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What does the word Pro or Pros in a Swedish in a name.

Anton Hagelee

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I am looking at a Family Tree on Ancestry.com. The persons name in the tree is Pros Anders Persson, BIRTH 14 APR 1782 • Grånäs, Gagnef, Kopparberg, Sweden. What is the significance of the word Pros? Also spelled Prose?


Probably this person, Nr. 45. 







Andrew Prose (Pros Anders Persson in Sweden)


BIRTH 14 APR 1782  Grånäs, Gagnef, Kopparberg, Sweden

DEATH 27 JAN 1841  Gagnet, Kopparberg, Sweden

Endret av Anton Hagelee
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You probably have to look towards the registration history rather than the person history,

and in an English/Latin dictionary rather than a Swedish.

There is no trace of "Pro(s)" in the birth/baptism record.


A guess: from "proles" (latin for offspring).

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Pro is most likely a farm name and Pros the genitive version of it. It was (and some still follow the tradition) usual to put the farm name (often in genitive)  _before_ the first name and patronymic in Dalarna, the region of Sweden where Gagnef is. 


Perhaps this is of interest: https://www.jegelius.se/farm.html There is much more to read online on this naming tradition too, if you’re interested.



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14 minutes ago, Marius Hellerud said:

Pro is most likely a farm name and Pros the genitive version of it. It was (and some still follow the tradition) usual to put the farm name (often in genitive)  _before_ the first name and patronymic in Dalarna, the region of Sweden where Gagnef is. 


Interesting. I am familiar with the Norwegian practice of the farm name following the last name but not one where the farm name comes first. My own last name of Hagelee is derived from the farm name Høgeli, a farm in the Åmli parish of Aust-Agder fylke. 


Are there any lists of the farms in Gagnef parish. 


Here is Anders and his family leaving Sweden in 1881 and traveling to Rush City, Minnesota. 



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1 hour ago, Ivar S. Ertesvåg said:

There is no trace of "Pro(s)" in the birth/baptism record.


The use of the Pro, Pros, Prose as part of the name in various Family Trees goes back to Per or Pehr. But I do not see a farm name of those three in this birth record either. The farm name found in at least one Family Tree is Gröntuv which seems likely looking at the original record.


Pehr Pehrsson

in the Sweden, Select Baptisms, 1611-1909

NamePehr Pehrsson


Birth Date12 sep 1755

Baptism Date14 sep 1755

Baptism PlaceGagnef,Kopparberg,Sweden

FatherPer Olsson

MotherBrita Eliasdr

FHL Film Number









Endret av Anton Hagelee
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Seems to me that Pros is in a different "Kommune". There are 44 hits here, the marker on the map is one.


But it could also be short for the fathers name since Pros is short for Per Ols... as explained under Fredriksfors on the list from the Link.

Endret av Roy-Petter Askim
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On 6/15/2023 at 5:45 PM, Roy-Petter Askim said:


Seems to me that Pros is in a different "Kommune". There are 44 hits here, the marker on the map is one.


But it could also be short for the fathers name since Pros is short for Per Ols... as explained under Fredriksfors on the list from the Link.


It is interesting that I have not found any record that connects to a farm with a name containing Pro or Pros or Prose. But Anders Persson used the name on his emigration record. Here is a Husförhör (Household examination) record for the family. The farm is Sågverket.




Sweden, Church Records, 1451-1943

CountyKopparberg (Dalarna)


Village, Farm or CroftSågverket


Record TypeHusförhör (Household Examination)

Year range1876-1885

GID Number2161.40.55700


Roll/Fiche NumberDA-104

Page number97



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It would appear that the name with Pros was not used in this Husförhör (Household examination) records for 


Pros Per Persson ^


BIRTH 12 SEP 1755 • Gröntuv, Gagnef, Kopparberg

DEATH 16 JUN 1836 • Grånäs, Gagnef, Kopparberg











Endret av Anton Hagelee
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In this same set of FamilyTrees on Ancestry, I find the use of Vass or Wass that is also used to proceed a name. For example.


Wass Per Olsson


BIRTH 1673 • Gröntuv, Gagnef, Dalarna, Sverige

DEATH 1708


Has this attachment. 


Peer Olufsson, född o. 1673, lejdes medio 1698 till soldat för rote nr 24 Hwass vid Gagnefs kompani och gifte sig 22 oktober 1699. han och var närvarande vid mönstringen 12 juli 1700 och kan följas i fält till medio 1708 (enligt RB). 
Gagnef, Gröntuv S G45

Source information

John Långberg
A son is 

Vass Olof Persson


BIRTH 10 AUG 1700 • Gröntuv, Gagnef, Dalarna, Sverige

DEATH 20 DEC 1756 • Gröntuv, Gagnef, Dalarna, Sverige


Followed by daughters with no Vass or Wass attached. 


Anyone have any ideas on the use of either Vass or Prose etc. I am stumped.

