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Øyer/Tretten, Gudbrandsdalen. Familie på Bjerkemoen, siste halvdel av 1800-tallet.

Anders Bakken

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Iver Pedersen fra Skinnehaugen på Sør-Fron og Maria Pedersdtr. v Bjerke gifter seg 28.12.1858.


De får først ett dødfødt barn i juli 1859, deretter kommer følgende barn

Peder 16.3.1861 (nr 32) (konfirmert 1876)

Matea 8.10.1866 (nr 90) (konfirmert 1885)

Lisabet 28.6.1871 (nr 56) (konfirmert 1886)

Pauline 9.7.1874 (nr 55) (konfirmert 1891)


(Kan det ha vært flere barn? God plass imellom de jeg har funnet..)


Familien på Sandvigjordet i 1865, kona må her ha fått feil navn, Kari. Foreldrene hennes finnes fremdeles på Bjerkemoen i 1865.

Familien på Bjerkemoen i 1875.

Iver og Marie på Børkemoen i 1900. (Marie er enke i 1910)

Yngstedatter Pauline og mannen Sedvard, gift 7.11.1899 på Tretten, inderster i 1900, utvandra til Amerika i 1902, datteren Ragnhild som ble født 7.12.1899, døde 23.4.1901.


Marie døde så sent som i 1927, nærmere hundre år gammel.


Tror jeg har fått med det meste jeg vet om denne familien. Om Iver døde i Øyer mellom 1900 og 1910 vet jeg ikke, har ikke funnet ham i kirkebøkene der. Og barna til Iver og Marie, bortsett fra at Pauline og mannen Sedvard dro til Amerika i 1902 så kjenner jeg heller ikke til noe videre rundt barna.


Noen som har kjennskap til denne familien og kan hjelpe meg til å spore opp en eller flere av dem? Jeg står nemlig fast, jeg kan ha oversett både dødsfall og utvandringer her, men mener jeg har kikka noenlunde grundig igjennom både Tretten og Øyer uten å finne dem så langt.


På forhånd takk! Mvh Anders.

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Peder Iversen

Norway, Baptisms, 1634-1927 birth: 16 Mar 1861 christening: 01 Apr 1861 OYER,OPLAND,NORWAY

  • parents:Iver Pedersen, Maria Pedersdr


Mateas Iversen

Norway, Baptisms, 1634-1927 birth: 29 Jun 1864 christening: 31 Jul 1864 OYER,OPLAND,NORWAY

  • parents:Iver Pedersen, Maria Pedersdr

Mathea Iversen

Norway, Baptisms, 1634-1927 birth: 08 Oct 1866 christening: 11 Nov 1866 OYER,OPLAND,NORWAY

  • parents:Iver Pedersen, Maria Pedersdr


Lisabet Iversen

Norway, Baptisms, 1634-1927 birth: 28 Jun 1871 christening: 09 Jul 1871 OYER,OPLAND,NORWAY

  • parents:Iver Pedersen, Maria Pedersdr

Pauline Iversen

Norway, Baptisms, 1634-1927 birth: 09 Jul 1874 christening: 26 Jul 1874 OYER,OPLAND,NORWAY

  • parents:Iver Pedersen, Maria Pedersdr

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Der fant du jammen meg en sønn til! Men han var ikke i tellingen i 1865, og ganske riktig så finnes lille Mateas død, 2 dager gammel, 1. juli 1864.

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Peder Iversen emigrerer 12. mai 1882 til New York.

Søstrene Lisabet og Matea Bjerkemoen emigrerer til Westby WI 15. mai 1891.


Det er sikkert mulig å finne de igjen "over there", men det tar litt tid å lete, iallefall etter pikene.

