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Durek David Verrett – norske aner på morssiden?

Elin Galtung Lihaug

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Det er lenge siden jeg var engasjert i denne saken, og det er bra alle fortsetter grave og stille spørsmål, ettersom vi vet at omgangen med fakta er noe slakk i familien det gjelder.


Oppsummert er saken slik per i dag:

1. Det som fins av kildemateriale, ekteskapet mellom Farmer og Tyson, og det kodete fødselsregisteret fra Sheilas fødsel, tyder begge på at registrert, juridisk far i saken er Oscar Farmer. Dersom pater est-tradisjonen også står sterkt i USA så vil mors ektemann automatisk føres opp som far, med mindre det reises farskapssak.


2. Familien selv oppgir derimot at det er Edward Brinn Urquhart som er biologisk far til Sheilah. Dureks eldre halvsøster har et ganske stort tre på MH bl a som oppgir dette. Dette er også eneste mulighet for at Dureks opphav skal være norsk slik han selv og andre oppgir, og for at Russel Olsen skal være i slekt med dem.


Et endelig svar vil derfor kun være mulig dersom Sheila eller et av hennes barn DNA-tester gjennom FamilyTreeDNA og/eller MH, der de fleste norske som tester har gjort dette og da fins i databasene. (Det fins også et par andre testselskap, men det er i disse to man kan få best relevante norske treff.)


Dersom Sheila/Veruschkas farmor faktisk er norskfødte Lilli Karense Gulovna Arnesen (1895-1969), så vil dette gjenspeiles både i "etno-analysen" i testene, og i trefflistene som da vil inkludere nordmenn med opphav i de samme områdene. Om det derimot er Oscar Farmer/Farmier så fins ikke noe skandinavisk i linjene bak og det vil ikke være norske treff, og heller ikke noen merkbar andel "skandinavisk" i etnoanalysen.



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Virker som en standard Geni(dot)com forbindelse.

Vi alle er vel beslektet med gud og hver kjendis, samt kongelige ved alle hoff i Europe, på Geni.





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On 9/2/2024 at 11:39 PM, Anton Hagelee said:


From the newspaper article. 


"Hun het Lilly Karense Gulovna Arnesen og reiste etter hvert til USA hvor hun ble mor til Edward Brinn Urquhart.

I 1943 ble Edward far til Sheilah Urquhart, som i dag heter Sheilah G. Farmer og er Durek Verretts mor."


A good story if we had any proff that Edward was the father of Sheliah?



Går da ut ifra at far til Edward Brinn Urquhart (Edward Brinn Sr.) var sort, ikke sant?

Me datidens øyne var det ganske utrolig hvis denne hvite innvandrerkvinnen skulle få barn med en sort mann.

Rasismen og stigma på "blandingsforhold var ikke akkurat usynlig på den tiden.






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After seeing 5+ years of communications on this blog – your theories have been entertaining, to the legitimacy of Durek’s claim of Norwegian descent, I feel I can make this less complicated for you. DNA does not lie, as you all know.

I am definitively Durek’s 2nd cousin, once removed, and without any doubt, Durek has Norwegian DNA – here’s how.

My DNA shows I am over 50% Norwegian. Durek’s Great Grandmother (and my Great Aunt) Lillian “Lilli” Karense Gulovna Arnesen, is my Grandfather Christian Marinius Arnesen’s eldest sister, and they were 100% Norwegian. They both grew up in Sagene, Norway before moving to America in 1909.

My Great Aunt Lilli and Edward Brinn Sr had 2 children - Catherine and Edward Jr.

Edward Jr married Vera Tyson. Edward Jr & Vera had one child together, Sheila Brinn, who later changed her name to Veruschka. (The name Urquhart was used by her, and other family members on occasion as Frank Urquhart raised both Edward Jr and Catherine after Edward Brinn Sr died.)

Sheila/Veruschka had 5 children with 3 different spouses.                                                                                 * Demetria & Gina from her first spouse, Abdul Onder.                                                                                           * Angelina & Durek from her second spouse, David Verrett.                                                                            * Brandon from her third, Michael Clarke.                 

I am a positive DNA match with 4 family members of Durek’s immediate family, on two different DNA sites (Ancestry & MyHeritage). I match with Durek’s Mom, Sheila/Veruschka. I match with Durek’s half sister Demetria. I match with Durek’s sister Angelina. And I match with Durek’s half brother Brandon. That’s matches with 3 siblings with only Veruschka as the common parent.

