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Looking for relatives of Jan Henrik Johannessen

Bonnie Lange

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I do not know how to read Norwegian, but I am looking for any information on my Grandfathers family who are from Norway/Sweden area. I have one picture of my great Grandparents with their names written on the back and that's all I have plus a few names of their children. I want to find out birth dates, death dates and where they lived and more about the family. If anyone could help I much would appreciate knowing more right information about my family. The names on the picture say: Jan Henrik Johannessen and Johanna Johannessen (born Carlsdatter). I have had one contact of a cousin who spelled the last name Johanessen, so not sure of the last name spelling. Possible children are (My Grandfather) Johan Sigfrid Waldemar (Johannessen) Johnson, He changed his last name to Johnson, and first name to John when him and three other brothers came to the USA in 1904. other children could be Martin Gotfred Johanessen, Axel Fingal Leander Johannessen, Hennretta Johannessen, Henry Johannessen, Roy Johannessen. Those are the names I know are my grandfathers siblings except not sure if Martin is a sibling or a relative.  With the last name spellings being so different I am not able to get definite information. I know my Grandfather had lots of siblings but the only name I have are the above. A picture of my Great Grand Parents attached.240484556_GreatgrandparentsJanHerikJohannesenJohanna(Carlsdotter).thumb.jpg.8f09f3b80e11f856ec9bb973448a7d8e.jpg




Endret av Bonnie Lange
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  • Bonnie Lange changed the title to Looking for relatives of Jan Henrik Johannessen

Here are Jahn Henrik and Johanna in the 1910 census, which also shows their birthdates. Jahn Henrik is born Decmber 4th 1847 in Kragerø and is a dock-worker, and Johanna in born November 14th 1852, also in Kragerø. https://www.digitalarkivet.no/census/person/pf01036392240914


It is clear that this is the same family as they also have daughter Hanna Henriette, who was also listed in the 1900 Census.

Endret av Per.H.Skaug
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Here is Jahn Henrik's death on the 11th Feb, 1918, where it states that he is born in Åmål, Sweden, and not in Kragerø. So one of the birthplaces are incorrect, and if i should venture a guess it is probably the place given in the death record that is correct (in the census they may just have lumped all the residents of the household in with the same birthplace) https://www.digitalarkivet.no/view/267/pg00000003680166

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18 hours ago, Bonnie Lange said:

Possible children are (My Grandfather) Johan Sigfrid Waldemar (Johannessen) Johnson


There is a lot of information on your grandfather on Ancestry.com. Some of it correct some of it not. Here is his WWII Record. Birth date is correct but place of birth is probably not correct. Bjarne has likely found the right person. I think he was born in Telemark as Bjarne has found. 


John Sigferd Johnsen

in the U.S., World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942

Name:John Sigferd Johnsen



Birth Date:4 Jun 1883

Birth Place:Oslo, Norway

Residence Place:Tacoma, Washington, USA

Military Draft Date:1942

Next of Kin:Glenn Foltner







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In the FAG record his place of birth is correct Kragerø, Telemark but his birth date is slightly wrong. 


John Sigferd Waldemar Johnson 

BIRTH14 Jun 1883

Kragero, Kragerø kommune, Telemark fylke, Norway

DEATH8 Jan 1954 (aged 70)

Wenatchee, Chelan County, Washington, USA


Wenatchee City Cemetery

Wenatchee, Chelan County, Washington, USA


MEMORIAL ID59354656 · View Source





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It does look like Jahn Henrik came from Sweden, here he family is in a husforhør. He is called Jan Henrik Jonasson, born in Åmål Dec 4 1847. But this record also says that Johanna is born in Arvika, in Sweden. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSGC-19MK-6?cc=2790465&personaUrl=%2Fark%3A%2F61903%2F1%3A1%3AQL54-K6T4


It looks like the family moved back and forth between Norway and Sweden a few times.


Their wedding date is also given as Jan 24, 1873

Endret av Per.H.Skaug
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4 hours ago, Per.H.Skaug said:

also says that Johanna is born in Arvika, in Sweden



Probably Johanna?