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Emigranter fra Oslo 1867-1930 gammel

84231 Oslo 3883 1891 Mai 15 Lisabeth Bjerkemoen f u Pike 19 øier Westby 2141 Norge Ppd Angelo fglass.gif


84232 Oslo 3884 1891 Mai 15 Mathea Bjerkemoen f u Pike 22 øier Westby 2142 Norge Ppd Angelo fglass.gif

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Name: Elisabeth Olson Titles and Terms: Event Type: Census Event Date: 1900 Event Place: ED 155 Coon town, Vernon, Wisconsin, United States Birth Date: Jun 1871 Birthplace: Norway Relationship to Head of Household: Wife Father's Birthplace: Norway Mother's Birthplace: Norway Race: White Gender: Female Marital Status: Married Years Married: 7 Marriage Year (Estimated): 1893 Mother of how many children: 3 Number of Living Children: 3 Immigration Year: 1890


Elisabeth Olson in household of Ole S Olson, "United States Census, 1900"


Household Gender Age Birthplace Head Ole S Olson M 43 Norway


Wife Elisabeth Olson F 29 Norway


Son Sigurd Olson M 7 Wisconsin


Son Martin Olson M 5 Wisconsin


Daughter Laura Olson F 2 Wisconsin


Father Sigvart Olson M 64 Norway


Mother Karen Olson F 74 Norway




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Elizabeth Olson in household of Ole S Olson, "Wisconsin State Census, 1905"


Name: Elizabeth Olson Residence Place: Coon, Vernon, Wisconsin Age (Original): 35y Birth Year (Estimated): Abt 1870 Birthplace: Relationship to Head of Household (Original Language): Wife Race: Gender: Female Marital Status: Married Household Gender Age Birthplace


Head Ole S Olson M 49y Norway


Wife Elizabeth Olson F 35y


Son Siguad Olson M 11y Wisconsin


Son Martin Olson M 9y


D Laura Olson F 8y


D Malla Olson F 5y Norway


D Ragna Olson F 2y


Son Oscar Olson M 2m Norway


Father Siguard Olson M 69y


Mother Karn Olson F 79y Wisconsin






Name: Elisabet Olson Event Place: Coon, Vernon, Wisconsin Gender: Female Marital Status: Married Race: White Relationship to Head of Household: Wife Immigration Year: 1890 Birthplace: Norway Father's Birthplace: Norway Mother's Birthplace: Norway

Elisabet Olson in household of Ole S Olson, "United States Census, 1910"


Household Gender Age Birthplace


SELF Ole S Olson M 51y Norway


WIFE Elisabet Olson F 39y Norway


SON Sigur I Olson M 16y Wisconsin


SON Martin K Olson M 14y Wisconsin


DAU Laura O Olson F 12y Wisconsin


DAU Malla Olson F 9y Wisconsin


DAU Rangna Olson F 7y Wisconsin


SON Oscar Olson M 5y Wisconsin


DAU Inga J Olson F 3y Wisconsin


SON Adolph I Olson M y 4m Wisconsin


FATH Sigvart Olson M 74y Norway



Laura Olete Olson

Wisconsin, Births and Christenings, 1826-1926 birth: 03 Jan 1898 Coon, Vernon, Wisconsin residence: 1898 Vernon, Wisconsin, United States

  • parents:Ole S. Olson, Lisabet Everson


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Name: Sigurd Engmand Olson Event Type: Draft Registration Event Date: 1917-1918 Event Place: Vernon County, Wisconsin, United States Gender: Male Birth Date: 22 Oct 1893 Birthplace: Christiana, Wisconsin, United States Nationality: United States Affiliate Publication Title: World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards Affiliate Publication Number: M1509 GS Film number: 1674996 Digital Folder Number: 005252592 Image Number: 05206





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Lisbeth gifter seg:




Ole Olson, "Wisconsin, Marriages, 1836-1930"


Name: Ole Olson Birth Date: Birthplace: Norway Europe Age: Spouse's Name: Elisabeth Iverson Spouse's Birth Date: Spouse's Birthplace: Norway Europe Spouse's Age: Event Date: 27 Sep 1893 Event Place: Viroqua, Vernon, Wisconsin Father's Name: Sigvart Olson Mother's Name: Karen Anderson Spouse's Father's Name: Iver Pederson Spouse's Mother's Name: Marie Pederson Race: White Marital Status: Unknown Previous Wife's Name: Spouse's Race: White Spouse's Marital Status: Unknown Spouse's Previous Husband's Name: Indexing Project (Batch) Number: M00337-9 System Origin: Wisconsin-EASy GS Film number: 1275581 Reference ID: 77


