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[#81912] Kan noen vennligst hjelpe oversette disse sidene.

Gjest Rob Hansen

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Gjest Rob Hansen

Kan noen vennligst hjelpe oversette disse sidene fra Astafjord bygdebok om Breivoll gård i Nord-Norge. Teksten er vanskelig å forstå i deler vil jeg spesielt å få et håndtak på dette er det en side mot slutten som er i gammel dialekt som ville være spesielt gode til å rakne. Alle svarene takknemlig mottatt.Rob.


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Gjest Svein Tislevoll

F4 Har løst dette (hører til lenke/emne 8) 1729 ....... N - 436., Anno 1729, d.17. Januar Efter deris Kongl. Maÿ st Foeget Hr Andreas Tönders Anmodning, vare samblet paa gaarden Brevold i Altafiords Tinglaûv Sorenskriveren Anders Walleûrs, paa Fogdens veigne Mons - Jacob Faber, Bondelensmanden Oluf Jacobsen Sælsætter og Tvende Laûgrættes Mænd, Anders Mortensen Wiig (?)og Jens Johansen Store Skoûv, for at foretage os en Riktig Registering og Vurdering over dend Velagted Dannemand Niels Jensens Boe - have anle ..... ......... ......... af dend over ham og hans ................. lods forbrÿdelse til deris Kongl May st for deris Ulovformige Egteskabs forlöfte for Rasmûs Tÿgesen og Anne Katrine Flensborg (?) ......... blev anvist, for Manden paa hans sÿgeseng, men som hans Svaghed iche vilet have videre oplæse der om, gioret vi anfang ....... til ingvisitionen paa dagligstûeloftet ................, hvor....................... fore fandt 20 Melche ........(?) bû ......... (?) 7 skaaler og traue, videre i dagligstûen 4 re smaa Grÿder 1 bröd traûg og 2 de Egetönder, ......................... (?)................. overdÿne, 1 ûnderdÿne af Dÿne ... vaar ....... 1 gammel hoved ..... og 2 de .................. hoved dÿner, 2 ........ paa hans Ege seng, 3 Egetönder, 1 ........ skab og der 8 sölvskeer, 2 dito begere, 2 tinfater, 2 tallerkener og Tin ........., ... 1 Skierring i Skorsteinen. I det Nÿe Hûûs med Stûûen 3 Reinskind, 2 faare fælder, En Egehalvam, 1 Egestamp, En Egetönde, 1 ............. (?) 1 skottet (?) bagstûen. 2 halvtönder, kaaber kieler, 1 minde dito 1 Slibesteen og 1 Skierring - Håper andre finner ut mer. V.h. Svein

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Gjest Rob Hansen

Thanks Svein that's fantastic what does it mean in English ??What is this document ??Can anyone help with the other pages which are not easy to understand

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Gjest Svein Tislevoll

1729 Året 1729, den 17. Januar etter deres kongelige Majestets Fogd Hr. Andreas Tønders Anmodning, var samlet på gården Brevold i Altafjords tingdømme Sorenskriveren Anders Walleûrs, på Fogdens vegne Mons Jacob Faber, Bondelensmannen Oluf Jacobsen Sælsæther og to lagrettsmenn, Anders Mortensen Wiig (eller Mortenswiig)og Jens Johansen Store Skoûv, for å foreta oss en riktig Registrering og Vurdering over den velaktede Dannemands Niels Jensens Bo ha anlediget av den over ham og hans hereds Los sin forbrytelse til deres Konglige Majestet for deres ulovlige ekteskaps løfte for Rasmus Tygesen og Anne Katrine Flensborg ...(Dokument)..ble anvist ,for Manden paa hans sÿkeseng , men han var så svak at han ikke ville ha noe opplest der, vi gikk derfor til dagligstueloftet, der vi forefant 20 Melke (?) buuzer/bundher (?), 7 skåler og trau, videre i dagligstuen 4 små gryter, 1 brødtraug (brødskål) og to eiketønner, I Sengekammeret : .......skinns overdyne, 1 underdyne ........., 1 gammel hoved dyne (pute ?) og 2 (laken eller tepper på hans egen seng, 3 eiketønner, 1 skap og inni det 8 sølvskeier, 2 sølvbeger, 2 tinnfat, 2 tallerkner og Tinn ................. 1 skjerring i skorsteinen (Skjerring = jerntein/oppheng laga av jern med mange hakk, til å henge jern gryter på over grua). I det nye huset med stuen : 3 Reinsdyrskinn, 2 sauefeller (saueskinn med ull på), en eikehalvtønne (?), 1 eikestamp, en eiketønne, 1 Skjerring i storstenen. I skottet (?)bakestuen. 2 halvtønner, kobberkjeler, 1 mindre kobberkjele, 1 slipesten og en skjerring. - Håper noen kan rette mer (fylle ut litt) og skrive om til Engelsk) I hope anyone else can write this to English, I am not so clever to write English. Hilsen Svein

