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Diverse emigrantar som 1870 var busette i Harmony township, Vernon Co., WI - truleg alle frå Oppland/Hedmark - men kven var desse folki?

Lars E. Øyane

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Eg slit med ei gruppe emigrantar som i FT1870 budde i Harmony township, Vernon Co., WI.  Dette er eit nabolag der eg er dårleg kjend, men eg mistenker dei fleste av desse emigrantane for å vera frå Oppland og/eller Hedmark.  Det dreier seg om Dwellings # 11 - 19 på desse to sidene:






Larson, Lars 45 farmer Nor

Larson, Carrie 46 keeping house Nor

Larson, Hans 20 at home Nor

Larson, Christian 18 at home Nor

Larson, Ole 17 at home Nor

Larson, Mary 14 at home Nor

Larson, Hans 12 at home Nor

Hanson, John 49 farmer Nor

Hanson, Rachel 46 keeping house Nor

Hanson, Hans 16 at home Nor

Hanson, Anna 14 at home Nor

Hanson, Ole 11 at home Nor

Hanson, Anna 10 at home Nor

Hanson, Louis 7 at home Nor

Larson, John 46 farmer Nor

Larson, Anna 43 keeping house Nor

Larson, Margaret 18 at home Nor

Larson, Rachel 14 at home Nor

Larson, Lars 12 at home Nor

Reefe, Sever 33 shoe maker Nor

Reefe Tore keeping house 21 Nor

Reefe, Thomas 3 at home WI

Reefe, Anna 1 at home WI

Rasmusson, Ole 50 farmer Nor

Rasmusson, Margaret 50 keeping house Nor

Rasmusson, John 12 at home Nor

Johnson, Halvor 57 farmer Nor

Johnson, Emma 66 keeping house Nor

Halvorson, Hans 33 farm laborer Nor

Halvorson, Anna 28 keeping house Nor

Halvorson, Halvor 6 at home Nor

Halvorson, male 2/12 at home WI Mar

Knutson, Ole 60 farmer Nor

Knutson, Lena 60 keeping house Nor

Knutson, Margaret 21 domestic servant Nor

Halvorson, Ole 55 farmer Nor

Halvorson, Anna 46 keeping house Nor

Halvorson, Mary 16 domestic servant Nor

Halvorson, Halvor 15 at home Nor


Eg takkar so mykje på førehand for alle gode tips når det gjeld opphavi til desse huslydane!

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58 minutes ago, Lars E. Øyane said:

Reefe, Sever 33 shoe maker Nor


Reefe Tore keeping house 21 Nor


Reefe, Thomas 3 at home WI


Reefe, Anna 1 at home WI


1880 FT 




Kan dette være Sever og Thora i North Dakota i 1900 FT?







Endret av Anton Hagelee
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Syver T. Reep

in the U.S., Find a Grave Index, 1600s-Current

Name:Syver T. Reep

Gender:M (Male)

Birth Date:Jan 1837

Birth Place:Norway

Death Date:1915

Cemetery:Our Saviors Church Cemetery

Burial or Cremation Place:Aneta, Nelson County, North Dakota, United States of America

Has Bio?:N

Spouse:Thora Reep

Children:Mary Sophis ReepAnna J. Dahl




Kandidat født i januar 1837 i Lom, Oppland. Ingen omtale av Reppen?


Nr. 41





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Syver Torsteinsen Rep utvandret fra Lom i 1859 nr 1

Oppland fylke, Lom, Garmo, Skjåk i Lom, Ministerialbok nr. 6B (1837-1863), Utflyttede 1859, Side 692
Brukslenke for sidevisning: https://www.digitalarkivet.no/kb20070130630662


Dåp Syver nr 41

Oppland fylke, Lom, Garmo, Skjåk i Lom, Ministerialbok nr. 5 (1825-1837), Fødte og døpte 1837, Side 302-303
Brukslenke for sidevisning: https://www.digitalarkivet.no/kb20070603510405

Foreldrene på Nordre Rep i 1865



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Kanskje Thora i FAG.


Thora Reep

in the U.S., Find a Grave Index, 1600s-Current

Name:Thora Reep

Birth Date:18 Aug 1849

Death Date:7 Oct 1922

Cemetery:Our Saviors Church Cemetery

Burial or Cremation Place:Aneta, Nelson County, North Dakota, United States of America

Has Bio?:N

Father:John J. Larson

Mother:Anna Larson

Spouse:Syver T. Reep

Children:Mary Sophis ReepAnna J. Dahl




Nr. 101 







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Thora døde i 1922, fødested oppgitt til Lom



Dåp Thorøe nr101

Oppland fylke, Lom, Garmo, Skjåk i Lom, Ministerialbok nr. 6A (1837-1863), Fødte og døpte 1849, Side 121
Brukslenke for sidevisning: https://www.digitalarkivet.no/kb20070130630126