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Sigurd Olson

United States Census, 1900 birth: Oct 1893 Wisconsin residence: 1900 ED 155 Coon town, Vernon, Wisconsin, United States

  • parents:Ole S Olson, Elisabeth Olson




Martin Olson

United States Census, 1900 birth: Oct 1895 Wisconsin residence: 1900 ED 155 Coon town, Vernon, Wisconsin, United States

  • parents:Ole S Olson, Elisabeth Olson






Name: Laura Olete Olson Gender: Female Christening Date: Christening Place: Birth Date: 03 Jan 1898 Birthplace: Coon, Vernon, Wisconsin Death Date: Name Note: Race: White Father's Name: Ole S. Olson Father's Birthplace: Norway Father's Age: Mother's Name: Lisabet Everson Mother's Birthplace: Norway





Name: Malla Olson Gender: Female Christening Date: Christening Place: Birth Date: 01 Jul 1900 Birthplace: Coon, Vernon, Wisconsin Death Date: Name Note: Race: White Father's Name: Ole S. Olson Father's Birthplace: Norway Father's Age: Mother's Name: Elizabeth Everson Mother's Birthplace: Norway





Name: Ragna Olson Gender: Female Christening Date: Christening Place: Birth Date: 21 Feb 1903 Birthplace: Coon, Vernon, Wisconsin Death Date: Name Note: Race: White Father's Name: Ole S. Olson Father's Birthplace: Norway Father's Age: Mother's Name: Elizabeth Everson Mother's Birthplace: Norway




Name: Olson Gender: Unknown Christening Date: Christening Place: Birth Date: 08 Apr 1905 Birthplace: Coon, Vernon, Wisconsin Death Date: Name Note: Race: White Father's Name: Ole S. Olson Father's Birthplace: Norway Father's Age: Mother's Name: Lisabeth Bjerke Mother's Birthplace: Norway


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Elisabeth(Lisbeth) er enke i 1920.


Elisabeth Olson, "United States Census, 1920"


Name: Elisabeth Olson Event Type: Event Year: 1920 Event Place: , Vernon, Wisconsin Gender: Female Age: 49 Marital Status: Widowed Race: White Birthplace: Norway Birth Year (Estimated): 1871 Relationship to Head of Household: Self Father's Birthplace: Norway Mother's Birthplace: Norway

Household Gender Age Birthplace SELF Elisabeth Olson F 49y Norway


DAU Laura Olson F 22y Wisconsin


DAU Malla Olson F 19y Wisconsin


DAU Ragna Olson F 17y Wisconsin


SON Oscar Olson M 14y Wisconsin


DAU Inga Olson F 12y Wisconsin


SON Adolph Olson M 10y Wisconsin






Elisabeth bor sammen med sønnen Adolph i 1930.


Elizabeth Olson, "United States Census, 1930"


Name: Elizabeth Olson Event Type: Census Event Date: 1930 Event Place: Coon, Vernon, Wisconsin Gender: Female Age: 59 Marital Status: Widowed Race: White Birthplace: Norway Birth Year (Estimated): 1871 Immigration Year: 1891 Relationship to Head of Household: Head Father's Birthplace: Norway Mother's Birthplace: Norway Household Gender Age Birthplace


Head Elizabeth Olson F 59 Norway


Son Adolf W Olson M 20 Wisconsin




Elisabeth bor sammen med sønnen Adolph og hans kone Ida og deres 3 barn i 1940.


Elizabeth Olson in household of Adolph Olson, "United States Census, 1940"


Name: Elizabeth Olson Titles & Terms: Event: Census Event Year: 1940 Event Place: Coon Town, Vernon, Wisconsin, United States Gender: Female Age: 70 Marital Status: Widowed Race (Original): Race (Standardized): White Relationship to Head of Household (Original): Relationship to Head of Household (Standardized): Mother Birthplace: Norway Estimated Birth Year: 1870 Residence in 1935: Same House

Household Gender Age Birthplace


Head Adolph Olson M 30 Wisconsin


Wife Ida Olson F 23 South Dakota


Son Arthur Olson M 3 Wisconsin


Son Leonard Olson M 2 Wisconsin


Daughter Marjorie Olson F 0 Wisconsin


Mother Elizabeth Olson F 70 Norway



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Klikk på lenken,så får du se bilde av Leonard R Olson)




October 10, 2012 8:19 am

Leonard R. Olson, 74, of Coon Valley died Wednesday Oct. 3, 2012, at Bethany Riverside Care Center in La Crosse surrounded by his family.

