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Decipher/Translate and Residence Number

Peter Hanson

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Anders Hansen and Birthe Iversdatter were married in 1816...https://media.digitalarkivet.no/view/7653/82189/3

They had a daughter in 1815...https://media.digitalarkivet.no/view/7652/229

both show Anders to be from Finholdt and Birthe from Klodsbaading.


They had son Hans Jakob in 1833 Brandstorphaughen... https://media.digitalarkivet.no/view/533/7

He was at Finholdt for confirmation in 1848


a record showed Birthe was born in 1793 so I looked in churchbook and found her at Ingebord...https://media.digitalarkivet.no/view/7652/38704/66

So I know her parents were Iver Nielsen and Marthe Oldsdatter (on Ingebord in 1801 without Birthe)


I searched the scanned Nes books for Anders, son of Hans between 1790-1800 (used this range to start with)

https://media.digitalarkivet.no/view/7652/38704/84 #123 to Hans Andersen and Kari Joensdatter of Fyhrie (same in 1801)

same page #134 has father as Hans Gulbrandsen (what does it say after Oulie?) and who is the mother? (is it on next line mixed in with witnesses?)

https://media.digitalarkivet.no/view/7652/38704/58 #120 to Hans Gierloch and Berthe Halvorsdatter (is residence assumed to be Gierloch?) (seems to be Fahrset in 1801)

https://media.digitalarkivet.no/view/7652/38704/49 #48 to Hans Christensen and Marthe Andersdatter.  Is residence Ruud? (seems to be Runden in 1801...same?)

https://media.digitalarkivet.no/view/7652/38704/48 #30 to Hans Olsen of Oulie and Berthe Thorsdatter (widow at Oulie Sondre in 1801)

https://media.digitalarkivet.no/view/7652/38704/41 #27 to Hans Andersen and Thore Tronsdatter of Westgaard (same in 1801)


I looked in 1801 Census.

Fyhrie = #34

Ingebord = #59

Fahrset = #78

Rudd = #80

Klodsbaading = #103

Finnholdt = #108

Brandstorp = #111

Oulie = #120

Westgaard= #187

Runden = #193

were the numberings random or were they near each other?  If the latter, it would seem one of the Oulie births may be the more likely one for Anders.

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Here is an overview of the farm names in Nes and in which of the books they are described. The farm names are listed in two colums:




The farm numbers are not random, but indicates where the farms are in a district.


Your question about what the farm name is in #48, if it is Ruud, it sais Runie.  It is neccesary to know that Runni is the same farm as Runden. (The farm Funden is Funni, Hinden is Henni)


Ingeborgrud is the correct name where you found Birthe born.


The entry #134 has no name for the mother included, just the father. What it sais after Oulie E(ie) is probably his occupation.


Another helpful site, is the church books transcribed by members of Raumnes historielag:



Endret av Anne-Lise Hansen
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Hans Gierlach was lensmann and this is not a farm name in Nes. He married widow Berthe Halvorsdtr Farset Jan. 13. 1791, engaged Oct. 22. 1790:



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these transcribed ones are very helpful to use find/search rather than scouring over the tough-to-read books!  thanks again.

I could not access the farm books.  There have been a few links that don't work for me because it appears i'd need a Norwegian IP Address.

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Peter Hansson, Hans Jacob Andersen is my great-great grandfather.  Possibly I can hjelp you with information! Feel frem to contact me. 


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@Peter Hanson does not ‘follow’ this topic, and will not receive any notice about your posting, @Torillbente


Press ‘Følg dette’ on top of the tread, to be notified of new postings. 


(Dette gjelder deg også, Torillbente. Vet ikke hvorfor dette ikke er standardinnstilling, siden kommunikasjon blir helt umulig når ingen får beskjed om svar i tråden..)


Å ‘tagge’ brukeren, gjør at når vedkommende logger seg på forumet, vil han få melding om svar i tråden.

Endret av Anne-Lise Hansen
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On 8/17/2021 at 3:20 PM, Torillbente said:

Peter Hansson, Hans Jacob Andersen is my great-great grandfather.  Possibly I can hjelp you with information! Feel frem to contact me. 


@Torillbente, my connection to Hans Jakob Andersen in assumed.  my 3x great granfather was Hendrik Hansen, born 3 Feb 1859 at Vaaler farm in Lorenskoven/Skedsmo to unmarried Sophie Hansdatter of Vaaler and and a Hans Jakob Andersen of Naes Parish.  The info I gathered on Hans Jakob seems to make him a likely candidate. I am not on this forum often (thus the delay). I am going to message you since I don't think right for me to post all the info here.  Thanks for reaching out...and thanks Anne-Lise for letting me know about the setting ( I was unaware of the default).

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