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Neal Halvorson-Taylor

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Neal, do you mind shearing the US details of Christine, like her place of living and death?


Just so I could update my database of her destiny.



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So to find relatives I guess you need to go one generation back.


006 Seselie Jakobsdatter - 0028 Mælen - 009 - Census districts summary - 1875 census for 1727P Beitstad - The Digital Archive (digitalarkivet.no)


This is Christines grandmother in 1875, Sesilie is living with her daughter and son in law on the same cotters place as Casper was born.



The same place in 1865 where a brother to Casper , Ole, is at home as well.


001 Ciselie Jakobsdatter - 0027 Mælen - 008 2det eller Nordre - Tellingskretsoversikt - Folketelling 1865 for 1727P Beitstad prestegjeld - Digitalarkivet

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On the Rødhammerside, there are quite a numer of relatives to Serine Beate Larsdtr. Rødhammer.






I guess you are not able to read that, without some tricks with VPN.


I did a quick google translate of the interesting part of your family: (hopefully this give some sense)


3) In 1807 Ola Andersson R. sold the farm to the stepson, Lars Toreson Li. He was bmn abt. 1781 and married. 1) w. Berit Olsdtr. Rødhamar. She d. in 1823, 34 years old, and Lars married.  2) m. to Andrea Ingebrigtsdtr. Brørs, b. 1790 in Holstad, daugther to Beret Brørs in 1st marriage. her m. Ingebrigt Holstad. In 1824, in the succession after Berit, heirs were assigned to the farm of the sons Ola, Mikel, Kristian and Tørres and daughter Randi Marta, who in 1839 was mto. Kristian Ingebrigtson Brattliplass, called Kristian Lone. 


4) Kristian Ingebrigtson and Randi in 1846. Kristian had previously had a Hundset farm. He was given 3 conditions to answer (meaning he had to provide "pension" to): Lars Toreson, Kristian Larsson and the farmer Petter Person. Kristian Larsson was born in 1844 to Beate Katrine Hundset, dtr. to Per Bårdson H, In 1865 he is mto Berta Larsdtr. They traveled in 1868 to America with 5 children. Lars Toreson d. In 1851. The probate record after Lars shows the whereabout of the children: Mikal was in Lofoten, Kristian and Johannes home, Lovise had been married to Ole Andreas Peterson Holstad, was now a widow, Serine, 23 years, still unmarried - was later mto Kasper Hundset, Lene (Helene), mto Jakob Ingebrigtson, farmer Lone, Randi had the farm, Johannes was later a farmer on Geilhaugen and Rødhamar.


Kristian Ingebrigtson "farmpensioner" in 1896, Randi in 1898. The probate after her does tell much. Firstly, there is larger property than is usually among "farmpensioner" NOK 11111.03. Randi and Kristian did not have children alive, and of the siblings, only Kristian lived in America. He received 2,314.39. in inheritance. The half-sisters Serina and Lena got something. And otherwise there were grandchildren and the children of the siblings, spread far and wide: Lofoten, Finnkongkeilen, Kjøllefjord, Meløy, Bodø, Namsos, Osen, Flatanger. A total of 26 heirs!



So Christine had some relatives in America, her uncle Kristian emigrated in 1868, if I worked out this family relations correctly.

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That was a quick translation (no gurentee of 100% accuracy 🙂 )  to give you some clues of that family, here is the original Norwegian text.


3)          1 1807 seide Ola Andersson R. garden til versonen, Lars Toreson Li. Han var f. o. 1781 og g. 1) m. Berit Olsdtr. Rødhamar. Ho d. i 1823, 34 år g., og Lars g. seg 2) m. Andrea Ingebrigts- dtr. Brørs, f. 1790 på Holstad, dtr. til Beret Brørs i 1. ektesk. hennar m. Ingebrigt Holstad. I 1824, i skiftet etter Berit, vart det tilvist arvepartar i garden til sønene Ola, Mikel, Kristian og Tørres og dottera Randi Marta, som i 1839 vart g. m. Kristian Ingebrigtson Brattliplass, kalla Kristian Lone. Alle desse partane i garden ser det ut til vart samla av


4)          Kristian Ingebrigtson og Randi i 1846. Kristian hadde før ei tid hatt ein Hundset-gard. Han fekk 3 kår å svara: Lars Toreson, Kristian Larsson og husmannen Petter Person. Kristian Larsson vart j 1844 g. m. Beate Katrine Hundset, dtr. til Per Bårdson H, I 1865 er han g. m. Berta Larsdtr. Dei reiste i 1868 til Amerika m. 5 born. Lars Toreson d. I 1851. Skiftet året etter syner kor det hadde vorte av borna: Mikal var i Lofoten, Kristian og Johannes heime, Lovise hadde vore g. m. Ole Andreas Peterson Holstad, var no enkje, Serine, 23 år g., enda ugift — vart seinare g. m. Kasper Hundset, Lene (Helene), g. m. Jakob Ingebrigtson, husmann Lone, Randi hadde garden, Johannes vart seinare husmann på Geil- haugen u. Rødhamar.