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Gjest Fredrik Buch

The year 1729, the 17th of January, after Your Royal Highness Judge Mister Andreas Toender suggestion, (we) were together on the farm Brevold in Altafjord county with Judge Anders Wallerus, on the Judge's account Mons (or Monseur, Tax collector) Jacob Faber, County Official for the Farmers Oluf Jacobsen Saelsaether and two lower court members, Anders Mortensen Wiig (or Mortenswiig) and Jens Johansen Store Skouv (Large Forest?), to make a correct inventory and evaluation of the properties of the well respected Danish Man Niels Jensen in accordance with his criminal act in context of the laws of his Royal Highness, for the illegal marriage promise for Rasmus Tygesen and Anne Katrinr Flensborg. The document was shown to the Man in his bed where he was ill, but he was so weak that he did not want anything read for him there, so we went to the loft above the living room, where we found 20 Milk (?) containers (??), 7 bowls and trays, furthermore, in the living room, 4 small pots, one bread-bowl, and two oak barrels, in the bedroom:... one fur over-comforter, one under-comforter..., 1 old main comforter (pillow) and 2 (sheet or blankets on his own bed, 3 oak barrels, one cabinet and inside it 8 silver spoons, 2 silver cups/bowls, 2 tin trays, 2 plates and tin... 1 Skjerring in the chimney (Skjerring = iron hanger with many notches, for hanging iron bowls over the fire). In the new house containing the living room: 3 Rein-deer (Caribou) skinns, 2 sheep skinns (with wool attached), one oak half-barrel (?), 1 oak big barrel, one oak barrel, 1 Skjerring in the chimney. In the small room for baking 2 half-barrels, copper-pots, one small copper pot (coffe-pot type), 1 rock for grinding knives (a round rock?), and a skjerring.Quite an inventory! Freddy

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Gjest Pål Gjerde

Here´s an attempt at a translation: Breivoll: Nils Jenssen´s enterprise In the last decade before 1700 the farm Breivoll, which was privately owned, came on new hands. Earlier in the 17th century we have seen how the farm constituted one of the strongholds of the influential shipowner and sheriff Mikkel Larssen. Thereafter the farm was acquired by Mikkel Larssens heir, Kristen Pedersen. But in 1689 a certain Nils Jenssen bought a part equal to one våg landskyld. He was to make a name for himself and get a central position in the local trade of the tinglag (court district / parish). He was also sheriff for eight years from 1698 to 1706. We will have a closer look at his enterprises. Picture text: In the foreground Rolla (Island) with Skog and Breivoll as well as Hamnvik and Ibestad on the other side of the peninsula. In the background Andørja (island) with Engenes on the northern tip.

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Gjest Pål Gjerde

From page 277Nils was not from the area and the first time we encounter him in the sources he resided at Engenes. In 1697 he moved further in and settled at Breivoll. He married the daughter of the priest in Mefjord, Ole Jonsen. It´s possible that he is of danish descent since his descendants later used two danish family names - Erboe and Bagge - but one of them or for that matter both can have their origin with his wife´s family. It also looks like he had a connection to Trondheim. Both his son Hans Nilssen and his second youngest daughter, Elen, later moved to Trondheim and settled there. Based on this we cannot exclude the possibility that Nils had a citizenship in Trondheim. In the same manner as the shipowners Nils Jenssen was heavily involved in the fisheries off the coast of Finnmark. It is possible that he used his own workers (sons and farmboys) and in a lesser degree equipped others for fishing expeditions. When it comes to boats he owned in the end an old 'fembøring', an 'åttring' and two 'seksringer' (all different types of boats). In addition he engaged in an extensive local trade. It seems that Nils ran a regular 'general store' with an extensive inventory. In the legal settlement after him in 1729 it is said that one of the boathouses was flat out called the 'store', and here was to be found several trading items: Groceries, tools and hardware, hides, animal skins and textiles. (see p. 280). Nils Jenssen had a large customer base within most of the social layers in the tinglag (eg. Astafjord) according to the legal settlement of his estate. A total of 25 norwegians and 9 sami owed him sums of money varying between 1/4 daler and 15 daler. The diverse customer base is also reflected in the wide variety of merchandise he must have traded for or bought. A number of products(p. 278) came from farming and raindeer herding. It is stated that the information about his outstanding debts were acquired from a 'house book' that Nils Jenssen had kept, and he stated on his deathbed that '..everything is accounted for, and the books have been stored well'. By age his customers were spread out from the mid thirties to more than 80 years. They were residents of all parts of the parish, though with an overrepresentation from the southern part, especially Gratangen. This implies that his trading filled parts of the role that shipowner Mikkel Larsen had a hundred years earlier. When it comes to Nils´more immediate predecessors he might have acquired some of the customers that lost their local trading partner when John Steffensen died in 1719. Thats it for tonight ;-)

