ADMIXTURE 3) Ancestry presented in a STRUCTURE like graph.AndersViktig tillegg fra Anders: Forgot a important note. Some of you who fullfill the requirements may have testet both of your parents or several close relatives. If you have tested both of your parents and they are not close related send instead your parents genomes and not your own and if you have tested several close relatives who are not related to each other send the genomes of these instead. Its important not to have close relatives in this project to avoid biased frequncies in the analysis.Anders

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