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Took a look at the church-books, since I do not have access on ancestry, before you published the pictures, and it seems to be very many families at Grøntuv, numbered families 1-130 in 1868. Gröntuf is name of the “fierding” ¼ of the Gagnef municipality, not a single farm. I don’t know if it is possible to see deeds/cadastral online in Sweden (found no reference in Riksarkivet).


It seems that this family could have been in the same place from at least 1719 until Anders moves in 1873. Possibly a house, rather than a farm, since Grøntuf is described as a “lång radby” long row city? My feeling is that Pros origins from Pehr Olson born there 28.07.1719.


Anders Person 11.08.1842 moved from Gagnef 19.10.1873, reference Grøntuf 126. https://sok.riksarkivet.se/bildvisning/C0012558_00038#?c=&m=&s=&cv=37&xywh=1049%2C3129%2C3157%2C1791 . Census 1880 Worked at the sawmill (Pros wrongly transcr.). https://sok.riksarkivet.se/folkrakningar?Fornamn=anders&Efternamn=persson&DatumFran=1842&DatumTill=1842&Folk1860=true&Folk1870=true&Folk1880=true&Folk1890=false&Folk1900=false&Folk1910=false&Folk1930=false&Lan=20&AvanceradSok=False&page=21&postid=Folk_115426692&tab=post#tab . His father Pros Per Andersson 26.03.1814 lived in 125.


Farm names changed in Sweden, often with new owners. No. 125 could be Djurgården, if I understand the reference here correct: https://www.hembygd.se/shf/search?searchTerm=Gr%C3%B6ntuv&placeId=142975&redirect=map&showInfo=true&detailedSearch=false&showSearch=true&showAll=true&showFiles=false&showImages=false&showPersons=false&showActivities=false&showTexts=false&showNews=false&showGalleries=false&showPages=false&showPlaces=false&showSites=false&showExternalSitesText=false&isSiteChecked=false .


House 126 in 1868; https://sok.riksarkivet.se/bildvisning/C0012553_00126#?c=&m=&s=&cv=125&xywh=-150%2C535%2C2475%2C1164, born on Grøntuf as well as his father, previous page.

Per Anderson 26.03.1814 https://sok.riksarkivet.se/bildvisning/C0012563_00235#?c=&m=&s=&cv=234&xywh=2589%2C2565%2C2462%2C1397 son of Pros Anders Person 14.02.1782, Granås, son of Pros Per Persson 12.09.1755 born Grøntuf.  He son of bapt. no 52 - 10. Post trinitatis 1719 Pehr Olsson 28.07.1719 born Grøntuv, father Olof Andersson. https://sok.riksarkivet.se/bildvisning/C0012560_00149#?c=&m=&s=&cv=148&xywh=491%2C2606%2C2462%2C1397 

Endret av Roy-Petter Askim
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11 minutes ago, Roy-Petter Askim said:

Found this map: https://minkarta.lantmateriet.se/ Search for Prosgårdarna and from the 25 possibilities chose Gagnef. If you chose one of the Falun you can find a selection of were he probably moved in 1873.



Thanks for the update,, I am just trying to understand all of your previous post. Maybe you could clarify a little for me. 


Is this correct?


Gröntuf is part of the

Gagnef municipality,


Is Granås a farm?


Why did you chose Prosgårdarna  to search for the farm. Does that translate to "farms with a Pros in their name"







Endret av Anton Hagelee
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Yes, Grøntuf is part of Gagnef. It is called a fierding, that can have two menings. It can mean the distance apr. 2.800 meters away from Gagnef center, or it can mean 1/4 of the municipality. I did not look at Granås, it is probably also a part. Yes, gårdarna means the farms or houses, and I just saw it on the map after I searched for Gagnef.

Endret av Roy-Petter Askim
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16 minutes ago, Roy-Petter Askim said:

gårdarna means the farms


Why the use of the word Pros in front or the "gårdarna"?

It looks like each of the " Prosgårdarna" are a collection of small farms or  houses  that make up a small town. Is that correct? 


I appreciate all of the work you have put into this search. It has clarified a lot of the history of the Prose family for me. 


Endret av Anton Hagelee
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I still believe Pros is short for the Pehr Ols.... and that the families living there was decendants after him. An older map shows three plots marked as Prosgårdarna. You need to use the zoom here: https://historiskakartor.lantmateriet.se/hk/viewer/internal/J133-13F3c69/52414b5f4a3133332d31334633633639/rak2/RAK/Djurås, 13F3c69/Ekonomiska kartan.



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1 hour ago, Roy-Petter Askim said:

An older map shows three plots marked as Prosgårdarna.


I see the three plots. 33 21 and 11. What is this map of? Gagnef or Falun?



Endret av Anton Hagelee
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1 hour ago, Roy-Petter Askim said:

It is Gagnef. You can see it says Gagnefbyen ("G. city") on the opposite side of the river.




So the two mostly likely choices are. The family name comes from some contraction of the name Pers Olsen or from  Pros Per Persson 12.09.1755  being associated in some way with the plots of land labelled Prosgårdarna.


Difficult task finding the truth over 250 years after the events. 


But I am very grateful for your help. I would not have made this much progress without it 








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