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Oversettelse av fødselsjournaler-Daniel ?

John Haakenson

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Hello out there, I could use some help.  I'm trying to trance my family back to Norway and have hit some true brick walls.  My great grandfather, Daniel Haakenson has been hard to find as his information here in the US is limited.  From Census and Death records I know he was born 19 March 1866 and apparently emigrated in 1880 or 1881.  Unfortunately, his info provides only "Norway" as place of birth with no birth location.  And no middle name.  I have found only 1 Daniel, born 19 March 1866 with the correct mother, Anne Kristine Gundersdatter.  But unfortunately the father listed appears to be John Nielssen, which is not the John Haakenson I had hoped for.   In any case, there is some info in the attached record that might help me but I cannot read it.  I would greatly appreciate help.


The record is the last one (#14) on the attached and there is a word in front of the fathers name I can't make out.  Also, I believe there are names of god parents on the second page which might help me with Anne Kristine's family.


Any help or suggestions would be very much appreciated.


John Haakenson

Daniel possible baptism#14.jpg

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Welcome to the forum!


parents "Tømmermand [carpenter] John Nielsen og Hst. [Hustru; wife] Anne Christine Gundersd"


withnesses: "Moderen [the mother], Jacobine Jacobsdatter, Faderen [the father], Ole Nielsen."   [make sure to avoid confusion: these are 4 persons...]


How and where did you search to find the potential Daniels ?

It may be a rare chance to find two of them born on the same day - but not impossible.


In general, it can be useful to give a "quick link" to the protocol when asking for help with transcription.

There is more information, not visible in the picture you show.  See some guidance here:



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I think this may indeed be the correct Daniel, from Arendal


Here is the marriage of his parents, John Nielsen and Anne Christine Gundersdatter, No. 17

Arendal sokneprestkontor, Trefoldighet, SAK/1111-0040/F/Fa/L0006: Parish register (official) no. A 6, 1855-1868, p. 241
Quick link: https://www.digitalarkivet.no/kb20060208010250


John Nielsen’s father is called Niels Haagensen

Endret av Matthias Kolberg
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John Nielsen’s baptism. Born 24 August 1828.


Arendal sokneprestkontor, Trefoldighet, SAK/1111-0040/F/Fa/L0004: Parish register (official) no. A 4, 1816-1839, p. 45
Quick link: https://www.digitalarkivet.no/kb20060208020747


Anne Christine Gundersdatter’s baptism. Born 8 January 1828.


Oddernes sokneprestkontor, SAK/1111-0033/F/Fa/Faa/L0005: Parish register (official) no. A 5, 1820-1838, p. 30
Quick link: https://www.digitalarkivet.no/kb20060103030380


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First and foremost to both Ivar and Matthias, thank you so very much for your thorough and detailed replies.  Ivar, I apologize for not providing more disclosure and your link to the "guidance' is very much appreciated.  This was my first post here in the Forum.  As to your questions of where I have looked for Daniel, I have an account on Ancestry.com as well as a lesser one on FamilySearch.com.  Also I have looked in digitalarkivet.no as well as the Norway's National Archives.  With my family records in America very limited on Daniel, its been difficult.  I have tried many variations of the spelling of his last name but without a firm place of origin, its been mostly speculation.  I only recently discovered the arkivvert site which is a fabulous resource.  Immigration records into the US back in the 1880's is also tough without validation of names places of origin etc.  Daniel was invisible here in the US until at best 1890 when I found a likely marriage record.  But he missed the 1880 Census, the 1890 Census was lost in a fire.  He died in 1917 so I only have Census info for 1900 and 1910.  His death certificate and the birth certificates of his children only cite his name a Daniel Haakenson born in Norway, his father as John Haakenson, born in Norway and his mother as Annie Christine Gunderson also born in Norway.  In my searches I have modified his father and mother's name but was always looking for Daniel Haakenson or some variation of that last name.   I only just stumbled upon the document I attached above.