I honestly don’t know what more proof you need other than that.

It is impossible for Oscar Farmer to be Veruschka’s father as I am not related to Mr Farmer – I  am related to Edward Brinn Jr. The Norwegian DNA chain goes from my Great Aunt Lilli to Edward Brinn Jr to Veruschka to Durek.

I hope this helps to settle this debate and clears up any confusion on your part.

The DNA does not lie.  

By the way, the wedding was incredible!

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2 hours ago, Rus Olsen said:

I am a positive DNA match with 4 family members of Durek’s immediate family, on two different DNA sites (Ancestry & MyHeritage). I match with Durek’s Mom, Sheila/Veruschka. I match with Durek’s half sister Demetria. I match with Durek’s sister Angelina. And I match with Durek’s half brother Brandon. That’s matches with 3 siblings with only Veruschka as the common parent.

I honestly don’t know what more proof you need other than that.



Well, we don't need any more proof than that - this is exactly what was needed, and this settles it once and for all. The documentary evidence suggested the descent was through Oscar Farmer, but the fact that your DNA matches with descendants of Sheilah/Veruschka proves that it was through Edward Brinn Urquhart.


Glad you enjoyed the wedding - must have been an incredible experience!

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Incidentally, this is a really good example of the possible validity and usefulness of a DNA test. Here, the documentation suggested one descent, but family lore suggested another descent. Multiple DNA tests were available, and proves that in this case, the family lore is correct and the information provided for the documentation was wrong.

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På 5.9.2024 den 5.23, Rus Olsen skrev:

After seeing 5+ years of communications on this blog – your theories have been entertaining, to the legitimacy of Durek’s claim of Norwegian descent, I feel I can make this less complicated for you. DNA does not lie, as you all know.

I am definitively Durek’s 2nd cousin, once removed, and without any doubt, Durek has Norwegian DNA – here’s how.

My DNA shows I am over 50% Norwegian. Durek’s Great Grandmother (and my Great Aunt) Lillian “Lilli” Karense Gulovna Arnesen, is my Grandfather Christian Marinius Arnesen’s eldest sister, and they were 100% Norwegian. They both grew up in Sagene, Norway before moving to America in 1909.

My Great Aunt Lilli and Edward Brinn Sr had 2 children - Catherine and Edward Jr.

Edward Jr married Vera Tyson. Edward Jr & Vera had one child together, Sheila Brinn, who later changed her name to Veruschka. (The name Urquhart was used by her, and other family members on occasion as Frank Urquhart raised both Edward Jr and Catherine after Edward Brinn Sr died.)

Sheila/Veruschka had 5 children with 3 different spouses.                                                                                 * Demetria & Gina from her first spouse, Abdul Onder.                                                                                           * Angelina & Durek from her second spouse, David Verrett.                                                                            * Brandon from her third, Michael Clarke.                 

I am a positive DNA match with 4 family members of Durek’s immediate family, on two different DNA sites (Ancestry & MyHeritage). I match with Durek’s Mom, Sheila/Veruschka. I match with Durek’s half sister Demetria. I match with Durek’s sister Angelina. And I match with Durek’s half brother Brandon. That’s matches with 3 siblings with only Veruschka as the common parent.

I honestly don’t know what more proof you need other than that.

It is impossible for Oscar Farmer to be Veruschka’s father as I am not related to Mr Farmer – I  am related to Edward Brinn Jr. The Norwegian DNA chain goes from my Great Aunt Lilli to Edward Brinn Jr to Veruschka to Durek.

I hope this helps to settle this debate and clears up any confusion on your part.

The DNA does not lie.  

By the way, the wedding was incredible!


Rus et al,


I beg to differ.


Scientifically, all genealogical connections need to be proven. Merely stating you are in possession of proof is not enough. In order to make a valid scientific conclusion, the very same proof has to be presented, furthermore, presented accompanied by a sound argument.


At the same time, there are legit concerns the very same proof claimed (results from an analysis of a DNA sample, provided the sample can be proven to have been submitted by an identifiable person), may be subject to protection through privacy laws, thus making a presentation legally difficult in this thread.


So, I hold that the claim "The DNA does not lie." is highly problematic. It is blunt and categorical, thus hiding all the conditions needing to be present before even making use of a single person's DNA results as an element in an argumentation, furthermore defying all sound skepticism presented in the debate so far.


Conclusion: Nothing pertaining DNA in this debate is scientifically proven, to date.


Best regards,



Edited by Are S. Gustavsen
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