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Erik Larsen Roterud f. 26.01.1832 emigrerte med kone og barn

Hans  Myhre

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Erik Larsen Roterud f. 26.01.1832  gift 05.07.1855

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Emigrerte 07.04.1866

Maria Eriksdatter reiste med foreldrene men hun har jeg funnet, men ikke resten av familien.

 Men datteren Maria Eriksdatter f. 12.04.1856 ble gift 1875 Michel Michelsen f. 24.07.1850 Furnes d. 09.05.1931 West Salem. Maria d. 22.04.1931 La Crosse. en sønn Marti  14.03.1877 WI som igjen var gift og hadde 4 barn.

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Hedmark fylke, Ringsaker, Brøttum, Veldre i Ringsaker, Ministerialbok nr. 10 (1861-1869), Inn- og utflyttede 1866, Side 411




Name: Mary Michaelson
Event Date: 1905
Event Place: Wisconsin, United States
Residence Place: West Salem, La Crosse, Wisconsin
Gender: Female
Gender: F
Age: 49
Age: 49y
Marital Status: Married
Race: White
Race: W
Birth Date: 1856
Birth Year (Estimated): Abt 1856
Birthplace: Norway
Parent 1 Birthplace: Norway
Parent 2 Birthplace: Norway
Relationship to Head of Household: Wife
Relationship to Head of Household: Wife
Spouse's Name: Michael Michaelson
Spouse's Birthplace: Norway
Head of Household Name: Michael Michaelson
Image Number: 977
Record Number: 92909

Husstand Rolle Kjønn Alder Fødested
Michael Michaelson Head M 55y Norway
Mary Michaelson Wife F 49y Norway
Martin Michaelson Son M 28y Wisconsin
Annie Michaelson Daughter F 26y Wisconsin
Oscar Michaelson Son M 21y Wisconsin


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Name: Agnete Larson
Event Type: Census
Event Date: 1900
Event Year: 1900
Event Place: West Side, Dane, Wisconsin, United States
Event Place (Original): ED 64 Farmington town, west side
Sex: Female
Age: 68
Marital Status: Married
Race: White
Race (Original): W
Number of Living Children: 5
Years Married: 44
Birth Date: Aug 1832
Birthplace: Norway
Marriage Year (Estimated): 1856
Immigration Year: 1866
Father's Birthplace: Norway
Mother's Birthplace: Norway
Mother of how many children: 7
Relationship to Head of Household: Mother
Relationship to Head of Household (Original): Mother
Sheet Letter: A
Sheet Number: 3

Husstand Rolle Kjønn Alder Fødested
E Lars Larson Head M 42 Norway
Erick Larson Father M 64 Norway
Agnete Larson Mother F 68 Norway
Anna Larson Sister F 28 Wisconsin
John Torbuson Boarder M 92 Norway
Joseph Johnson Servant M 25 Wisconsin


Endret av Grethe Flood
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Name: Agnette Larson
Event Type: Census
Event Date: 1880
Event Place: La Crosse, Wisconsin, United States
Event Place (Original): La Crosse, WI
Sex: Female
Age: 47
Marital Status: Married
Race: White
Race (Original): W
Occupation: Keeping House
Birth Year (Estimated): 1833
Birthplace: Norway
Father's Birthplace: Norway
Mother's Birthplace: Norway
Relationship to Head of Household: Wife
Relationship to Head of Household (Original): Wife
Sheet Letter: D
Sheet Number: 371
Person Number: 1
Volume: 1

Husstand Rolle Kjønn Alder Fødested
Erick Larson Self M 44 Norway
Agnette Larson Wife F 47 Norway
Lars Larson Son M 22 Norway
Bertha Larson Daughter F 19 Norway
Ottilia Larson Other F 12 Wisconsin, United States
Anna E. Larson Other F 7 Wisconsin, United States
Martin Nikkelson Grandson M 3 Wisconsin, United States


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Betsey Larson

in the 1870 United States Federal Census

Name:Betsey Larson[Roterud]

Age in 1870:9

Birth Year:abt 1861


Dwelling Number:222

Home in 1870:Farmington, La Crosse, Wisconsin



Post Office:Stevenstown

Father of Foreign Birth:Y

Mother of Foreign Birth:Y

Inferred Father:Erick Larson

Inferred Mother:Netta Larson

Household MembersAge

Erick Larson44

Netta Larson38

Mory Larson14

Lars Larson12

Betsey Larson9

Liller Larson4

Anton Larson


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