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[#81675] BAPTISM 1817 - 1819

Gjest Gerald Sorensen

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Gjest Gerald Sorensen

I have a friend in USA who is seeking to find her ancestors from Norway. The only information we have is that his name is Helge B. Olson (Oleson, Olesen) born December 1817 or 1819 in Norway. He died 14 February 1910 in Minnesota, buried in Red Oak Grove Cemetery, Udolpho, Mower, Minnesota. Sorry but we do not have a farm, city or county in Norway. Is it possible to find this person?Thank you for your assistance, Gerald Sorensen

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Gjest Per Håkon Christiansen

Without more details this will be difficult. Try to go backwards in time using all american sources available until you know more about him, marriage, military service, the approximate time of emigration, and especially what the letter B means. The patronymicon (evt family name) is more likely than not to be Olsen (unless he is of Swedish descent) and his destination at the emigration is also probably Minnesota since he died there. Exhaust the information on the american side first, that's my best advice, he must have left SOME traces after 80 years.

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Gjest Kjell Halvorsen

I overlooked the fact that the initial request for help/information was written in English, sorry for that Gerald. This was my comment to the 1900 census: ‘Here is one candidate from the US 1900 census, Newry, Freeborn, Minnesota - line 29.’From an Ancestry Family Tree I have noted the name Helge Blommebakken Olson married to a Margit ‘Margaret’ Halvorsdtr Isaksrud. This Helge was born in Nes, Hallingdal, Norway and emigrated – according to the parish records of Nes – with his family of 5 to ‘Nord Amerika’ in 1857 Lenke # 41-45

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Gjest Per Håkon Christiansen

-- here called Helge Olsen Haugen (Olsen, not Olson), so i can see you have additional information about them, the B standing for Blommebakken. Also the age of the persons and year of emigration seems to right on. So I believe you have found the right persons. Fine work! It still has to be checked, but that should be streight forward given the names of the children. Strange that Margit ('Margaret') does not speak English after all these years, but around 1900 Minnesota still consisted of self sufficient Norwegian speaking pockets....

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Gjest Gerald Sorensen

Thanks to all who have spent time looking at this and especially to Kjell Halvorsen. I will pass this information on to my friend and let her pick it up from here to see if she can confirm this connection. Amazing work with very little to go on.Tusen Takk Gerald Sorensen

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Gjest Kjell Halvorsen

If in fact the Helge Olsen and Margit (Margrethe) mentioned in the above # 6 and 7 are the correct persons, the Ancestry Family Tree gives info on their daughter Guri (Julia). She married Andreas ‘Andrew’ (Severson) Todalen in 1880 and they got 9 children - photos of the first four are included in the family tree.Unless you or your friend subscribe to the services of Ancestry and can take it from here, I’d be happy to try to establish contact with the owner of this family tree in order for you to check out possible family connections in US.

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Gjest Gerald Sorensen

Kjell, thank you very much. If she does not already subscribe to Ancestry, I am sure she will now. We appreciate your assistance. I was informed of the digital arkive and the debate forum by a friend in Trondheim and you have certainly shown that it is all he said it was and more. The help is greatly appreciated. Gerald Sorensen

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Gjest Harald Myhren

Jeg er mektig imponert over at Kjell Halvorsen så raskt fant ut av dette med så få opplysninger i utgangspunktet. Det jeg gjerne vil vite er hvor du fant navnet BLOMMEBAKKEN, for det navnet har jeg ennå ikke funnet i noen av kirkebøkene i Nes i Buskerud. Kan du skaffe en godt lesbar lenke?

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Gjest Kjell Halvorsen

Harald (12), first of all I’ll emphasize that I’m far from certain that the Helge B. Olson I’ve pointed to, actually is the person Geralds friend is looking for – he is only a probable candidate.I'll give a link to family tree in mention Lenke but if that does not work, I'll attach a screendump of the same, just in case. From this you will see where I found Blommebakken and this is the only occasion I've seen it. Like you, I haven't found persons or farms with that name in Norway at all (done some Googling).I'd suggest contacting the owner of the Walker German Severson Borgesen Family Tree as a next step to sort this out.


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Gjest Gerald Sorensen

Kjell, I have sent the information to Debbi, my friend who is looking for her family. She said she does subscribe to Ancestry.com, so will go there and pursue this information to see if she can confirm that this is the right person. As I said before, you have done an amazing piece of work with little information to work with. Thanks for all your efforts. Debbi will not be able to get to this for a few days, as she is in Spokane Washington where her mother just had surgery to have a malignant tumor removed from her lung. The surgery was successful and they think that is all of the cancer. Anyway, she will be back on this as soon as she gets back home. Once again thanks for your work. Gerald Sorensen

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Gjest Gerald Sorensen

Kjell, I have sent the information to Debbi, my friend who is looking for her family. She said she does subscribe to Ancestry.com, so will go there and pursue this information to see if she can confirm that this is the right person. As I said before, you have done an amazing piece of work with little information to work with. Thanks for all your efforts. Debbi will not be able to get to this for a few days, as she is in Spokane Washington where her mother just had surgery to have a malignant tumor removed from her lung. The surgery was successful and they think that is all of the cancer. Anyway, she will be back on this as soon as she gets back home. Once again thanks for your work. Gerald Sorensen

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