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Seeking Larson family info


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Greetings!  Does anyone have Larson family relations or knowledge?  I'll be in Norway for 10 days from mid-June (soon!) and would love to find more about the family of one Hogan Larson (b 1841 Norway, d. 1914 Wisconsin USA), listed as a carpenter in Wisconsin records, and adopted the more English-sounding name of Lewis.  I was told in a chance encounter with  Norwegians that the Larson name is specific to one area...true or not?  In any case please provide any clues that might be useful, including any that would prevent wasted time during my short time in one of my family's homelands.  Thanks in advance, Lew B

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58 minutter siden, LewB skrev:

he Larson name is specific to one area...true or not?

not. Larson is/was a common surname in Norway, you will find it all over Norway.

If you give some more information:

was he married? where in Wisconsin did he live? Did he have children?

When did he immigrate to the US?


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Is this the person you look for?



Navn Hagen Lewis
Kjønn Male
Alder 58
Fødested Norway
Sivilstand Married
Rase White
Years Married 23
Relasjon til husstandens overhode Head
Fars fødested Norway
Mors fødested Norway
Type hendelse Census
Hendelsesdato 1900
Sted for hendelse  
Linjenummer 96
Arkbokstav B
Arknummer 4
Tilknyttet publikasjonsnummer T623
Tilknyttet navn The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
Hagen Lewiss ektefeller og barn
This Hagen Lewis was a carpenter, born march 1842, immigrated 1860, married for 23 years according to census 1900.
Census 1880 (Hans Lewis) and 1910 says birth year was 1835, and his gravestone says he was born in 1829. https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/86627560/hogan_lewis
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Could this be Hogan's marriage?



Navn Haaken Larson
Navnemerknad Occ: Carpenter Res: Madison
Kjønn Male
Fødested Norway
Rase White
Fars navn Lars Nilson
Fars kjønn Male
Mors navn Helene Haakensdtr
Mors kjønn Female
Ektefellens navn Dorthe M. Danielson
Ektefellens kjønn Female
Ektefellens rase White
Spouse's Ethnicity American
Navn på ektefellens far Gunnar Danielson
Ektefellens fars kjønn Male
Type hendelse Marriage
Hendelsesdato 15 Oct 1876
Sted for hendelse Madison, Dane, Wisconsin, United States
Kildedetaljer 02227
  • Liker 1
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Many thanks for your kind and prompt attention, Lars.  Yes it does strongly suggest this is the Hogan/Hakan Lewis/Larson the Wisconsin records (and the Mormon database) refer to.  All the more since we have in the family archive a photo of a Wisconsin grave of the mother and sister of his wife Delia Lewis.  The still legible lines say 'ANNEANUNDSDATTER'  (Anne and her daughter?)  and more importantly 'SUNDER DANIELSON'.  There's also a large graphic with what 'looks like a haystack or heap of cornstalks' according to my late sister, who took the photo-- maybe no significance to this, or just an indication of farming in the family?  But presumably significant back in Norway at the time.


In a second posting I'll include the Mormon database entries on Hogan and Delia in case there are other clues.  But if either appear in Norwegian civil or church records it should be easier to fill in a more complete picture.  Thanks again for your kind help...I've got another sister, and a brother plus offspring, who will be very interested in this!

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This looks to   be the church record for your Hogen Lewis. The transcription lists the year for the marriage as 1880 but likely a mistake by the transcriber as the original record shows it to be 1876.  Name of the bride is also a little different than you have listed. 


Hacken Larsen

in the U.S., Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Church Records, 1781-1969

NameHacken Larsen


Record TypeMarriage

Marriage Date15 Oct 1880

Marriage PlaceDane, Wisconsin, USA

FatherLars Kolsen

MotherHelene Haakensdatter

SpouseDorthe M Danielsen

Church NameSpring Prairie Lutheran Church

Church LocationDeForest, Wisconsin


Dorthe M Danielsen

in the U.S., Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Church Records, 1781-1969

NameDorthe M Danielsen


Record TypeMarriage

Marriage Date15 Oct 1880

Marriage PlaceDane, Wisconsin, USA

FatherGunnar Danielsen

SpouseHacken Larsen

Church NameSpring Prairie Lutheran Church

Church LocationDeForest, Wisconsin







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And here Gunder and Dorthe in 1860 https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:MWMY-XFZ


Navn Dortha M Danielson
Kjønn Female
Fødselsår (anslått) 1855
Fødested Wisconsin
Rase White
Type hendelse Census
Hendelsesdato 1860
Sted for hendelse Primrose, Dane, Wisconsin, United States
Sidetall 34
Tilknyttet publikasjonsnummer M653
Tilknyttet navn The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
Andre personer på denne opptegnelsen
Dorthe's mother is not included here, Gunder's wife Anne in 1870 can not be Dorthe's mother  - she is only 24 years old.
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42 minutter siden, LewB skrev:

The still legible lines say 'ANNEANUNDSDATTER'  (Anne and her daughter?) 

This should mean that Anne was the daughter of Anund. But since this Anne was  not Dorthe /Delia's mother, I don't know if it is of interest. Gunder is said to have been born around 1823/1824

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Probably Gunder?


