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Gunnar/Gunder Larsen Utbjoa f. 1845 - til USA når?

Jostein Stokke

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Gunnar Larsen Utbjoa – født 30. mars 1845 - #46:

SAB, Fjelberg Sokneprestembete, H/Haa: Ministerialbok nr. A 6, 1835-1851, s. 90

Brukslenke for sidevisning: https://www.digitalarkivet.no/kb20070226220098


Gift med Inger Jonesdtr Vik øvre– #28:

SAB, Fjelberg Sokneprestembete, H/Haa: Ministerialbok nr. A 6, 1835-1851, s. 89

Brukslenke for sidevisning:


Vielse 4. nov 1869 – nr 6:

SAB, Sveio Sokneprestembete, H/Hab: Klokkerbok nr. C 2, 1866-1886, s. 81

Brukslenke for sidevisning: https://www.digitalarkivet.no/kb20070521650061


Utvandret til Amerika – men når? Her står det 1874:




Hva med denne her da?



Er det noen som kan hjelpe?


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Name: Gunder Larson
Event Type: Census
Event Date: 1900
Event Year: 1900
Event Place: Concord Township, Hardin, Iowa, United States
Event Place (Original): ED 145 Concord Township, Hardin, Iowa, United States
Gender: Male
Age: 55
Marital Status: Married
Race: White
Race (Original): W
Years Married: 26
Birth Date: Apr 1845
Birthplace: Norway
Marriage Year (Estimated): 1874
Immigration Year: 1874
Father's Birthplace: Norway
Mother's Birthplace: Norway
Relationship to Head of Household: Head
Relationship to Head of Household (Original): Head
Sheet Letter: A
Sheet Number: 2


Household Role Sex Age Birthplace
Gunder Larson Head M 55 Norway
Enger Larson Wife F 55 Norway
Louis Larson Son M 25 Iowa
Helene Larson Daughter F 17 Iowa
Malinda Larson Daughter F 22 Iowa
Isaac Larson Son M 19 Iowa
Emma Larson Daughter F 15 Iowa
John Lee Laborer M 21 Iowa


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Kanskje denne mannen.


Gunder L Vik

 in the Canadian Passenger Lists, 1865-1935

Name:Gunder L Vik


Arrival Age:29

Birth Year:abt 1845

Departure Port:Stavanger, Norway

Arrival Date:21 Jun 1874

Arrival Port:Quebec, Quebec, Canada








Endret av Anton Hagelee
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51 minutes ago, Jostein Stokke said:


Gunder Larsen Vik

 in the Book Indexes to Boston Passenger Lists, 1899-1940

Name:Gunder Larsen Vik

Ship Name:Saxonia

Date of Arrival:11 Aug 1903


Iunder larsen Vik

 in the Massachusetts, Passenger and Crew Lists, 1820-1963

Name:Iunder larsen Vik




Birth Date:abt 1845

Departure Place:Liverpool, England

Arrival Date:20 Aug 1903

Arrival Place:Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Last Residence:United States of America

















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Ser de har to barn ved utflyttingen, John og Dorthe Gurina. Da er vel dette familien i US Census 1880:



Name: Gunder Larson
Event Type: Census
Event Date: 1880
Event Place: Howard, Story, Iowa, United States
Event Place (Original): Howard, Story, Iowa, United States
Gender: Male
Age: 35
Marital Status: Married
Race: White
Race (Original): W
Occupation: Farmer
Birth Year (Estimated): 1845
Birthplace: Norway
Father's Birthplace: Norway
Mother's Birthplace: Norway
Relationship to Head of Household: Self
Relationship to Head of Household (Original): Self
Sheet Letter: B
Sheet Number: 228
Person Number: 0
Volume: 2

Household Role Sex Age Birthplace
Gunder Larson Self M 35 Norway
Enger Larson Wife F 35 Norway
John Larson Son M 14 Norway
Dortha Larson Daughter F 7 Norway
Lewis M Larson Son M 4 Iowa, United States
Britha Larson Daughter F 2 Iowa, United States




Name: Lewis M Larson
Event Type: Marriage
Event Date: 27 Jan 1904
Event Place: Roland, Story, Iowa, United States
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Birth Year (Estimated): 1876
Father's Name: Gunnder Larson
Mother's Name: Inger Toe
Spouse's Name: Julia Heng
Spouse's Gender: Female
Spouse's Age: 24
Spouse's Birth Year (Estimated): 1880
Spouse's Father's Name: Erik Heng
Spouse's Mother's Name: Julia Risetta


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Name: Isaac Larson
Event Type: Marriage
Event Date: 30 Sep 1908
Event Place: Scott, Hamilton, Iowa, United States
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Birth Year (Estimated): 1881
Father's Name: Gunder Larson
Mother's Name: Inger Tru
Spouse's Name: Anna Maria Berven
Spouse's Gender: Female
Spouse's Age: 22
Spouse's Birth Year (Estimated): 1886
Spouse's Father's Name: Jacob Berven
Spouse's Mother's Name: Ingeborg Espe




