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Translation, Please

Richard Olsen

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Will someone please translate the words between the RED LINES. This is part of my study on Norwegian Ships and Sailors to Canada. I want to get the words and context correct.




Below are the charts. I would like the words between the red lines translated. I believe that the top chart deals with the number of days traveled, and the bottom chart deals with the number of ships.

Screenshot 2024-07-06 at 11-56-03 Den Norske Rigstidende mandag 29. mai 1876.png

Screenshot 2024-07-06 at 11-56-38 Den Norske Rigstidende mandag 29. mai 1876.png

Endret av Richard Olsen
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1. Presumably average stay for Norwegian ships during ballast unloading and loading of lumber in days per commercial cargo, as well as average journey lengths to the following places in the following years: A. From places on the North Sea and the British Channel east of the Isle of Wight. B. West of the Isle of Wight and the West Coast of Europe. After extracts from the consulate protocol

2.  NB! It is noted that where the protocol provides the necessary information, deductions have been made for stays during accidents and during unloading of incoming cargo, which presumably included more than was necessary for ballast unloading, and further that no deduction has been made for unloading emigrants and their baggage, which probably not with Necessity has required anything, apart from Unloading of full Ballast, necessary Stay.

a) This does not include ballast discharge, b) and Cap Ignace, c) The ships mostly had cargo for incoming.

3. Supplement to the Table of average stays etc. etc. containing the number of ships and voyages used for the calculation.

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