He was born March 14, 1938, to Adolph and Ida (Nelson) Olson. Leonard was baptized and confirmed at the Coon Valley Lutheran Church. He graduated from Westby High School in 1956. Leonard proudly served in the U.S. Marines from 1956 to 1958. He married Beatrice Bohland in Retreat on April 16, 1960. The couple farmed at rural Coon Valley and Leonard was also a milk hauler in the area for more than 30 years.

He was a member of the Coon Valley Lions and the Coon Valley Lutheran Church, where he had previously served as president of the church council. Leonard loved visiting, airplanes and air shows and his farm animals — especially cats. We will never forget his unmistakable laugh and smile.

Survivors include his wife, Beatrice; six children, Evelyn (Roger) Myhre, Virginia “Gigi” Johnson, Ronald (Kari) Olson, Katherine (David) Manske, Elaine Dinger and Jeff (Ashley) Olson; 17 grandchildren; three great- grandchildren; three brothers, Arthur (Beverly), David (Sue) and Scott (Betsy) Olson; two sisters, Marjorie (Doug) Bendel and Audrey (John) Guinn; many nieces nephews, cousins and friends.

He was preceded in death by his parents.

Funeral services were held Monday, Oct. 8, 2012, at the Coon Valley Lutheran Church. The Rev. Mitzi Miyamoto officiated with military honors by Coon Valley American Legion Post 116. Friends called on Sunday afternoon at the Seland Funeral Home in Coon Valley and at the church on Monday until service time.

Online condolences may be offered at selandsfuneralhome.com.

A special thank-you to the staff at Gundersen Lutheran, Norseland Nursing Home and Bethany Riverside for their compassionate care.


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Ragna Olson

Wisconsin, Births and Christenings, 1826-1926 birth: 21 Feb 1903 Coon, Vernon, Wisconsin residence: 1903 Vernon, Wisconsin, United States

  • parents:Ole S. Olson, Elizabeth Everson




Dette er vel datteren Ragna:


Ragna Olson in household of Palmer C Olson, "United States Census, 1930"

Name: Ragna Olson Event Type: Census Event Date: 1930 Event Place: Coon Valley, Vernon, Wisconsin Gender: Female Age: 27 Marital Status: Married Race: White Birthplace: Wisconsin Birth Year (Estimated): 1903 Immigration Year: Relationship to Head of Household: Wife Father's Birthplace: Norway Mother's Birthplace: Norway

Household Gender Age Birthplace


Head Palmer C Olson M 27 Wisconsin


Wife Ragna Olson F 27 Wisconsin


Son Raymond P Olson M 6 Wisconsin


Daughter Evangeline A Olson F 5 Wisconsin


Daughter Lavonn C Olson F 1 Wisconsin






Name: Ragna Olson Titles & Terms: Event: Census Event Year: 1940 Event Place: Coon Valley, Coon Valley Village, Vernon, Wisconsin, United States Gender: Female Age: 37 Marital Status: Married Race (Original): Race (Standardized): White Relationship to Head of Household (Original): Relationship to Head of Household (Standardized): Wife Birthplace: Wisconsin Estimated Birth Year: 1903 Residence in 1935: Same House



Household Gender Age Birthplace


Head Palmer C Olson M 37 Wisconsin


Wife Ragna Olson F 37 Wisconsin


Son Raymond P Olson M 16 Wisconsin


Daughter Evangeline Olson F 15 Wisconsin


Daughter Lavonne Olson F 11 Wisconsin


Son Lawrence Olson M 3 Wisconsin



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Ragna Olson

United States Social Security Death Index birth: 21 February 1903 death: November 1980 Coon Valley, Vernon, Wisconsin






Ragna Olson

Wisconsin, Death Index, 1959-1997 residence: 13 Nov 1980 Vern, Wisconsin death: 13 Nov 1980 , Vernon, Wisconsin



Palmer Olson

United States Social Security Death Index birth: 20 July 1902 death: July 1978 Coon Valley, Vernon, Wisconsin












Guest Book



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  • "I was extremely saddened to read that Evy, a truly..."