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Name: Telmand Syverin Hanson
Event Type: Birth
Event Date: 26 Mar 1895
Event Place: Clarion, Wright, Iowa, United States
Event Place (Original): Clarion, Wright, Iowa
Gender: M
Father's Name: Anton Hanson
Mother's Name: Dortea Gurnina Larson



Name: Telman Syverin Hanson
Event Type: Christening
Event Date: 12 May 1895
Event Place: Des Moines, Iowa, United States
Event Place (Original): Den Førstes Norsk-Dansk Evangelisk Luthersk Menighed, Des Moines, Polk, Iowa, United States
Gender: Male



Name: Dora Hanson
Event Type: Census
Event Date: 1900
Event Place: Belmond & Norway Townships Belmond city (pt.), Wright, Iowa, United States
Event Place (Original): ED 157 Belmond & Norway Townships Belmond city (pt.), Wright, Iowa, United States
Gender: Female
Age: 32
Marital Status: Married
Race: White
Number of Living Children: 1
Birth Date: Mar 1868
Birthplace: Norway
Marriage Year (Estimated): 1890
Immigration Year: 1867
Father's Birthplace: Norway
Mother's Birthplace: Norway
Mother of how many children: 1
Relationship to Head of Household: Wife
Relationship to Head of Household (Original): Wife
Sheet Letter: A
Sheet Number: 7

Household Role Sex Age Birthplace
Anton Hanson Head M 31 Norway
Dora Hanson Wife F 32 Norway
Tolman Hanson Son M 5 Iowa


Name: Tilman Synerin Hanson
Event Type: Draft Registration
Event Date: 1917-1918
Event Place: Clay, Minnesota, United States
Event Place (Original): United States, Minnesota, Clay County
Gender: Male
Birth Date: 26 Mar 1895
Birthplace: Clarion, Iowa, United States
Citizenship Place: United States


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Lewis Martin Larsen

 in the U.S., Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Church Records, 1781-1969

Name:Lewis Martin Larsen

Baptism Age:0

Record Type:Baptism 

Birth Date:3 Nov 1875

Baptism Date:26 Dec 1875

Baptism Place:Roland, Gilbert, Des Moines, Iowa, USA

Father:Gunder Larsen

Mother:Inger Larsen

Church Name:Salem Lutheran Church

Church Location:Roland, Iowa



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Kanskje Inger død?


Mrs Gunder Larson

 in the U.S., Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Church Records, 1781-1969

Name:Mrs Gunder Larson

Record Type:Burial 

Birth Place:I Norge

Death Date:27 Mar 1909

Burial Date:30 Mar 1909

Church Name:Salem Lutheran Church

Church Location:Roland, Iowa





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Ble Gunder gift to ganger.


Ellen M Larson

 in the Iowa, State Census Collection, 1836-1925

Name:Ellen M Larson
[Ellen M Knudtsen] Age:62Birth Year:abt 1863Birth Place:NorwayResidence Date:1 Jan 1925Residence Place:Roland, Story, Iowa, USARace:WhiteGender:FemaleRelation to Head:WifeMarital status:MarriedSpouse:Gundar Laren VekFather:Iver KnudtsenFather Birth Place:NorwayMother:Inger StarsonMother Birth Place:NorwayNeighbors:View others on pageHousehold Members:


Gundar Laren Vek79

Ellen M Larson62

Emma Larson38



1900 FT 




1920 FT 





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Lastet ned fra Ancestry (Familietre). Sammenfatningen av Gunder Larsen og familien ble gjort av et av hans barnebarn.

Ancestry Gunder Larson i.jpg

Ancestry Gunder Larson ii.jpg

Endret av Egil Johannessen
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50 minutter siden, Anton Hagelee skrev:

Ble Gunder gift to ganger.


Ja, det står i OBIT (ref FAG - https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/119894652/gunder-larson_vik )


"On April 14, 1910, he was married the second time, to Ellen Leming [Lenning], who survives him."


Iowa, County Marriages, 1838-1934https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XJ7M-MS9
Name: G Larsen Vik
Event Type: Marriage
Event Date: 14 Apr 1910
Event Place: Hardin, Iowa, United States
Gender: Male
Age: 65
Birth Year (Estimated): 1845
Father's Name: Lars I
Mother's Name: Dorthea Gundson
Spouse's Name: Ellen Lenning
Spouse's Gender: Female
Spouse's Age: 47
Spouse's Birth Year (Estimated): 1863
Spouse's Father's Name: Ivar Knudson
Spouse's Mother's Name: Cristina Anderson

Endret av Egil Johannessen
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The U.S., Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Church Records, 1781-1969
Name:    Gunder Larson
Record Type:    Burial
Birth Place:    Bjoa Norge
Death Date:    21 Mar 1926
Burial Date:    24 Mar 1926
Church Name:    Salem Lutheran Church
Church Location:    Roland, Iowa

1926 Gravlagt GL.jpg

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29 minutes ago, Egil Johannessen said:


Ja, det står i OBIT (ref FAG - https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/119894652/gunder-larson_vik )


"On April 14, 1910, he was married the second time, to Ellen Leming [Lenning], who survives him."


