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Ole Andreas dåp rekord


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I might need a lot of help as I search my family history! Not only am I new to researching family history, I am also new to using forums...this all is a first for me!


As I am finding some old records (of people I believe to be family members), I am finding it very difficult to translate and read old handwritten documents - so I appreciate any help that anyone can provide!


This address (http://www.arkivverket.no/URN:NBN:no-a1450-kb20070603880466.jpg) is what I believe is the baptism record for my great, great, great grandfather. I believe he is Ole Andreas (could it really be Anderson?) listed on line 55. I am trying to figure out a couple of things:


Would you say his parents are Niels Andersen og Marte Haraldsd (that is why I am wondering about this Andreas and where this came from).


I am also wondering why "landske" is listed in the remarks...does that mean the family was foreign and not from Norway?


The other thing I am having a little trouble figuring out is I belive this address documents his death (http://digitalarkivet.no/cgi-win/webcens.exe?slag=visbase&sidenr=5&filnamn=gr05361847sl&gardpostnr=966&personpostnr=966&merk=966#ovre). It says he was 48 years old, but if he died in April of 1863 but was born in August of 1815...wouldn't he have been 47?


I appreciate any help and will probably ask for a lot more in the near future!





Wisconsin, USA

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Yes, I read his father and mother's name as you do. This church book most likley cover several places as I notice Ole Andreas was christened in Fluberg kirke, while others on the same page are christened in other churches. I wonder if it says Land prestegjeld (Parish). Where Andreas comes from is hard to say. May be there are people further back using the same name, or may some friends of the parents named Andreas, or they just liked the name.


The age at death are never exact. A difference like you see here is extreemely small. I can't say if that is your Ole. Most often I see the whole name that is I would have expected to see Ole Andreas, but may be he never used Andreas, or that in this part of the country they just use the first name. Someone more familiar with that area of the country may know more.


It would have been easier to figure out if you had used Permanent sidelenke Permanent pagelink) instead of Permanent bildelenke (Permanent imagelink). The first one would tell us which church book you looking at. I am guessing it is Land.

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I think it sais 'Landske C(ompagnie). The parish registers also served as enrollment lists and Ole Andreas was going to the Landske Company as enlisted soldier.

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Yes, I read his father and mother's name as you do. This church book most likley cover several places as I notice Ole Andreas was christened in Fluberg kirke, while others on the same page are christened in other churches. I wonder if it says Land prestegjeld (Parish). Where Andreas comes from is hard to say. May be there are people further back using the same name, or may some friends of the parents named Andreas, or they just liked the name.


The age at death are never exact. A difference like you see here is extreemely small. I can't say if that is your Ole. Most often I see the whole name that is I would have expected to see Ole Andreas, but may be he never used Andreas, or that in this part of the country they just use the first name. Someone more familiar with that area of the country may know more.


It would have been easier to figure out if you had used Permanent sidelenke Permanent pagelink) instead of Permanent bildelenke (Permanent imagelink). The first one would tell us which church book you looking at. I am guessing it is Land.


Takk! Jeg er ikke sikker på hvordan å få en Permanent sidelenke - men jeg kan fortelle deg at jeg tror du har rett i at denne boken inneholder all informasjon fra Land. Jeg var ute på fødsler og dåp fra 1815 på side 11 fra denne boken: http://www.arkivverket.no/URN:kb_read?idx_id=9358 Basert på hva jeg har funnet så langt (som ikke er mye!), Tror jeg at han ikke brukte Andreas mye. Faktisk den første jeg så av den, var på min tippoldefar (Oles) fødsel og dåp rekord (1850), som jeg mener er på linje 122 på side 20 fra denne boken: http://www.arkivverket.no/URN:kb_read?idx_id=8975 Jeg er sikkert fortsatt læring, og jeg virkelig setter pris på hjelp! Sorry for ikke å gjøre norsk i mitt opprinnelige innlegg (jeg kopierte og limte inn fra feil side av min oversettelse Google.com side!) Vennlig hilsen jon Wisconsin, USA

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I think it sais 'Landske C(ompagnie). The parish registers also served as enrollment lists and Ole Andreas was going to the Landske Company as enlisted soldier.



Thank you! Do you know why that would show up in his birth and baptism record? I know nothing about the Landske Company. Do you know age typical soldiers enlisted? I know in the USA, most enlist around age 18. It would be very interesting if I could find some history on this company - and perhaps even locate a picture!


Thanks for your help! For a few minutes, I thought perhaps he and his family had come to Norway from another country!