Gunder Danielsen

in the Norway, Select Baptisms, 1634-1927

NameGunder Danielsen


Birth Date18. feb 1823 (18 Feb 1823)

Baptism Date23. feb 1823 (23 Feb 1823)

Baptism PlaceSauherad, Telemark, Norway

FatherDaniel Olsen

MotherDorthe Gundersdr

FHL Film Number127037

Reference ID2:143J00S




Original record nr 19






Confirmed Nr 19










Endret av Anton Hagelee
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Just to confuse things, there are on Ancestry.com several trees for Gunder Danielson.  Some of the trees have Gunder as I have listed above born in Sauherad, Telemark, Norway. 


The other trees have Gunder born in Avaldnes, Rogaland. However I find that Gunder in both the 1865 and 1891 Norwegian Census, so making him an unlikely candidate. 


1865 FT




1891 FT 





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In this North Dakota, U.S., Naturalizations, 1873-1952 Gunder listed 1845 as a year of emigration. 


Gunder Danielson

in the North Dakota, U.S., Naturalizations, 1873-1952

NameGunder Danielson

Declaration Age58

Record TypeNaturalization Declaration

Birth Date1823

Birth PlaceNorway

Arrival DateAug 1845

Arrival PlaceBoston

Declaration Date22 Dec 1881

Declaration PlaceCass, Cass, North Dakota, USA

Declaration Number11

Volume Number5-7





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8 timer siden, Anton Hagelee skrev:

Gunder  Danielsen Stigen emigrated from Sauherad, Telemark, Norway in 1847. Nr 9.



Together with a brother, Ole Danielsen Stigen?



They both arrived in the US August 1847,

here is a famiytree for Ole on FS https://www.familysearch.org/tree/pedigree/landscape/KCRN-S17


Ole Danielson was the name taken in America. His name in Telemark, Norway was Ole Danielson Stigen. Stigen was the name of the farm they were living on at the time. The farm name was usually added to the family as a type of mailing address. They came to America from Sauer, Souherad, Telemark, Norway on the SS Jupiter and arrived in Boston August 9, 1847. Two children, Dorthea (Delia) and Johannes were born in Norway. Ole settled first in Rock County, Illinois , where Anon was born. In 1848 he moved to Iowa where daughter Ann was born in 1849. In the year 1849, Ole moved to Primrose Township, Dane County Wisconsin and bought the 140 acres in Section 14 to homestead in Verona where the remainder of his children were born. He was at one time the President of the Anti-Horse Thief League. He farmed and lived on his Primrose homestead until he was 60 years old. At that time he retired in 1875 and moved to Green County, Wisconsin.



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10 hours ago, Lars Johannessen said:

here is a famiytree for Ole on FS


Interesting that this tree gives a name Olve and birth year 1923 for the wife of Gunder and mother of Dortha M. No sources for her tho and the birth year maybe suspect since it is the same birth year as Gunder 

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14 minutter siden, Anton Hagelee skrev:

I can find the marriage of Ole Danielsen and Ingeborg Christensdatter Hagen in 1844 in Sauherad. But not Gunder?





Gunder was not married when he emigrated. Ole and Ingeborg and their two children are # 14 - 18 here .




Info from the family tree in FS doesn't give any information about Gunder's marriages


Gunner Danielsson left for America in 1847 with brother Olav. In the late 1840's he bought 120 acres of land in section 14 and 23 of Primrose Township in Dane County Wisconsin. He built a log house on the property. In 1887 he sold the farm to Louis Johnson. Charles Danielson purchased the farm in 1900. His son Calmer lived and farmed there and replaced the log house with a new structure in 1926 shortly before his death. His daughter Gladys married Russell Kahl who took over the farm. Her son Dale is presently living on Gunner's farm.

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Looking at the two declarations of intentions for Gunder, it seems to me that they might not be the same person.  In the one from Cass county D.T. he signs his name and on the other one he signs with a mark.  You usually don't forget how to write but you might learn how in the span of time.


Here is the Gunder Danielsons who took US Federal homesteads found at Bureau of Land Management site:



Likely this fellow in the 1880 census Traill county D.T.:



Here are all the Danielsons in the 1885 census of Traill county, D.T. transcribed. 



These are all those in Gunder's family


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There were two Danielson families in Trial County around 1885. The largest one is Gunder Danielson. The one with the children born in Minnesota likely belong to Frank Danielson. 


Frank Danielson

in the North Dakota, U.S., Territorial and State Censuses, 1885, 1915, 1925

NameFrank Danielson


Town/CityEnumeration District 13

State/TerritoryDakota Territory, USA

Census Date1 Jun 1885


Birth Yearabt 1847

Birth PlaceNorway



Marital StatusMarried

Relation to Head of HouseHusband



Household Members (Name)AgeRelationship

Frank Danielson38Husband

Birget Danielson35Wife

Sanan Danielson13Son

Tilda Danielson11Daughter

Emma Danielson8Daughter

Ole Danielson3Son

Ingebr Danielson8/12





Endret av Anton Hagelee
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