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Knud Thorsen, Dorthea Lardatter burial information

Sherry Knutson

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I've been searching and searching to find out if my Great-Grandparents were buried and where, if they were.  They were drown when their boat, The Marie, sank.  This is an article that was sent to me on what happened:  


"Ship Notices. Stavanger, September 27th. A resident ship, "Marie," has gone missing on a voyage from Malmø to Bergen, probably during the storm that raged in the North Sea on the 25th and 26th  of August. Of the crew, Omund Omundsen Maldeli leaves a wife and 3 children and Knud Thorsen, who had his wife on board,  [?] children. The vessel was owned by these two men and was not insured."


Knud Thorsen and Dorthea Larsdatter were my Great-Grandparents.  I was hoping to find out this information before my Dad passed in 2012, but still haven't been successful.  Is there anyone who can help me?


Thank you, in advance

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From this topic: 



The death of Knud Thorsen Uhr, No. 352


Knud perished when his boat "Marie" capsized in august 1871


Rogaland fylke, St. Petri i St. Petri, Ministerialbok nr. A 3 (1861-1872), Døde og begravede 1871, Side 179
Permanent bilde-ID: kb20050923020524
Brukslenke for sidevisning: https://www.digitalarkivet.no/kb20050923020524
Permanent bildelenke: http://urn.digitalarkivet.no/URN:NBN:no-a1450-kb20050923020524.jpg



From the newspaper Dagbladet, 2/10-1871: https://www.nb.no/search?q="jagt marie er"&mediatype=aviser&sort=dateasc&fromDate=18711001&toDate=18711031


"Ship Notices. Stavanger, September 27th. A resident ship, "Marie," has gone missing on a voyage from Malmø to Bergen, probably during the storm that raged in the North Sea on the 25th and 26th  of August. Of the crew, Omund Omundsen Maldeli leaves a wife and 3 children and Knud Thorsen, who had his wife on board,  [?] children. The vessel was owned by these two men and was not insured."




Endret August 22, 2019 av Bjarne Rosenstrøm

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Redigert: Takk for lenke til tidligere emner, Bjarne. 🙂 


Can you tell which year this happened?


To try to determine when, I found (with FamilySearch) three children of the couple born in Stavanger.


Thore Thorsen 1865


Jorine Cecilie Thorsen. 1867


Lauritz Thorsen 1869

Endret av Anne-Lise Hansen
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Except for the first entry, all of the names of the persons on the page are lacking a funeral date. Since all of the names belong to sailors, they probably were not found, and some of them died abroad.


Rogaland fylke, St. Petri i St. Petri, Ministerialbok nr. A 3 (1861-1872), Døde og begravede 1871, Side 179
Permanent bilde-ID: kb20050923020524
Brukslenke for sidevisning: https://www.digitalarkivet.no/kb20050923020524

(No. 352 and 353)


Knud’s wife’s name is not here.



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That's what I was afraid of, yes, Lauritz is my grandfather, from what I've found his brother and sister, Thore and Jorine, went to live with their aunt Cecilie Ommundsen,  the sister of the Omund Omundsen while my Grandfather went to live with his aunt Astrid Thorsdatter in  1875, in Årdal in Ryfylke.  Astrid is Knut's sister, 


I'd found information where Thore and Jorine came to the USA, but we were always told Lauritz came at the same time.  We were also told the records had burned at Ellis Island, but yet they found the records of Thore and Jorine, so I cannot find anything on when or how my Grandfather got here.  


Thank you for everything, Anne-Lise

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