Emigrerer med foreldren i 1859 nr 15-20

Oppland fylke, Lom, Garmo, Skjåk i Lom, Ministerialbok nr. 6B (1837-1863), Utflyttede 1859, Side 692
Brukslenke for sidevisning: https://www.digitalarkivet.no/kb20070130630662




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3 hours ago, Lars E. Øyane said:

Hanson, John 49 farmer Nor


Hanson, Rachel 46 keeping house Nor


Hanson, Hans 16 at home Nor


Hanson, Anna 14 at home Nor


Hanson, Ole 11 at home Nor


Hanson, Anna 10 at home Nor


Hanson, Louis 7 at home Nor




Lewis (Lars) (Jonson) Hanson


BIRTH 09 OCT 1863 • Gnr 7-A, Kuhaugen, Frisvollgardane, Lom, Oppland, Norway

DEATH 21 JAN 1958 • Grand Forks, Grand Forks, North Dakota, USA


1865 FT 





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Ronaug Hanson

in the U.S., Find a Grave Index, 1600s-Current

Name:Ronaug Hanson

Birth Date:4 Oct 1825

Death Date:7 Feb 1906

Cemetery:Our Saviors Church Cemetery

Burial or Cremation Place:Aneta, Nelson County, North Dakota, United States of America

Has Bio?:N

Children:Louis J. Hanson




Nr. 79 født er 5 Oct 1824 ikke 4 Oct 1825







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Jon Hansen

 in the Norway, Select Baptisms, 1634-1927

Name:Jon Hansen


Birth Date:27 nov 1820

Baptism Date:6 des 1820 (6 Dec 1820)

Baptism Place:Skjaak,Opland,Norway

Father:Hans Larssen

Mother:Marith Jonsdr

FHL Film Number:307266


Nr 23 - 24 







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Til North Dakota også?


Lars J. Larson

in the U.S., Find a Grave Index, 1600s-Current

Name:Lars J. Larson

Birth Date:3 Feb 1858

Death Date:6 Jun 1892

Cemetery:Our Saviors Church Cemetery

Burial or Cremation Place:Aneta, Nelson County, North Dakota, United States of America

Has Bio?:N

Father:John J. Larson

Mother:Anna Larson

Spouse:Annie J. Larson

Children:Lena Marie OlsonElmer Richard Larson





 in the Norway, Church Records, 1812-1938


Record Type:dåp (Baptism)

Birth Date:3 Febr

Baptism Date:1 apr 1858

Baptism Place:Lom, Oppland, Norge (Norway)

Baptism Municipality:Skjåk

Father:John Larsen

Mother:Anne Hansdatter


Nr. 32 









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John J. Larson

in the U.S., Find a Grave Index, 1600s-Current

Name:John J. Larson

Birth Date:3 Aug 1824

Death Date:1 Apr 1893

Cemetery:Our Saviors Church Cemetery

Burial or Cremation Place:Aneta, Nelson County, North Dakota, United States of America

Has Bio?:N

Spouse:Anna Larson

Children:Theodora ShrewsburyLars J. LarsonThora ReepRichel Halderson




John Larsen

 in the Norway, Select Baptisms, 1634-1927

Name:John Larsen


Birth Date:2 aug 1824

Baptism Date:8 aug 1824

Baptism Place:Lom,Opland,Norway

Father:Lars Hansen

Mother:Toro Johnsdr

FHL Film Number:125511


Nr. 26 







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Anne Hansdr

 in the Norway, Select Marriages, 1660-1926

Name:Anne Hansdr


Marriage Date:17 apr 1849

Marriage Place:Lom,Opland,Norway

Spouse:John Larsen

FHL Film Number:307267


Nr. 14 




Anne Hansen

 in the Norway, Select Baptisms, 1634-1927

Name:Anne Hansen


Birth Date:27 jul 1827

Baptism Date:29 jul 1827

Baptism Place:Lom,Opland,Norway

Father:Hans Larsen

Mother:Marit Amunsdr

FHL Film Number:125512


Nr. 108 







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John Larson

in the North Dakota, U.S., Naturalizations, 1873-1952

Name:John Larson

Declaration Age:60

Record Type:Naturalization Declaration

Birth Date:1824

Birth Place:Norway

Arrival Date:Jun 1859

Arrival Place:Milwaukee

Declaration Date:3 May 1884

Declaration Place:Grand Forks, Grand Forks, North Dakota, USA

Volume Number:5-8




Utvandret Nr. 14 - 20 





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20 hours ago, Lars E. Øyane said:

Rasmusson, Ole 50 farmer Nor


Rasmusson, Margaret 50 keeping house Nor


Rasmusson, John 12 at home Nor


Johnson, Halvor 57 farmer Nor




John Olsen

 in the Norway, Select Baptisms, 1634-1927

Name:John Olsen


Birth Date:18 okt 1858 (18 Oct 1858)

Baptism Date:30 jan 1859

Baptism Place:, Lom, Opland, Norway

Father:Ole Rasmusen

Mother:Marith Johnsdr

FHL Film Number:307267


1865 FT 








Utvandret 1870 Nr. 14 - 16





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USA folketelling i 1870 var 12. august 1870.