Thank you! Do you know why that would show up in his birth and baptism record? I know nothing about the Landske Company. Do you know age typical soldiers enlisted? I know in the USA, most enlist around age 18. It would be very interesting if I could find some history on this company - and perhaps even locate a picture!


Thanks for your help! For a few minutes, I thought perhaps he and his family had come to Norway from another country!



Sorry, holder jeg glemmer å skrive på norsk!



Takk! Vet du hvorfor det skulle dukke opp i hans fødsel og dåp posten? Jeg vet ingenting om Landske Company. Vet du alderen typiske soldater vervet? Jeg vet i USA, mest verve rundt 18 år. Det ville være veldig interessant om jeg kunne finne noe historie på dette selskapet - og kanskje finne et bilde!


Takk for hjelpen! For noen få minutter, tenkte jeg kanskje at han og hans familie kom til Norge fra et annet land!

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You can google 'Landske Compagnie' and on the second page you will find an overview of the organization of the norwegian army 1789-1810: 'Den norske hærs organisasjon 1789-1810' (I am not able to make a link to this site.)


To build up a military force it was necessary to have an effective registration device which had an overview of who could be soldiers. Cencuses from 1663 to 1666 and 1701 (manntall) had military purposes, and the vicars were required to provide background material for military census, also called rolls.


In norwegian:

'For å bygge opp et militærvesen (s.d.) var det nødvendig å ha et effektivt registreringsapparat som hadde oversikt over soldatemnene. Manntallene 1663–66 og 1701 hadde milit. formål, og prestene var pålagt å skaffe bakgrunnsmaterialet til militære manntallslister, også kalt ruller. Utskrivningsvesenets hovedoppgave var å innrullere (av gno. rolla, skriftrull) utskrivningsdyktige født i sjø- og soldatlegd (s.d.). På grunnlag av rullene ble det holdt utskrivningssesjon. Den utvelgende instans, sesjonen, var en blandet sivil-militær instans. På sesjonen ble manntallslister, ofte kalt stamlister, lagt fram, og mennene ropt opp og inspisert av de militære. De av det unge mannskapet som ble utskrevet til tjeneste, fikk en tjenestetid mellom ni og 14 år.'


From: http://lokalhistoriewiki.no/index.php/Leksikon:Utskrivningsvesen

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You can google 'Landske Compagnie' and on the second page you will find an overview of the organization of the norwegian army 1789-1810: 'Den norske hærs organisasjon 1789-1810' (I am not able to make a link to this site.)


To build up a military force it was necessary to have an effective registration device which had an overview of who could be soldiers. Cencuses from 1663 to 1666 and 1701 (manntall) had military purposes, and the vicars were required to provide background material for military census, also called rolls.


In norwegian:

'For å bygge opp et militærvesen (s.d.) var det nødvendig å ha et effektivt registreringsapparat som hadde oversikt over soldatemnene. Manntallene 1663–66 og 1701 hadde milit. formål, og prestene var pålagt å skaffe bakgrunnsmaterialet til militære manntallslister, også kalt ruller. Utskrivningsvesenets hovedoppgave var å innrullere (av gno. rolla, skriftrull) utskrivningsdyktige født i sjø- og soldatlegd (s.d.). På grunnlag av rullene ble det holdt utskrivningssesjon. Den utvelgende instans, sesjonen, var en blandet sivil-militær instans. På sesjonen ble manntallslister, ofte kalt stamlister, lagt fram, og mennene ropt opp og inspisert av de militære. De av det unge mannskapet som ble utskrevet til tjeneste, fikk en tjenestetid mellom ni og 14 år.'


From: http://lokalhistorie...skrivningsvesen


Takk! Dette er veldig interessant informasjon. Jeg vil se på dette mer!

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Correct me if I'm wrong. You beleive that Ole Andreas, 1815 was your gr gr gr grandfather, and Ole, 1850, your gr gr grandfather?


Ole, 1850's parents were Christian Olsen and Maren Nielsdatter (can't figure out the farm name)


Ole, dead in 1863, most likely belonged to this family:

Hendrikka Jensdatter, lived at Strandbakken with her children in 1865:





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Don't want to rush forward, but could this be his family?


This widow, Hendrikka Jensdatter, lived at Strandbakken with her children in 1865:



Yes, that is the family! This is actually the first piece of information I found about them in Norway. My last name is Strand, so I believe that name came from them living at the Strandbakken farm! What I am trying locate now on them is the Wedding of Ole Nielson (Ole Andreas Nielson's father) and Henrikka Jensdatter (also though I am wondering if her name might be Hansdatter instead as I have seen a couple of documents with that on it). My search continues! Thank you!