Matthias, I greatly appreciate your follow up with the marriage info on John and Anne plus the 1870 and 1875 Census info.  I had checked Norway Census data but always under the name Haakenson or variation.  My understanding of Norwegian surname rules is such that if indeed Nils Haggensen is the father of John Nilssen then I would have expected Daniel to have the surname of Johnsen as it is in the census.  Maybe he emigrated as Daniel Johnsen, I will investigate that in Norway's Emigration records as well as US immigration records.  I am only skeptical since Daniel apparently decided to use Haakenson as his surname here in the US.  Does his switch to Haakenson make sense to either of you?  He was about 15 when he came to the US.  I found his marriage info for 1890 in Providence RI but listed his name as Daniel Hokons.  I think this was the local clerk hearing a strong accented spelling of Haakenson.   The listed mom and dad matched John and Anne Christine, the wife and her mom and dad matched so thisis the first record of Daniel here in the US.  His son, my grandfather was born in 1893 and that birth certificate uses Haakenson.  He was naturalized in 1894 also as Haakenson so that's it.  This is a huge and important breakthrough for me.  I might be able to find some relatives on Ancestry to whom I can link with.


As an aside, since Daniel, our family has used the spelling of our last name with an "son".  But when my wife and I decided to have kids, we believed that "sen" was the proper spelling for a Norwegian ancestry so we spelled our children's names all as "sen".  It confuses everyone of course.  But until now my search through the archives didn't yield any "sen"'s in my family.  So the link back to Nils Haggensen would be proof to my three kids that I am not nuts after all.


Best regards to you both, thank you again for your efforts here.  If there is anything that I can do for you for research here in the US please let me know, I will be very happy to see what I can do.


John Haakenson


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8 hours ago, John Haakenson said:

Maybe he emigrated as Daniel Johnsen, I will investigate that in Norway's Emigration records as well as US immigration records.  I am only skeptical since Daniel apparently decided to use Haakenson as his surname here in the US.  Does his switch to Haakenson make sense to either of you? 


Yes, I would expect him to use the traditional name, Daniel Johnsen, in the Norwegian church and emigration records.

However, I have not found him in the emigration records in Arendal, nor in the confirmation records, so it is possible he left without noticing the local authorities before his confirmation.


At some point, he was probably made aware that the American naming system was different from the Norwegian tradition, and I do not find it surprising that he chose the last name of his grandfather, thinking that his father also got it wrong using Nielsen.


One of Daniel's sons was called Daniel Robert, born 1 March 1895

Daniel Robert Haakenson, "New York, New York City Births, 1846-1909" • FamilySearch


Daniel also had a younger brother called Robert, born 1871, which adds another grain of evidence to Daniel's origin in Arendal.

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Matthias.  The surname traditions do indeed make this search very difficult.  I do have the US records for Daniel and his children.  I had wondered where the Robert middle name for his second son came from.  His first son's middle name is Godfried which I can't figure out, even with what I've found on the wife's side.  And he had a daughter named Christina which fits.   But there is some potentially bad news here.  After building my Ancestry tree by adding father John and some additional children, I did a search and found the 1900 census:  https://www.digitalarkivet.no/en/census/person/pf01037187000930   Unfortunately is shows a Daniel Nilsen, born 1866, father John and wife Ingebord (I found that Anne Christine died in early 1875 and that father John remarried in 1877 to Ingebord).  So by 1900 my Daniel was in America, married and had 3 children.  So unfortunately all of this might be for naught.  I think I am back to searching.  Sigh.


Thank you for all the help.


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I am not following you on this.

In the Norwegian census 1900, Daniel is listed as married, and absent, with current address: New York (I believe the US census says he lived in New Jersey, which is easily approximated to New York from a Norwegian perspective)

There are also ship manifests from 15 September 1898, as well as 2 Feb 1899, where he, as a US citizen, arrives at Ellis Island from Europe. It suggests that he had been home in the old country on several occasions, probably visiting his father





Edit: in the second of these two, in 1899, it appears that only Rosina and the children, including Daniel Haakenson Jr, 3years, were reentering the US

Endret av Matthias Kolberg
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Matthias:  I looked at that column on the 1900 Census and frankly couldn't read it.  It never occurred to me that Daniel would still be recorded in a Norwegian Census if he wasn't living there.  And absolutely, it obviously says New York, which indeed is close enough to Jersey City NJ to make no difference.   I stopped going further when I thought Daniel was still in Norway.  And the Godfried angle is gold.  Thank you.  I'm all there now.  Much appreciated.


You are THE BEST!