Johanna Carlsdotter

in the Sweden, Select Baptisms, 1611-1909

Name:Johanna Carlsdotter


Residence Age:0

Birth Date:14 Nov 1852

Baptism Date:15 Nov 1852

Baptism Place:Arvika Landforsamling, Varmland, Sweden

Residence Date:1852

Residence Place:Arvika, Värmland, Sweden

Father:Carl Olofsson

Mother:Stina Johannisdr

FHL Film Number:81762





Endret av Anton Hagelee
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21 hours ago, Bonnie Lange said:

Axel Fingal Leander Johannessen,


Here is the baptism record for Aksel, 11 Feb 1887. 




Original record is Number 43 




And it matches the birth date on the WWII record 


Axel Fingel Leander Johnson Hadley

in the U.S., World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942

Name:Axel Fingel Leander Johnson Hadley



Birth Date:11 Feb 1887

Birth Place:Norway

Residence Place:Wenatchee, Washington, USA

Military Draft Date:1942

Next of Kin:Hilda Hadley


I am not sure where the name Hadley came from but it is what he used in America. 







Endret av Anton Hagelee
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Axel F Hadley

in the U.S., Find a Grave Index, 1600s-Current

Name:Axel F Hadley

Birth Date:11 Feb 1887

Death Date:10 Aug 1981

Cemetery:Wenatchee City Cemetery

Burial or Cremation Place:Wenatchee, Chelan County, Washington, United States of America

Has Bio?:N

Spouse:Hildegard F Hadley





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3 hours ago, Per.H.Skaug said:

t does look like Jahn Henrik came from Sweden, here he family is in a husforhør. He is called Jan Henrik Jonasson, born in Åmål Dec 4 1847. But this record also says that Johanna is born in Arvika, in Sweden. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSGC-19MK-6?cc=2790465&personaUrl=%2Fark%3A%2F61903%2F1%3A1%3AQL54-K6T4


I notice in the Household Examination Books for Arvika that a Stina Johansdatter is living with the family. This is likely the mother of Johanna. In the original record Johanna is listed as being born with mother being Stina Johannesdatter. 




In the Household Record her birth date is listed as 1 Sep 1824 so I think it is likely that this is her baptism record. 


Stina Johannesdotter

in the Sweden, Select Baptisms, 1611-1909

Name:Stina Johannesdotter


Residence Age:0

Birth Date:1 Sep 1824

Baptism Date:2 Sep 1824

Baptism Place:Arvika Landforsamling, Varmland, Sweden

Residence Date:1824

Residence Place:Arvika, Värmland, Sweden

Father:Johannes Jonsson

Mother:Anna Nilsdr

FHL Film Number:81762







Endret av Anton Hagelee
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8 hours ago, Per.H.Skaug said:

Here is Jahn Henrik's death on the 11th Feb, 1918, where it states that he is born in Åmål, Sweden, and not in Kragerø. So one of the birthplaces are incorrect, and if i should venture a guess it is probably the place given in the death record that is correct (in the census they may just have lumped all the residents of the household in with the same birthplace) https://www.digitalarkivet.no/view/267/pg00000003680166

Does it say what he died from? Thank you for sending info.

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Based on the name and birth information, Aksel emigrated to America in 1907. His destination was the state of Washington.




A F H Johansen

 in the New York, U.S., Arriving Passenger and Crew Lists (including Castle Garden and Ellis Island), 1820-1957

Name:A F H Johansen


Ethnicity/ Nationality:Scandinavian

Marital status:Single


Birth Date:abt 1886

Birth Place:Sweden

Other Birth Place:Valskay

Last Known Residence:Krazesio, Norway

Departure Port:Liverpool, England

Arrival Date:9 Nov 1907

Arrival Port:New York, New York, USA

Final Destination:Seattle, Washington

Height:5 Feet, 8 Inches

Hair Color:Fair

Eye Color:Blue


Person in Old Country:Jan Johansen

Person in Old Country Relationship:Father

Person in Old Country Residence:Gianlandslead Chrianio

Person in US:Henry Johansen

Person in US Relationship:Brother

Father:Jan Johansen

Sibling:Henry Johansen



Endret av Anton Hagelee
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2 hours ago, Anton Hagelee said:

Passenger Number 8 







Would love to find one of these documents on my Grandfather and his other two brothers who came over on a ship in 1904. And then my grandfather worked a whole year and sent for his wife to be who arrived in 1905 Olava Amelia Knudson. Went to Washington State too.