Ole Rasmussen

in the U.S. and Canada, Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s

Name:Ole Rasmussen

Arrival Year:1870

Arrival Place:Wisconsin

Primary Immigrant:Rasmussen, Ole

Source Publication Code:3839.20





Ole Rasmussen Hofkskjelder

 in the Canada, Incoming Passenger Lists, 1865-1935

Name:Ole Rasmussen Hofkskjelder


Arrival Age:49

Birth Year:abt 1821

Departure Port:Bergen, Norway

Arrival Date:24 Jun 1870

Arrival Port:Quebec, Quebec, Canada







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Hans Halvorsen med hustru Anne og sønn Halvor kan være denne familien fra Lom i ft 1865



Emigrerer i 1869

Oppland fylke, Lom, Garmo, Bøverdalen i Lom, Ministerialbok nr. 7 (1863-1884), Utflyttede 1869, Side 326
Brukslenke for sidevisning: https://www.digitalarkivet.no/kb20070115620778


Hans i census 1880



Hans født 13/11 1836

Oppland fylke, Lom, Garmo, Skjåk i Lom, Ministerialbok nr. 5 (1825-1837), Fødte og døpte 1836-1837, Side 294-295
Brukslenke for sidevisning: https://www.digitalarkivet.no/kb20070603510401


Hans og Annes vielse i 1863



Anne født 15/9 1842

Oppland fylke, Lom, Garmo, Skjåk i Lom, Ministerialbok nr. 6A (1837-1863), Fødte og døpte 1842, Side 42
Brukslenke for sidevisning: https://www.digitalarkivet.no/kb20070130630047



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15 timer siden, Lars E. Øyane skrev:

Halvorson, Ole 55 farmer Nor


Halvorson, Anna 46 keeping house Nor


Halvorson, Mary 16 domestic servant Nor


Halvorson, Halvor 15 at home Nor

Dette kan være denne familien i ft 1865



Familien emigrerer i 1866 nr 117-121

Oppland fylke, Lom, Garmo, Bøverdalen i Lom, Ministerialbok nr. 7 (1863-1884), Utflyttede 1866, Side 322
Brukslenke for sidevisning: https://www.digitalarkivet.no/kb20070115620774


Familien i census 1880. Offigbø har blitt transkribert til Offizelo


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Innlegg #22:


Hjarteleg takk til Anton og Anne for mange spennande og imponerande innlegg!


So syner det seg altso at alle desse emigrantane kom frå Lom, eventuelt med unntak av den aller første, Lars Larsson, for eg har på eige hand greidd å «plassera» ogso Ole Knutson og kona Live i Lom.


Det har teke lite vetta tid, men no har eg sjekka opp alle desse huslydane, og her følgjer eit oppdatert manuskript:


Larson, Lars 45 farmer Nor

Larson, Carrie 46 keeping house Nor

Larson, Hans 20 at home Nor

Larson, Christian 18 at home Nor

Larson, Ole 17 at home Nor

Larson, Mary 14 at home Nor

Larson, Hans 12 at home Nor

Hanson, John 49 farmer Nor                                       John Hansson Frisvold f. Lom 27.11.1820 utv. e. 1865

Hanson, Rachel 46 keeping house Nor                       Rønnaug Gregoriusdotter Rudser f. Skjåk 5.10.1824 utv. 1868

Hanson, Hans 16 at home Nor                                     + Hans f. Lom 15.1.1854 utv. 1868

Hanson, Anna 14 at home Nor                                     + Anna f. Lom 21.12.1855 utv. 1868

Hanson, Ole 11 at home Nor                                         + Ole f. Lom 23.9.1858 utv. 1868

Hanson, Anna 10 at home Nor                                     + Anna f. Lom 3.5.1860 utv. 1868

Hanson, Louis 7 at home Nor                                      + Lars f. Lom 9.10.1863 utv. 1868

Larson, John 46 farmer Nor                                         John Larsson Krøke f. Lom 2.8.1824 utv. 1859

Larson, Anna 43 keeping house Nor                           Anna Hansdotter Torkildstuen f. Lom 27.7.1827 utv. 1859

Larson, Margaret 18 at home Nor                               + Marit f. Lom 26.9.1852 utv. 1859

