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Gruvearbeiderslekter Røros av Astrid Ryen

Odd Prytz

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Her kommer nok en perle fra Astrid Ryen! Hun har hatt dette som hobby i over 20 år og deler gjerne med oss som er interessert i gamle slekter knyttet til Røros Kobberverk.

Ikke alt er komplett eller fullstendig, sier hun. Det blir da opp til hver enkelt av oss å forske videre. Stoffet gir oss inspirasjon til nettopp det!


Tusen takk for at du deler med oss Astrid!



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 I want to thank Astrid for her many years of work on the Gruvearbeiderslekter Røros.  It has helped me considerably since my ability to read the Norwegian gothic script is poor at best. In particular the information on the Corporal name has been beneficial.  


 I have some further information on Moens Olsen Corporal and his children after his move to Kongsberg.  Can anyone advise best place to post?


Tusen takk Astrid and wishes for your good health 

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 Astrid's work mentions that Moens Olsen Corporal (moved to Kongsberg based on skifte information).  I have found the following three children:  Kirsten, Lars and Anne Margrethe, all born on Roros:

https://www.digitalarkivet.no/kb20070907660216 - kirsten moensdatter 

https://www.digitalarkivet.no/kb20070907660220 - Lars 

https://www.digitalarkivet.no/kb20070907660244 -anne margrethe

These children are from the 13 APR 1749 marriage to Magrete Larsdatter Halden.

Kirsten Moensdatter Corporal-Roros had at least seven children born in Kongsberg.  If my work is correct, there are descendants including me (by way of Marthin born 1792).   Kirsten died three years later in Kongsberg, Sandsvaer-moen,  on 10-14-1795.  I was unable to find a confirmation record for Kirsten in Roros. 

Lars Moensen Roraas is in the 1765 Kongsberg Manntall, and it indicates he lived with his father (Moens Olsen Corporal).  Daughter Anne Margrethe and son Lars are both married with children in the Kongsberg church books.  Moens Olsen has dropped Corporal and has used Roraas as a surname in Kongsberg. 

Sister Anne Margrethe's children with Lars Pedersen Klavstad are also found in Kongsberg:

https://www.digitalarkivet.no/kb20070316620270 -Anne Malene-29oct1774

https://www.digitalarkivet.no/kb20070316620227      - Peter-Lars Pedersen Klavstad-30 june 1771

https://www.digitalarkivet.no/kb20070316620382 -Erich-Lars Pedersen Klavstad-

Brother Lars Moensen Roros was confirmed in Kongsberg (pg. 304, 4-06-1766) had son, Lars,  20 Nov 1773 with Giertrud Margreth Ingbrethsdatter . 



 I have not connected a Christopher Olsen Corporal found in the 1741 (pg. 82) Kongsberg confirmation listings.


In Astrid's Dopte Roros 1695 list there is a Guert? Monsen (Mons Olsen Corporal) - Guert? is born skjaertorsdag (21 March) 1695. There was a skifte after Mons first wife, Marrite Erichsdatter, in Feb 1696 so she could have died the same year as this birth. I see no commonality with the fadderes listed with those from children from second marriage to Johanna Christensdatter.  Guert would have been born before 1st known child, Hans Jorgen, 13 Dec 1696 of that marriage. No dates known of marriages.



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