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0010518943-01-1.jpg_20110601.jpgRICHARDSON, EVANGELINE "EVY" February 27, 1925 - May 19, 2011 Evy was born in Coon Valley, WI to Palmer and Ragna Olson, the second child of four: Raymond and Lawrence who precede her in death and is survived by her sister LaVonne Engh of Coon Valley, WI. She is also survived by her husband of 67 years, James Richardson, her son James Richardson (wife Sharon), her daughter Joyce Richardson; her grandchildren Jennifer, Sarah, Marty, Michael and Amanda; and her great-grandchildren, Trenton, Isaiah, Aliyah, Nolan, and Ricky. Evy is also survived by family and friends in LaCrosse, Coon Valley, Westby, and Chaseburg, WI and Caladonia, MN, as well as her beloved San Diego neighbors, yoga friends, her painting instructor and many life long friends. Evy touched so many lives and was adored by all. She was a beautiful woman who lived a full and active life. She excelled in golf, was an avid artist, enjoyed cooking, shopping and kept up with pop culture and trends. She passed away after a fierce 6-month battle with cancer and will be sorely missed. Evy's Memorial Reception will be Friday, June 3, 2011, from 1 to 4 p.m. at Jim and Evy's home.


Published in U-T San Diego on June 2, 2011

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Kona til Adolph Olsen:



Ida G. Olson, 90, of Coon Valley, died Sunday morning Nov. 5, 2006, at Gundersen Lutheran Medical Center in La Crosse.

She was born Sept. 21, 1916, to Ingval and Gina (Hage) Nelson in Hettinger, N.D. Ida came to Coon Valley to care for her grandparents at a young age. On June 24, 1936, she married Adolph Olson in Lansing, Iowa. The couple farmed in Coon and Hamburg townships before retiring to Coon Valley in the spring of 1973. Adolph died on April 29, 1973.

Ida did child care and housekeeping for the John Jaeger and Fred Schaldach families for several years. She was a member of the Coon Valley Lutheran Church, where she was active in WELCA, the Esther Circle and quilting. Ida enjoyed gardening, baking and trips to South Dakota and Norway. She also had a special gift of remembering everyone’s birthday. Ida was a wonderful mother, grandma, great-grandma and mother-in-law.

Survivors include two daughters, Marjorie (Douglas) Bendel of Stoddard and Audrey (John) Guinn of Hokah, Minn.; four sons, Arthur (Beverly) of Zumbrota, Minn., Leonard (Beatrice) of Coon Valley, David (Sonja) of La Crosse and Scott (Betsy) of Onalaska; 19 grandchildren; 24 great-grandchildren; two great-great-grandchildren; and many nieces and nephews.

In addition to her husband, she was preceded in death by two sisters and eight brothers.

A special thank you to the Hearten House for their loving care of Ida these last few months.

Funeral services were held Nov. 8 at Coon Valley Lutheran Church, with burial at Mormon Coulee Memorial Park, La Crosse.

Memorials may be given to the Coon Valley Lutheran Church.




Adolph Olson

United States Social Security Death Index birth: 5 December 1909 death: April 1973 Coon Valley, Vernon, Wisconsin








Also Known As


Douglas A Bendel

Gascon Robinson


Douglas A Bendel is in his 70's

Douglas Has Lived In


Stoddard, WI

Stoddard, WI

Stoddard, WI

Chicago, IL

Douglas's Relatives


Aaron Bendel

Marjorie Bendel




42802 165th Ave

Zumbrota, MN,55992






Beverly B Olson


42802 165th Ave

Zumbrota, MN 55992

(507) 732-7438



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Fantastisk mengde med opplysninger du har funnet Ann-Mary, rett og slett imponerende! Amerikasøk gjenstår å lære for meg så da er det veldig kjærkomment med så god hjelp når de man leter etter "forsvinner" over atlanteren!

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