Ellen Marie Larson Vik

 in the U.S., Find A Grave Index, 1600s-Current

Name:Ellen Marie Larson Vik

Birth Date:18 Dec 1862

Birth Place:Norway

Death Date:14 Jul 1952

Death Place:Story County, Iowa, United States of America

Cemetery:Roland Cemetery

Burial or Cremation Place:Roland, Story County, Iowa, United States of America

Has Bio?:Y

Spouse:Osmund Lenning

Children:Kurnel Martin Lenning 
Ida Christine Alcorn 
Odie Manard Lenning 
Omer Clarence Lenning



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Dødsattest Gunder Larson Vik.


The Iowa, Death Records, 1920-1967
Name:    Gunder Larson Vik
Gender:    Male
Age:    80
Birth Year:    abt 1846
Death Date:    21 Mar 1926
Death Place:    Roland, Story, Iowa, USA
Father:    Isaac Larson
Mother:    Sarah Vik
Spouse:    Ellen Larson

1926 Dødsattest GL.jpg

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13 hours ago, Grethe Flood said:


Name: Telmand Syverin Hanson
Event Type: Birth
Event Date: 26 Mar 1895
Event Place: Clarion, Wright, Iowa, United States
Event Place (Original): Clarion, Wright, Iowa
Gender: M
Father's Name: Anton Hanson
Mother's Name: Dortea Gurnina Larson


Tusen takk for all hjelp.


Men denne her forstår jeg ikke - Anton Hanson?

Hvem er da Thomas J Sims?

For det er da bare en (Julia) Dorthe Gurine født i 1873?


3 hours ago, Egil Johannessen said:

Lastet ned fra Ancestry. Sammenfatningen av Gunder Larsen og familien ble gjort av et av hans barnebarn.


Og her står det:

«On the ship coming to America an infant became ill and died and was buried at sea»


Jeg finner ikke noe slikt barn født i Vikebygd.

Kanskje det er en misforståelse - de fikk barnet Dorthea Gurine den 18. aug 1870 - døpt 28. aug i Vikebygd - død 22. januar 1871 - gravlagt 28. jan 1871 i Vikebygd.

(Du behøver ikke dokumentere dette...)


Igjen - tusen takk!

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19 minutes ago, Jostein Stokke said:


Tusen takk for all hjelp.


Men denne her forstår jeg ikke - Anton Hanson?

Hvem er da Thomas J Sims?

For det er da bare en (Julia) Dorthe Gurine født i 1873?


Sannsynligvis denne kvinnen.


Dora Larson

 in the Iowa, Select Marriages Index, 1758-1996

Name:Dora Larson


Marital status:Single


Birth Date:1866

Birth Place:Norway

Marriage Date:20 Oct 1890

Marriage Place:Clarion, Wright, Iowa

Marriage Age:24

Father:Thorkal Larson

Mother:Annie Chalsoig

Spouse:Anton Hanson

FHL Film Number:1392977

Reference ID:2:3D0ST6R


Daardi Gurine Torkeld

 in the Norway, Select Baptisms, 1634-1927

Name:Daardi Gurine Torkeld


Birth Date:9 mar 1866

Baptism Date:2 apr 1866

Baptism Place:, Olen, Hordaland, Norway

Father:Torkeld Larsen

Mother:Anna Johnsdr







Endret av Anton Hagelee
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52 minutes ago, Jostein Stokke said:


Og her står det:

«On the ship coming to America an infant became ill and died and was buried at sea»


Jeg finner ikke noe slikt barn født i Vikebygd.

Kanskje det er en misforståelse - de fikk barnet Dorthea Gurine den 18. aug 1870 - døpt 28. aug i Vikebygd - død 22. januar 1871 - gravlagt 28. jan 1871 i Vikebygd.

(Du behøver ikke dokumentere dette...)



De sier ikke at barnet var en del av Gunder Larsen Vik-familien.


Fire personer forlot Sveio, Hordlland i 1874. Gunder, kone Inger og to barn. Fire personer ankom i juni 1874 Quebec, Canada. Gunder L Vik, kona Inger og to barn.


Samme fire personer er i 1880-folketellingen lagt ut av Grethe.


Household Role Sex Age Birthplace
Gunder Larson Self M 35 Norway
Enger Larson Wife F 35 Norway
John Larson Son M 14 Norway
Dortha Larson Daughter F 7 Norway
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37 minutes ago, Anton Hagelee said:

De sier ikke at barnet var en del av Gunder Larsen Vik-familien.


Vel - når det skrives i en slektsoversikt, så kan en jo anta at det menes i denne familien?

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