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Chris/Christ/Christian Olsen


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Sorry that I cannot speak Norwegian. Can anyone help me? I want to determine the date of birth of a Norwegian man who fell and was buried with clay on November 29, 1910 during construction of the High Level Bridge, which is an architectural landmark in Edmonton, Canada. His name was Christian Olsen and he died in hospital the next day. On November 30th, the Edmonton Journal published an interesting article titled "Left Alone In A Strange Country," which was about the fate of his wife Barbara Olsen, who was now widowed in Canada with four children and unable to speak English. There was a Provincial inquest into the death of Christian Olsen. Working conditions were very unsafe and wages were low. Some time after Olsen's death, all the workers went on strike. I live in Edmonton and want to erect a memorial for workers who died during construction of the bridge but first we must determine their dates of birth to list on the memorial. Christian Olsen's four children were named Ulf/Olaf (b. 1890), Annie (b. 1897) Albert (b. 1904), and Johanna (b. 1906). All children were born in Norway (I'm not sure what city). The family first immigrated to Nehawka, Nebraska, and later moved to Canada in 1910. Does anyone know if it would be possible to determine Christian's date of birth for inclusion on the memorial plaque? His gravestone does not list his date of birth: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/108082776/christ-olson

From Google Translate: 
Beklager at jeg ikke kan norsk. Kan noen hjelpe meg? Jeg ønsker å fastslå fødselsdatoen til en norsk mann som falt og ble gravlagt med leire 29. november 1910 under byggingen av High Level Bridge, som er et arkitektonisk landemerke i Edmonton, Canada. Han het Christian Olsen og døde på sykehus dagen etter. Den 30. november publiserte Edmonton Journal en interessant artikkel med tittelen "Left Alone In A Strange Country", som handlet om skjebnen til hans kone Barbara Olsen, som nå var enke i Canada med fire barn og ute av stand til å snakke engelsk. Det var en provinsiell undersøkelse av Christian Olsens død. Arbeidsforholdene var svært usikre og lønningene var lave. En tid etter Olsens død gikk alle arbeiderne ut i streik. Jeg bor i Edmonton og ønsker å reise et minnesmerke for arbeidere som døde under byggingen av broen, men først må vi bestemme fødselsdatoene deres for å stå på minnesmerket. Christian Olsens fire barn het Ulf/Olaf (f. 1890), Annie (f. 1897) Albert (f. 1904) og Johanna (f. 1906). Alle barn ble født i Norge (jeg er usikker på hvilken by). Familien immigrerte først til Nehawka, Nebraska, og flyttet senere til Canada i 1910. Er det noen som vet om det ville være mulig å fastslå Christians fødselsdato for inkludering på minnetavlen? Gravsteinen hans viser ikke fødselsdatoen hans: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/108082776/christ-olson 

Family tree.jpg


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Barbra Olofsen

 in the New York, U.S., Arriving Passenger and Crew Lists (including Castle Garden and Ellis Island), 1820-1957

Name:Barbra Olofsen


Ethnicity/ Nationality:Scandinavian

Marital status:Married


Birth Date:abt 1874

Birth Place:Norway

Other Birth Place:Grinnan Mandal

Last Known Residence:Grimstad, US

Departure Port:Kristiansand, Southern Norway

Arrival Date:8 Apr 1909

Arrival Port:New York, New York, USA

Final Destination:Union, Nebraska

Height:5 Feet, 5 Inches

Hair Color:Fair

Eye Color:Blue


Money in Possession:$76

Person in Old Country:Oluf Hansen

Person in Old Country Relationship:Father-In-Law

Person in Old Country Residence:Landvig, Grimstad

Person in US:Krister Olofsen

Person in US Relationship:Husband

Spouse:Krister Olofsen

Ship Name:Oscar II



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2 minutes ago, Bjørn Erling Hvaara said:

 Hommedal sokneprestkontor, SAK/1111-0023/F/Fa/Fab/L0005: Ministerialbok nr. A 5, 1861-1877, s. 52
Brukslenke for sidevisning: https://www.digitalarkivet.no/kb20060131020662


How about this one?

More likely!


Here he is in 1891


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Thank you for your help so far everyone. Just to confirm... at this time we do not yet know his date of birth, correct? I think Mr. Olsen must have been born between 1 December 1873 and 23 April 1874. My rationale for this is because the US 1910 census says he is age 36 years on 23 April 1910; and then his death certificate says he is still age 36 years on 30 Nov 1910. In other words, he stayed the same age between 23 April 1910 and 30 Nov 1910, therefore his birthday did not fall between those dates.

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I think the candidate born on February 24, 1874 in Landvik is very likely the right person.

He moved from Landvik (in Hommedal/Grimstad) to Kristiansand in 1896

Hommedal sokneprestkontor, SAK/1111-0023/F/Fa/Fab/L0006: Ministerialbok nr. A 6, 1878-1897, s. 242
Brukslenke for sidevisning: https://www.digitalarkivet.no/kb20060509090211
and we know his daughter Anna was born there in Oddernes on September 19, 1897. And the census of 1900 confirms he was born in Landvik in 1874.


To be certain about his origin, however, we would need to find the marriage record, where the names of his parents should be confirmed.

His wife Barbro Abrahamsdatter was born in Grindheim, north of Kristiansand, in 1874, and worked as a servant in Øyslebø, to the west of Kristiansand in 1891.

So far I have not been able to locate the place of the wedding.


Endret av Matthias Kolberg
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Married Oct. 24, 1896, no. 26:

Vest-Agder county, Kristiansand in Kristiansand, Parish register (official) no. A 18 (1890-1897), Married dissenters 1897, Page 398
Quick link: https://www.digitalarkivet.no/kb20051202040819



Endret av Åsbjørg Susort
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3 hours ago, Åsbjørg Susort said:

Married Oct. 24, 1896, no. 26:

Vest-Agder county, Kristiansand in Kristiansand, Parish register (official) no. A 18 (1890-1897), Married dissenters 1897, Page 398
Quick link: https://www.digitalarkivet.no/kb20051202040819



Then there can be no doubt in my view that Christ Olson who died in Edmonton on November 26, 1910, was born Christen Olofsen on Skiftenes in Landvik on February 24, 1874, son of stone worker Olof Hansen, originally from Sweden, and wife Johanne Christensdatter.





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