Kristian Ingebrigtson d. som kårmann 1896, Randi i 1898. Skiftet etter henne fortel ikkje så lite. For det første så er det større eigedom enn kårfolk pla ha: 11111,03 kr. Randi og Kristian hadde ikkje born etter seg i live, og av syskena levde berre Kristian i Amerika. Han fekk 2314,39 kr. i arv. Halvsøstrene Serina og Lena fekk noko. Og elles så var det barneborn og borna åt syskena, spreidde vidt omkring: Lofoten, Finnkongkeilen, Kjøllefjord, Meløy, Bodø, Namsos, Osen, Flatanger. I alt 26 arvingar!


Endret av Oddgeir Fossli
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Generation 1:

Lars Toreson (Lie) Rødhammer (abt. 1781- 29 Jun 1851), married first 18 Oct 1807  to Berit Olsdtr. Rødhamar (abt 1789 – 1823), married secondly 23 Jun 1825 to Andrea Ingebrigtsdtr. Brørs (1790-1869)


Children of first marriage shown by the probate record after Berit in 1824.

1.       Mikkel bn 1809

2.       Tørris bn 1811

3.       Ragnhild Marta bn 1814

4.       Stillborn daughter bn 1816

5.       Beret Lovise bn 1817

6.       Ola bn 1820

7.       Kristian bn 1823


Children of second marriage

8.       Johan bn 1825

9.       Serine Beate bn 1828

10.   Lene Anna bn 1834

Endret av Oddgeir Fossli
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A note, do not take this postings as exact as there could be more information to be found as this is notes I have taken over a period of time. 


So to the person I had most information about:



Kristian bn 1823 married 15 Oct 1844 to Beate Cathrine Pedersdtr. bn 1821


 001 Christian Larsen - 0073 Rødhammer* - 008 2det eller Nordre - Tellingskretsoversikt - Folketelling 1865 for 1727P Beitstad prestegjeld - Digitalarkivet


Emigrated to US were a lot of information can be found in FindAGrave.


Christian Larson (1823-1901) - Find a Grave Memorial


From FAG:

Christian Larson was born on the Rødhammer Farm in Namdalseid/Beitstad, Nord-Trøndelag Fylke, Norway to the parents of Father-Lars Toreson Lie-(Birth Farm name)/Rødhammer(Farm owned name) and Mother-Berithe Olsdatter Rødhammer (Birth Farm) He was baptized in the Beitstad Parish on March 31, 1823. Christian was confirmed on October 17, 1838. Christian fathered a son out-of-wedlock-Martinius Christianson Moe and later married a different woman-Bjatha Chatrina Pedersdatter Hunset on October 15, 1844. Together they produced seven children in Norway all born on the Rødhammer farm-Lorentse Bergitte, Karen Anna, Petrine, Sivert Bernhard, Karoline Rasmine, Ole Magnus, and Bertha Kristine all born in Norway. The whole family (except for Martinus (who immigrated in 1892) and the youngest, Bertha Kristine (who passed in Norway as a baby) immigrated to the U.S.A. in 1868 first settling in Bloomfield, Fillmore County, Minnesota for a few years and later resettling in Hamden Township, Becker County, Minnesota farming there till his death. Christian was buried in the Larson Cemetery which the Larson family created right on their farmland in Hamden Township that Christian and son Ole Larson owned back in the day.

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Here is the probate record that the farms book refered to.


Inderøy sorenskriveri, SAT/A-4147/1/3/3B/L0007: Skifteforhandlingsprotokoll, 1898-1905, s. 7
Brukslenke for sidevisning: https://www.digitalarkivet.no/sk10711410100009

According to the farmes book it should be a total of 26 heirs


 It was a bit to much writing for me to go through properly 🙂



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Dear Oddgeir,


The most recent research you are doing has confused me a little. I'm not following the lineage to Serine and Kasper. 



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