P.S. I am new to using forums...is there a certain button that I need to press to let others know when my original question gets answered?!


Thank you!


They lived at Nøgle Sedalseie in 1815, I think.


Would this have been a parish in Land or Biri? That might provide me with a clue about where is parents were married!

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Sorry, I changed my last one. You have to read it again, cause I can't see that Ole, born in 1850, mentioned by you in #4, could be right. Nøgle Sedalseie is in Fluberg parish, Land. I found the name in 1801, but not in 1865.

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I am not quite certain if this is answering your question, but everyone that post in this thread get a message. A PM or an e-Mail, depending what box they ticked.

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Correct me if I'm wrong. You beleive that Ole Andreas, 1815 was your gr gr gr grandfather, and Ole, 1850, your gr gr grandfather?


Ole, 1850's parents were Christian Olsen and Maren Nielsdatter (can't figure out the farm name)


Ole, dead in 1863, most likely belonged to this family:

Hendrikka Jensdatter, lived at Strandbakken with her children in 1865:



Let's see if I can get this right! Ole (from the 1865 Census with Hendrikka) was my great, great grandfather. After finding his birth record (from the parish search), I found that he was Ole Andreas. As listed from my original post, I believe Niels Andersen og Marte Haraldsd were his parents (my great, great, great grandparents).

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I have edited my posting. my mistake, you are right about Ole, born 1850, you just happened to pick the wrong line. Page 22, Line 125 is your gr gr grandfather:


Kildeinformasjon: Oppland fylke, Fluberg, Hov i Land, Ministerialbok nr. 9 (1847-1859), Fødte og døpte 1850, side 20.

Permanent sidelenke: http://www.arkivverket.no/URN:kb_read?idx_kildeid=8975&idx_id=8975&uid=ny&idx_side=-20

Permanent bildelenke: http://www.arkivverket.no/URN:NBN:no-a1450-kb20070206630623.jpg


Now, we can look for Ole and Hendrikka's wedding. Hendrikka was born in Biri, so it may be smart to also check out Biri if Land comes back negative.

Endret av Ek Anne Gro
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Ole Andreas Nilsen, 25 and Hendrikka Jensdatter, 23 married 5th of July 1840 in Biri:

http://www.arkivverk...y&idx_side=-166 line 10

Kildeinformasjon: Oppland fylke, Biri, Ministerialbok nr. 4 (1829-1842), Ekteviede 1840, side 177.


The groom came from Strandbakke in Land, and the bride from Ruudseie (Ithink)

His father was Niels Strandbakke and hers was Jens Gundersen.

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Niels Andersen and Marte Haraldsdatter? Married the 16th of october 1798. He was living on the farm Enger-eie.


Kildeinformasjon: Oppland fylke, Land, Ministerialbok nr. 6 (1784-1813), Trolovede 1798, Ekteviede 1799, side 137.

Nr 4 right


Wrong link. See new posting.

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Niels and Marte's first child Ane Maria, child on line 16, bapt. March 21st, 1799. Not sure of the church, could it be Østsinni?


Kildeinformasjon: Oppland fylke, Land, Ministerialbok nr. 6 (1784-1813), Fødte og døpte 1799, side 55.



Kistine, line 6, bapt. March 15th, 1801, Fluberg kirke. On Granum eie farm:

Kildeinformasjon: Oppland fylke, Land, Ministerialbok nr. 6 (1784-1813), Fødte og døpte 1801, side 63.


Kistine/Kristine must have died before the next Kristine was born in 1805.


Karen, child on line 18, bapt. May 31st, 1807. Fluberg church. name of the farm may be Nordbye:



Kirstine, line 6, born bapt. March 21st, 1805 in Fluberg church, farm Nøgle Sedals-eie


Kildeinformasjon: Oppland fylke, Land, Ministerialbok nr. 6 (1784-1813), Fødte og døpte 1805, side 79.


Hans Peter, born March 1st, bapt. March, 17th, 1812, line 24, Fluberg church, farm Nøgle Sedalseie:


Kildeinformasjon: Oppland fylke, Land, Ministerialbok nr. 6 (1784-1813), Fødte og døpte 1812, Konfirmerte 1784, side 100.


Ole Andreas, born 1815


Christian, born Febr. 21st, 1818, bapt. March, 15th in Fulberg church. Farm Nøgle Sedalseie. Line 3:


Kildeinformasjon: Oppland fylke, Land, Ministerialbok nr. 7 (1814-1830), Fødte og døpte 1818, side 27.


Niels, born Jan. 21th 1821, bapt. Febr 18, in Fluberg church, line 8. Name of the farm starts with Ny...