Larson, Rachel 14 at home Nor                                    + Rønnaug f. Lom 22.9.1855 utv. 1859

Larson, Lars 12 at home Nor                                        + Lars f. Lom 3.2.1858 utv. 1859

Reefe, Sever 33 shoe maker Nor                                  Syver Torstenson Rep f. Lom 17.1.1837 utv. 1859

Reefe, Tore keeping house 21 Nor                               Thorø Johnsdotter Krøke f. Lom 18.8.1849 utv. 1859

Reefe, Thomas 3 at home WI                                       + Thomas Mathias f. Vernon Co., WI 13.2.1867

Reefe, Anna 1 at home WI                                            + Anna Josephine f. Vernon Co., WI 6.7.1869

Rasmusson, Ole 50 farmer Nor                                   Ole Rasmusson Hoftaskjelden f. Lom 11.3.1821 utv. 1870

Rasmusson, Margaret 50 keeping house Nor            Marit Johnsdotter Lillelien f. Lom 18.10.1820 utv. 1870

Rasmusson, John 12 at home Nor                               + John f. Lom 18.10.1858 utv. 1870

Johnson, Halvor 57 farmer Nor                                   Halvor Johannesson Glimsdal f. Lom 3.3.1813 utv. 1859

Johnson, Emma 66 keeping house Nor                      Embjørg Larsdotter Krøke f. Lom 30.10.1803 utv. 1859

Halvorson, Hans 33 farm laborer Nor                        Hans Halvorson Sletten f. Lom 13.11.1836 utv. 1869

Halvorson, Anna 28 keeping house Nor                     Anna Pedersdotter Bøe f. Lom 15.9.1842 utv. 1869

Halvorson, Halvor 6 at home Nor                               + Halvor f. Lom 1864 utv. 1869

Halvorson, male 2/12 at home WI Mar

Knutson, Ole 60 farmer Nor                                        Ole Knutson Øyjordet f. Lom 1.1.1811 utv. 1870

Knutson, Lena 60 keeping house Nor                         Live Torstensdotter Gauper f. Lom 14.6.1810 utv. 1870

Knutson, Margaret 21 domestic servant Nor             + Marit f. Lom 18.6.1849 utv. 1870

Halvorson, Ole 55 farmer Nor                                      Ole Halvorson Offigsbø f. Lom 1.6.1815 utv. 1866

Halvorson, Anna 46 keeping house Nor                     Anna Rasmusdotter Øyødegaard f. Lom 16.2.1824 utv. 1866

Halvorson, Mary 16 domestic servant Nor                 + Marit f. Lom 30.3.1854 utv. 1866

Halvorson, Halvor 15 at home Nor                              + Halvor f. Lom 11.10.1855 utv. 1866


So er det for meg berre å vona at nokon greier å identifisera huslyden til Lars og Carrie Larson...


Ein ny kjempetakk for framifrå bistand i freistnadane på å kompettera denne utvandrarsoga.

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2 hours ago, Lars E. Øyane said:

Larson, Lars 45 farmer Nor


Larson, Carrie 46 keeping house Nor


Larson, Hans 20 at home Nor


Larson, Christian 18 at home Nor


Larson, Ole 17 at home Nor


Larson, Mary 14 at home Nor


Larson, Hans 12 at home Nor


I 1870 FT i Ancestry.com noen har lagt til Hjelter


Ole Larson

in the 1870 United States Federal Census

Name:Ole Larson[Hjelter][Hjelter][Hjelter]

Age in 1870:17

Birth Date:abt 1853


Dwelling Number:11

Home in 1870:Harmony, Vernon, Wisconsin


Post Office:Harmony

Occupation:At Home

Father of Foreign Birth:Yes

Mother of Foreign Birth:Yes

Inferred Father:Lars Larson

Inferred Mother:Carrie Larson

Household MembersAge

Lars Larson45

Carrie Larson46

Hans Larson

Christian Larson18

Ole Larson17

Mary Larson14

Hans Larson12



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Kanskje dette er Ole?


Name:Ole Larson

Death Age:23

Record Type:Burial 

Birth Date:30 Mar 1854

Death Date:12 Oct 1877

Burial Date:1877

Father:Lars L Hjeller

Mother:Anna Hjelter

Church Name:Bad Axe Lutheran Church

Church Location:Viroqua, Wisconsin




Ancestry har en lenke til


Ole Larsen

 in the Norway, Select Baptisms, 1634-1927

Name:Ole Larsen


Birth Date:30 jan 1854

Baptism Date:17 apr 1854

Baptism Place:Skjaak,Opland,Norway

Father:Lars Larsen

Mother:Anne Hansdr

FHL Film Number:307265


Nr. 78 







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