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Sigdal 1891 census translation

David Vinge

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Any assistance in translating the person enumerated as #1 Anne Torgersen through #7;



#3 Selv Hovedperson=Head of the house?!

#4 Widowed

#5 Nei is underlined- because she is widowed??

#7 (Fodested: Herred);  She is born in Sigdal

#10 Gaardbruger og Selveier ;  ???? and Owner

She does sell the farm in 1894

Each person after is a child of hers. Knud is my great grandfather.

What are the #10 and #11 (occupations) of the girls :Kristine, Marta?? Peder?

#7 is the future husband of Kristine and owner of the farm, Langerud.

Thank you for any assistance anyone can provide.




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#3-7 I agree.

#10 Farmer and owner.

Peder, son is “occupied with farm-work at home” and  since his mother is the provider (forsørger), her occupation stated on the next line; farmer owner.

The two girls are “occupied with house-work at home”, and again the mothers occupation farmer and owner

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Wow, that was fast. Much appreciated!!


From the Bygedbok of Sigdal, it says:

On p. 357 under Langerud it shows the following:
Garden ble i 1866 satt til 118 mål, fødde 1 hest, 5 kyr og 4 sauer, hadde skog til 3 tylfter årlig salg, samla verdi på jord, skog og havn 1100 spd.
If time, could you translate what that means?
Thank you
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It should be something like this:

In 1866, the Farm was set at 118 mål (4 mål = 1 acer, 29.5 acers), feed 1 horse, 5 cows and 4 sheep, had forest for 3 twelfths annual sales, total value of land, forest and pasture 1100 spd.


3 twelfths, google tells me that it means 36 trees could be sold annualy.



Endret av Roy-Petter Askim
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That is great, thank you. 30 acres! Not much!

Hard to translate the worth into kroners or any currency but worth much?!

There is a Wikipedia article on Speciedaler is in Norwegian so I can't understand it.

Thank you,


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1 speciedaler was converte to 4 kroner in 1875, and I am not sure but I seem to remember that speciedaler and dollar was egual in value when some of my relatives left around 1860. Wiki says that 1 spd. in 1875 equals 262 kr in 2019, but that calculation does not reflect the increase on property. Many farms or "husmannsplasser" was small in Norway, only 10-20 mål. Depending on location of cours they said they needed 5 acres to feed a family, otherwise they needed to earn from other sources. But I am not sure the way this is written if the 30 acres include forest and pasture.   

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Anne Torgers. had Langerud, south.  Including two other farms wich I expect is forest, it was 118 mål cropland, 7 mål "other" and 617 mål forest in 1995. https://www.nb.no/items/0c71ebc59bfe97a0b1271bb115cf188c?page=765&searchText=%2Blangerud   

Søre Langerud, Vestsideveien 713, 3350 PRESTFOSS.


Langerud, deeds register, and sale of the farm:


Sale "contract":

https://media.digitalarkivet.no/view/10480/140 low on right page.


Anne sold the farm in 1891, registered in 1892 to a School-teacher for 4.000 kr., but reserved the right to live and probably feed from the farm. (livørekontrakt refered to but not presented, but is also refered to on the following page where the teachers bankloan is given 2. priority in the farm and Anne’s livørekontrakt have 1. priority. 

Endret av Roy-Petter Askim
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