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Gjest Pål Gjerde

The rest of page 278:(p. 278 cont.) Of the more prominent customers we take note of Tyge Kristensen (sheriff and later assistant to the priest), Karsten Andersen Bernhof of the Myrland farm and the widow of the late priest Kristen Krog, namely Ingeborg Augustinusdtr. Røg. With the exception of Karsten Andersen Bernhof, Nils Jenssen´s customers were not among the most active in the fishing industry. Of the 25 norwegian debitors, 19 figure in the lists of people paying fisketienden (a tax from fishing) during the period. Only six of them delivered fish from the coast of Finmark. Seven delivered home-fished fish with 11 våger in average for the whole period. When it comes to a number of smaller sums of money, it is possible that Nils Jenssen also has lent people money to pay their taxes. From other areas we know of town citizens and merchants showed up at the tax meetings and lent cash to people that had problems acquiring money to pay their taxes. One post in Nils´books deserve a special note, namely the so called 'rental cows'. In addition the livestock that Nils had on his own farm, he had rented out 22 cows, two kviger (young cows) and a goat that in total generated 11 rdl. a year. The arrangement of rental cows had existed since the middle ages and had its origins in the fact that well bestowed people could have property in the form of cows, sheep and goats - without owning a farm or having fodder to feed the animals. On the other side there were farmers that needed livestock, but didn´t have the means to purchase animals, or that had more fodder and pasture than they had livestock for. Renting cows and sheep/goats then became a solution that benefited both parties. Those with a surplus of animals didn´t have to slaughter or sell them and were secured a yearly dividend of the capital that the animals represented, while those in need of livestock could enjoy the produce in return of paying the owners a certain amount. People could also come into possession of animals through inheritance, they could receive them as payment or they could just buy them as an investment of capital that would otherwise be left without any return. In the case of Nils Jenssen we might assume that he had received the animals as a payment of debts. All the eleven farmers that are listed as renting cows in the division of the estate are also listed with other types of debts. The cows continued to stay with the debtor in return for a yearly rent. This also served as an example that you could get into trouble if you acquired to much debt with a local merchant or town citizen. As long as both parties were alive, and were not bankrupted, the arrangement functioned as a form of pawning that could be lived with, as the debtors kept the cows and the creditor received the rent. But when the time arrived that the estate of one of them was to be divided, the livestock in question could be divided amongst the creditors of the estate if they were not bought free. In this respect debt with local merchants and town citizens were more risk filled than the long term debts to a merchant in Bergen. In the case of long term customer relations it also happened that the merchant in Bergen wrote off parts of the debt.

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Gjest Pål Gjerde

Page 279 list the 20 most important debtors to Nils Jenssen. The first column is their names, the second the amount of debts. The third column is 'rental cows'. Ku / kyr is cow / cows, kvige is a young cow that hasn´t had offspring, geit is goat.

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Gjest Åse Kvitle Kristiansen

Just a minor correction. In the transcription of the document (10) and (12) 'the farm Bredvold in Astafiord thing(court) district', not Altafiord.

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Gjest Sivert Perry Nerland, Nerland, 6444 Farstad.

Og her er det vel på plass å 'KREDITERE' forfatteren av bygdeboka - eller 'hur' ?

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Gjest Rob Hansen

I want to say a BIG 'THANKYOU' to everyone who has answered this post especially for Svein who orgainsed the translation. I was particularly impressed by the translation of the old document from Eighteenth century Old Norwegian to modern day Norwegian to English. The story was very good.Like Nils I have been in bed feeling ill but am very grateful for what has been done here is there anyone with patience who could translate page 281 and indicate what 283 is ??Thankyou so much,Hope Norway is not too cold yet!!Rob.

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