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7 timer siden, Matthias Kolberg skrev:

Yes, I would expect him to use the traditional name, Daniel Johnsen, in the Norwegian church and emigration records.

However, I have not found him in the emigration records in Arendal, nor in the confirmation records, so it is possible he left without noticing the local authorities before his confirmation.


At some point, he was probably made aware that the American naming system was different from the Norwegian tradition, and I do not find it surprising that he chose the last name of his grandfather, thinking that his father also got it wrong using Nielsen.


One of Daniel's sons was called Daniel Robert, born 1 March 1895

Daniel Robert Haakenson, "New York, New York City Births, 1846-1909" • FamilySearch


Daniel also had a younger brother called Robert, born 1871, which adds another grain of evidence to Daniel's origin in Arendal.


Confirmation in Barbu 1880. Nr 36

Barbu sokneprestkontor, SAK/1111-0003/F/Fb/L0001: Klokkerbok nr. B 1, 1878-1890, s. 248
Brukslenke for sidevisning: https://www.digitalarkivet.no/kb20070216630251

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5 hours ago, Sigrun Randen said:

Death record of Jon Nilsen in 1904 (6. september)


Arendal byfogd, SAK/1222-0001/H/Ha/L0002: Dødsfallsprotokoll, 1900-1908, s. 130-131
Brukslenke for sidevisning: https://www.digitalarkivet.no/sk10411112152067

Here, Daniel is also mentioned with his American name, Daniel Haakensen 

Endret av Matthias Kolberg
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Sigrun thank you for your thoughts.  That link attachment for Daniel Johnsen was pretty interesting.  Took me a bit to translate but it amazing, not only a Confirmation which I gather was 3 Okt 1880 but also a smallpox vaccine record I guess.  That would have been very necessary if/when he emigrated to the America.  His 1900 US Census cited his date of arrival as 1880, the 1910 Census cited 1881 so this might narrow any emigration-immigration to the end of 1880.


Also, LOL, that attachment of son Daniel Robert Haakenson's info was from my tree on the Family Search site.  I have been able to mostly track down his children's info hoping to find out where Daniel was born and also birth-immigration stuff on his wife Rosina Wheeler.  She came from England.


Matthias, on the John Nilsen death record, I never would have picked out that Daniel Haagensen was even in there. Appreciate you guys help on this.  and there is no way I would have been able to see that Ingeborg was living with her son-in-law in that 1910 Census.


At the risk of wearing out my welcome with all of you wonderful people, I could use some help reading the names of Anne Christine Gundersdatter's parents off that birth-baptism church record.  Usually if I can find the document in Ancestry or Family search, their AI reader will try to get those names.  But I can't locate it in either place.  Plus, the aarkivvet link takes me just to the book page with no interpretation.  here is that link  Matthias sent me:   


Anne Christine Gundersdatter’s baptism. Born 8 January 1828.


Oddernes sokneprestkontor, SAK/1111-0033/F/Fa/Faa/L0005: Parish register (official) no. A 5, 1820-1838, p. 30
Quick link: https://www.digitalarkivet.no/kb20060103030380


Hopefully you are all asleep by now.  


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1 time siden, Sigrun Randen skrev:

Not sure of the word (title?) before Gunder

Could it be "Sómand" (=sailor)? Normally this writer uses another type of capital S, but you see that he uses this type of S also here and there.

Ladhelle (now Lahelle) was a small comunity just outside the city of Kristiansand, now a part of Kristiansand. It’s situated on the eastern bank of the river Otra (also called Torridalselva) just where the river runs out into the sea. There has always been a bridge here, which tie the two parts of the city together.

Lahelle some time before 1887 (when the new bridge was contructed):

Lahelle, broa og byen


Endret av Christer Kjølsrud
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Sigrun thank you for your thoughts.  That link attachment for Daniel Johnsen was pretty interesting.  Took me a bit to translate but it amazing, not only a Confirmation which I gather was 3 Okt 1880 but also a smallpox vaccine record I guess.  That would have been very necessary if/when he emigrated to the America.  His 1900 US Census cited his date of arrival as 1880, the 1910 Census cited 1881 so this might narrow any emigration-immigration to the end of 1880.


Also, LOL, that attachment of son Daniel Robert Haakenson's info was from my tree on the Family Search site.  I have been able to mostly track down his children's info hoping to find out where Daniel was born and also birth-immigration stuff on his wife Rosina Wheeler.  She came from England.