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12 timer siden, Bonnie Lange skrev:

Does it say what he died from? Thank you for sending info.


Here is the original church record:

SAO, Piperviken prestekontor Kirkebøker, SAO/A-10874/F/L0005Ministerialbok nr. 5, 1911-1949, s. 36
Brukslenke for sidevisning: https://www.digitalarkivet.no/kb20061123340328


It says that he died at Rikshospitalet (= national hospital) from "kancer ventricul.[is]. pleur.[ae] pulm.[onarius]" Which translates something akin to cancer of the stomach and lung membrane (The pulmonary pleurae).


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12 hours ago, Bonnie Lange said:

Would love to find one of these documents on my Grandfather and his other two brothers who came over on a ship in 1904. And then my grandfather worked a whole year and sent for his wife to be who arrived in 1905 Olava Amelia Knudson. Went to Washington State too.


I will give it a shot. Some names are easier to find than others. Here is the emigration record for Olava Amelia leaving Norway. 





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Here is Olava leaving England and traveling to Quebec on the ship Bavarian. She is a little hard to find in the Canadian Incoming Passenger Lists even tho we know the arrival date and the ship.  She is number 640 on the list.


Olava Knutsen

 in the UK and Ireland, Outward Passenger Lists, 1890-1960

Name:Olava Knutsen


Departure Age:22

Birth Date:abt 1883

Departure Date:27 Jul 1905

Departure Port:England

Ship Name:Bavarian

Shipping Line:Allan Line

Search Ship Database:Search for the Bavarian in the 'Passenger Ships and Images' database

Destination Port:Quebec; Montreal, Canada

Master:John Brown



Endret av Anton Hagelee
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This has to be her arrival in spite of the spelling of the name. The lady below  her here is also next to her on the ship out of England. 


She is number 13 on the list. Destination looks like Leavenworth, Washington. 


Alara Knadesen

in the Canada, Incoming Passenger Lists, 1865-1935

Name:Alara Knadesen


Arrival Age:22

Birth Year:abt 1883

Departure Port:Liverpool, England

Arrival Date:5 Aug 1905

Arrival Port:Montreal, Quebec, Canada






Endret av Anton Hagelee
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This could be Theodor Hendrk Emanuel Johannesen (Henry Johnson in America) leaving Norway in 1905.


Theodor Henry Emanuel Johans




Henry Johansen

 in the UK and Ireland, Outward Passenger Lists, 1890-1960

Name:Henry Johansen


Departure Age:20

Birth Date:abt 1885

Departure Date:4 Jul 1905

Departure Port:England

Ship Name:Lake Champlain

Search Ship Database:Search for the Lake Champlain in the 'Passenger Ships and Images' database

Destination Port:Quebec, Canada

Master:William Stewart


https://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?_phsrc=ktR9&_phstart=successSource&usePUBJs=true&indiv=1&dbid=2997&gsfn=hen*&gsln=joh*&gsfn_x=1&gsln_x=1&msedy=1905&msedy_x=1&msedm=7&msedm_x=1&msedd=4&msedd_x=1&_F25E1EDD=Lake Champlain&_F25E1EDD_x=1&new=1&rank=1&uidh=bz3&redir=false&msT=1&gss=angs-d&pcat=40&fh=0&h=46249744&recoff=&ml_rpos=1&queryId=968dd10f666c082a863b2ef9d65046e4





Endret av Anton Hagelee
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Here is a screen shot of the page from the emigration from English  record  posted above. Henry Johnson is number 75683. 


To help determine if this is the correct Henry Johnson it is useful to follow another person who left Norway at the same time as Theodor Henry Emanuel Johans.


In this case I choose Olaf G Lie. A rather unique name so maybe easier to follow. He and his family are here leaving Norway and are close to emigration record of Henry. 




In the list below he is number 75684




Endret av Anton Hagelee
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