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One daughter used different parent name

Peter Hanson

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sorry, I only know English.


Question regarding “Why?”


Hans Petter Eliassøn was born and baptized in Christiania (Oslo) in Jun 1797.  His parents, Elias Pedersøn of Oslo and Catharina Elisabeth Hansdatter of Grønberg, Vestby (daughter of Hans Christophersøn), were married in Feb 1797 Oslo.  Elias died at age 40 in Nov. 1798 in Lørenskog.  Hans was on Haneborg farm in Lørenskog with his mother from 1798 to at least 1810 (she remarried in 1799 and again in 1810); he is listed in 1801 census as Hans Eliassøn.  After that, they moved to nearby Løvenstad in Stor Ström, Rælingen, Fet.  He was there in 1825 when he married Mari Nielsdatter and had a daughter Anna Elisabeth in 1826.  They then moved to nearby Stalsberg, Skedsmo in 1830 and lived there until they died (Mari at age 40 in 1845 and Hans at age 48 in 1846).


They had Maren, Mathea, Peter, Sophie, Caroline (died within 5 months), Ole Christian, and another Carloline (died at age 2 after Hans and Mari).  All the living children (including Anna) were confirmed in Stalsberg churchbooks.  The Fet and Skedsmo books both show Hans, Mari and Anna emigrated/immigrated in June 1830.


Hans’ marriage, migration, and death records indicate his name as PEDERSØN (or variation), and seven of the children’s birth, confirmation and marriage records note their parents as Hans PEDERSØN and Mari Nielsdatter of Stalsberg.  I am not able to translate all in his Probatel, but it clealy lists all the children, including Maren.  Maren was born in Feb 1829 Stalsberg (prior to the migration).  Her birth, baptism, confirmation, marriages (2) indicate her parents as Hans Petter ELIASSØN and Mari Nielsdatter of Stalsberg.


Why would her records be different than all the rest?


(edited: forgot to mention that the migration records in 1830 notes Hans was born in Christiania.  I think this helps to verify we are talking about the same person)


Peter Hanson

Endret av Peter Hanson
birth location, wife name
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You have a lot of information pertaining to the question you asked but it may be useful to have some links to the most pertinent records. Here is the baptism of Maren. 


Number 4 




Anna Elisabeth Nr 39




Marriage Nr 23




1801 Hans Eliasen 




Endret av Anton Hagelee
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This is a common problem around this time. Traditionally a child would have the father's name (adding -sen,-son or -søn) or  -datter for a last last name. However, around 1800 it became a  fashion to keep the old familyname from the grandfather.  Sometimes maybe to honour the grandfather. It is common to find that the priest names the child in the church baptism protocol after the father, while the family for instance in census use the grandfather's last name. This last name would mostly stick for future generations.

Endret av Jarl B Haagensen
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thank you Anton and Jarl.  I was going to add the links but then i thought it may be too much.  I thought that might be the reason Jarl, but thought it odd that only one out of eight children had it that way.  I supposed that since she (Maren) was born in another parish at the time that Hans, Mari and Anna were officially documenting their move, that may have been why her birth noted the full patronymic name.  Whereas he was already known by the shorter name in Fet and came to be known as such later in Skedsmo.  Further, I assumed that since Maren's records showed it one way at birth, she kept that same style throughout all her records.  Lots of speculation on my part. 

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I was just looking at a skifte for Hans' grandfather and see that the second child used the same "last name" as his father (ie. based on his grandfather's given name) while the rest of the childen used a different one (the farm name).  So I see a pattern here.

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