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The Umbrella Parade in Bergen Norway on the 15th November 1970

david morgan

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On the 15/11/1970 there was an umbrella parade in Bergen where about 5000 people attended. A newspaper article followed on the 16th describing the prize winners. But what was strange is no-one took a photograph. Audun Hetland gave out prizes. Audun was the sketch artist who drew the Isdal Woman in 1970. 


If you research Dennis Zacher Aske's book Kvinnen i Isdalen you find that the police evidence shows the Isdal Woman bought Celebrity boots on the 14th November 1970 - just in time to attend an umbrella parade in Bergen the next day with her blue boots, blue umbrella, blue coat and blue and white hair band. What was also strange was that Normann Laskemoen said in police evidence he went to the Isdal Valley on the 15th - as if he was trying to avoid the umbrella parade. He said it was a place he didn't normally go. What was even more of a coincidence was that it was the birthday of the American woman who had been confused with the Isdal Woman. She was the woman who bought Celebrity boots on the 18th in Stavanger after staying in Gvarv with Normann's relatives. Dennis Zacher Aske details her story over 8 sections and arrives at the conclusion (like the police) that a postcard was sufficent evidence to prove she wasn't killed in the Isdal Valley. The staff in the hostel in Stavanger had identified the American woman from Seattle as the body in the Isdal Valley. The postcard was fortunately provided by the Gvarv relatives of Normann Laskemoen otherwise he may have become their chief suspect.


No photo description available.


The police mistakenly call the American woman 'Valentine' which is a useful typo so that her real name is not exposed. Her grandmother's name was Christina Dahl of Swedish/Norwegin origins. Her father was of Danish origin. An amazing researcher Linda Ziemann traced Valentine's family obviously using her real name including the shocking details of Christina's death.


Extract from police archive in Bergen:




It is an amazing coincidence that two women bought Celebrity boots in the same size in the same shop, had a blue and white hairband and bought a ticket to Bergen on the hydrofoil and apparently both had identical suitcases. The police evidence details Valentine whereas podcasts only detail the Isdal Woman.


Potentially photographs of the Umbrella Parade on the 15/11/1970 (if they exist) may include images of the Isdal Woman who bought her boots on the 14/11/1970.

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