Kildeinformasjon: Oppland fylke, Land, Ministerialbok nr. 7 (1814-1830), Fødte og døpte 1821, side 49.


I haven't searched further but I'm puzzled by the different farmnames, and I'm afraid I'm listing two different couples? But Marthe Haraldsdatter is not a very common name so I dont think so. Does anyone have an opinion?

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Niels and Marte in 1801 cencus:



Living on the farm Granum with their first child, Ane, age 2 and a girl, age 12, listed as servant.


Niels is 24, Marte 25 - ish.


Wow - thank you so much! I think you are hired as my Norwegian family genealogist! Thank you so much for finding the wedding information for me! When I had last written last night, I had finished searching Land for the Wedding information but did not find anything there for Ole and Hendrikka. So I was hoping it was in Biri (I knew Hendrikka was born there!). I had also found Niels and Marte on the 1801 census. I was very surprised to see a servant girl on that census - only 12 years old. I wonder if perhaps she was an orphan or something. I can't believe you found their wedding - that is great! Thank you so much!


Thank you for staying up past your bedtime! As I am getting more into this - I am finding it to be very addicting!


Take care!



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Yes, this is very addicting ;-)


And I was certain I found information that you've already found, but never mind :-)


This servant girl could have been an orphant or a child that the parents couldn't take care of. At this age you had to work for your meals and a place to sleep..


Something went wrong with the Niels and Marthe wedding link. I'm trying again:


Kildeinformasjon: Oppland fylke, Land, Ministerialbok nr. 6 (1784-1813), Trolovede 1798, Ekteviede 1799, side 137

Nr 4 righthand side. Married the 16th of october 1798. He was living on the farm Enger-eie.


I'm glad to be able to help out. I've received so much help at this forum and it feels good to help others.


I guess it was Ole Andreas that went to the States. Which year did he leave?

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Yes, this is very addicting ;-)


And I was certain I found information that you've already found, but never mind :-)


This servant girl could have been an orphant or a child that the parents couldn't take care of. At this age you had to work for your meals and a place to sleep..


Something went wrong with the Niels and Marthe wedding link. I'm trying again:


Kildeinformasjon: Oppland fylke, Land, Ministerialbok nr. 6 (1784-1813), Trolovede 1798, Ekteviede 1799, side 137

Nr 4 righthand side. Married the 16th of october 1798. He was living on the farm Enger-eie.


I'm glad to be able to help out. I've received so much help at this forum and it feels good to help others.


I guess it was Ole Andreas that went to the States. Which year did he leave?


It was actually Ole Olsen (Ole Andreas' son born in 1850) who came to the States in 1870. I believe he had an older brother Andrew who was the first over a couple months before him in 1870.


It sounds like you have been doing this for a while. Would you happen to know if there are pictures of any of these old farms anywhere? I would love to see where they use to live. If I understand things right, Niels and Marte would have been the first relatives of mine to live on the Strandbakken farm. They probably moved there sometime around 1840 (the wedding year of Ole Andreas and Hendrikk)a. Before then they were at a farm called Nøgle Sedalseie and some other farm that started with "Ny..."? And all of these places were in Land?


Also, have you heard of something called "bygdebok" or "bygdebøker"? I believe it is some type of land historical document that tells about the farms and the people who lived on them. Do you know if I can find that book online anywhere?


Thanks again so much for all your help! I am very grateful!



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Have you seen this database with Nils Andersen and Marthe Haraldsdatter. Marthe's parents are also listed:



If you are new to this, remember to always check the information you get online against the primary sources, such as churchrecords. Everyone is capable of making small errors. The word "kilder" means "sources", and you'll find the refference to the church records where the information was originally found.


Thank you for your confidence in me :-) I have been doing this for a little while and I guess I know my way around church records and cencus, but I get stucked all the time and then I can ask for help from the helpful and very talented people in this forum. So when I cant help you anymore, someone else can.


You are right about bygdebøker (plural. One bygdebok) You can get a lot of information from there. Unfortunately I dont think the book for Land is online. But if you post a question on the Brukerforum (users forum) and ask if anyone have the bygdebok about Land and particulary about Strandbakken in Fluberg parish (there are more than one Strandbakken in Oppland). At the same time you can ask about pictures, but I wouldn't hold my breath..


All of the farms Nils and Marthe lived on were in Land.


As long as Nils was called Strandbakke in Ole and Henrikkas wedding, I guess, as you do, they were the first of your relatives to live on Strandbakken/Strandbakke. Did you notice that Henrikka was the owner of Strandbakken in 1865?


I've sent you a PM. The envelope at the top, left to your name.

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