Matthias, on the John Nilsen death record, I never would have picked out that Daniel Haagensen was even in there. Appreciate you guys help on this.  There might 

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Christer this is such a great photo, thank you so much.  Interesting on the spelling of Gunder's occupation.  I like the idea of a sailor.  Apparently my Great Grandfather Daniel (he who started this whole thread) was also a sailor for a period here in America.  His first son's birth certificate cites his occupation as "Seaman".  

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30 minutes ago, Christer Kjølsrud said:

Could it be "Sómand" (=sailor)? 


No, I believe it is Smed Gunder Gjerulfssen 


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Daniel was also listed as a sailor in the Norwegian 1900 census.


Here is his ‘freshman’ sailing record, from 1880 to 1883

Arendal mønstringskrets, SAK/2031-0012/F/Fa/L0003: Annotasjonsrulle nr 
Quick link: https://www.digitalarkivet.no/ru20090317660467


In the main list he is listed as "rømt" (jumped ship) on the 5th of June 1883 on a voyage from Galveston.

Arendal mønstringskrets, SAK/2031-0012/F/Fb/L0017: Hovedrulle A nr 
Quick link: https://www.digitalarkivet.no/ru20090319770617

Can it be that he changed his name to Haakenson to reduce the risk of being found?

Endret av Matthias Kolberg
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1 time siden, Matthias Kolberg skrev:

No, I believe it is Smed Gunder Gjerulfssen 


Yes, you’re right, Matthias. I see that he is called “smedsvend” (=certified blacksmith) in his wedding to Karen Gurine Rasmusdatter in Kristiansand in 1822, #53:


Groom: Bachelor and certified blacksmith Gunder Gjerulfsen Aas from the farm Aas in the parish of Vegusdal, age 26

Bride: Unmarried woman Karen Gurine Rasmusdatter from Kristiansand, age 27

Groom’s father: Farmer Gierulf Gundlevsen Aas

Bride’s father: Day laborer Rasmus Larsen

Endret av Christer Kjølsrud
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1 hour ago, John Haakenson said:

Matthias, on the John Nilsen death record, I never would have picked out that Daniel Haagensen was even in there.


Here is a full transcript of John Nielsens death record, and translation, which I think contains the key evidence of your ancestor, Daniel Haakensen’s, origin.



6 (death date) 7 (date of record)

Jon Nilsen,

Tømmermand, f.

1828, Enkemand.

Efterlader Børnene

1) Søn Daniel Nilsen

2) Datter Karen Nilsen

Sønnen i Amerika. 
Datteren tilstede.

Begge myndige.


Bopæl Hylleveien.

Anmeldt af

Karl Kristiansen.

Forevist Fuldmagt fra

Daniel Haakonsen (Nilsen)

til Ole Nilsen

for at ordne og selge Fa-

derens hus og modtage Penger

m.v.  Attestert af Consulen

New York 20-9-1904
(Stedatter Hulda gift

med Andreassen i



6  7
Jon Nilsen,
Carpenter, born
1828, Widower.
Leaving the Children
1) Son Daniel Nilsen
2) Daughter Karen Nilsen
The son in America.
The daughter present.
Both of legal age.
State church (lutheran faith).
Residence Hylleveien.


The death was reported by
Karl Kristiansen.
Presented Power of Attorney from
Daniel Haakonsen (Nilsen)
to Ole Nilsen 

to organize and sell his Father’s
house and receive Money
etc. Attested by the Consul
New York 20-9-1904
(Stepdaughter Hulda married
Andreassen in

Endret av Matthias Kolberg
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7 hours ago, Matthias Kolberg said:

In the 1910 census from Arendal, widow Ingeborg Nielsen is staying in the house of her son-in-law Gotfred Helmer Olsen


This is unfortunately not the correct Ingeborg.


John Nielsen’s Ingeborg Johanne died 21 June 1903

Arendal sokneprestkontor, Trefoldighet, SAK/1111-0040/F/Fa/L0010: Ministerialbok nr. A 10, 1900-1919, s. 359
Brukslenke for sidevisning: https://www.digitalarkivet.no/kb20050404030299


This explains why John was listed as a widower when he died in 1904.

But the name Godfred remains a mystery…

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