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Searching for the origin of the Pros in the name Pros Per Persson

Anton Hagelee

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I know this is a Norwegian genealogy website but I think quite highly of it and find it a very useful tool. I posted basically the same question back in 2023. The conclusion was the word Pros or Prose or Proth or Prosth is derived from either a farm or place name or reference to the father's name of Per. I did not get the impression that there was a certain explanation that best fits so I would like to try again. Here is some additional information that might help. 


The name is attached for the first time that I can find to:


Pros Per Persson


BIRTH 12 SEP 1755 • Gröntuv, Gagnef, Kopparberg (Dalarna), Sweden

DEATH 16 JUN 1836 • Grånäs, Gagnef, Kopparberg (Dalerra), Sweden


His father is 


Per Olsson


BIRTH 28 JUL 1719 • Gröntuv, Gagnef, Kopparberg (Dalarna), Sweden

DEATH 28 SEP 1787 • Gröntuv, Gagnef, Kopparberg (Dalarna), Sweden


and the previous thread was 




Endret av Anton Hagelee
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have you tried any Swedish forum or similar?

Even thought some participants here have notable experience on Swedish matters,

it seems certain that you will find a lot more in a Swedish forum.

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3 minutes ago, Ivar S. Ertesvåg said:

have you tried any Swedish forum or similar?

Even thought some participants here have notable experience on Swedish matters,

it seems certain that you will find a lot more in a Swedish forum.



No I have not. Do you have any suggestion on a good Swedish forum.



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I am now leaning toward the Pros and its variants are a place name. Several trees on the site  Geneanet Community Trees use a prefix with the names of the people. Here is one example. 


Örns Margta Persdotter

in the Geneanet Community Trees Index

NameÖrns Margta Persdotter

GenderF (Female)

Birth Date21 juil. 1790 (21 Jul 1790)

Birth PlaceN.Gröntuv Gagnef Dalarna, Gagnef, Dalarna/Kopparberg (Dalarna), Suède (Sweden)

Marriage Date26 déc. 1819 (26 Dec 1819)

Marriage PlaceGagnef Dalarna, Gagnef, Dalarna/Kopparberg (Dalarna), Suède (Sweden)

Death Date21 déc. 1857 (21 Dec 1857)

Death PlaceJur Gagnef Dalarna Sverige, Gagnef, Dalarna/Kopparberg (Dalarna), Suède (Sweden)

FatherPer Danielsson

MotherÖrns Anna Matsdotter

SpouseErkers Anders Ersson

ChildErkers Brita Andersdotter


You can see other prefixes as well here, such as Hol, Erkers, Jur, 



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Here is an example from the son of Per 


Pros Olof Persson

in the Geneanet Community Trees Index

NamePros Olof Persson

GenderM (Male)

Birth Date12 janv. 1787 (12 Jan 1787)

Birth PlaceGrånäs Gagnef Dalarna Sverige, Gagnef, Dalarna/Kopparberg (Dalarna), Suède (Sweden)

Marriage Datenov. 1810 (Nov 1810)

Marriage PlaceGagnef Dalarna, Gagnef, Dalarna/Kopparberg (Dalarna), Suède (Sweden)

Death Date31 déc. 1827 (31 Dec 1827)

Death PlaceLindan Gagnef Dalarna Sverige, Gagnef, Dalarna/Kopparberg (Dalarna), Suède (Sweden)

FatherPros Per Persson

MotherKerstin Andersdotter

SpouseHol Brita Matsdotter

ChildHol Anna OlsdotterHol Carin OlsdotterHol Cherstin OlsdotterHol Mats OlssonHol Per OlssonHol Per Olsson



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2 timer siden, Kristian Hunskaar (privat) skrev:

It may not be relevant in this case, but Pros is actually a first name as well: https://lokalhistoriewiki.no/wiki/Pros_Lauritsen


I am twisting my brain, and searching through my huge database –


Once upon a time (as all good fairytales are supposed to start) I came across a Pros-something, quite infamous in his time, as an admiral(?) or at least a high-ranking naval officer? Turned pirate, or was comissioned as such by the ‹king-in-charge› as far as I can remember – I might be mixing things up. Memories are not what they used to be . . . 😉


Well, I was thrilled, because his surname (whatever that was) could indicate that he was a very distant and very colourful relative of mine.

It turned out he was not, so appearently I never made any notes or any ‹entry› in my database. Darn!


But I strongly support Pros as a first name. Could the name be dutch? Or from the Netherlands somewhere?



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9 timer siden, Anton Hagelee skrev:

No I have not. Do you have any suggestion on a good Swedish forum.

I have never worked with Swedish matters and have no experience on this. However, a possibility seems to be

"Røtters Anbytarforum" https://forum.rotter.se/


May be others can supplement.



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There are/were at least four Prosgården/Prosgårdarna in the Siljan region. The etymology for the one in Borlänge is explained as a conctraction of "Per Olovs gård", that is a farm founded by one Per Olov, see page 10 (in Swedish): https://www.borlange.se/download/18.38f9fe4d170346e58ae74f0/1581244230108/11. STADSDEL -HUSHAGEN.pdf


My guess is that the etymology for the one in Gagnef is similar. I recommend the Dalarna subforum of Anbytarforum to find friendly and helpful people for more information:


Endret av Dag F Gravem
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Thanks to all for the amazing help. My best guess at present is that 


Pros Per Persson


BIRTH 12 SEP 1755 • Gröntuv, Gagnef, Kopparberg (Dalarna), Sweden


started using the Pros part of his name to distinguish himself from all the other Pers in the Gagnef parish. Perhaps deriving  it from his father who was a Per Olson. I have not found a connection for this family to the several farms named Prostgården in this parish so am reluctant to use  that as an explanation for his use of the term Pros.  


In the Sweden, Church Records, 1451-1943 from Ancestry.com the family is found on the Gröntuv (farm or village ?), Gagnef parish Kopperberg county. 


Sweden, Church Records, 1451-1943

CountyKopparberg (Dalarna)


Village, Farm or CroftGröntuv


Record TypeHusförhör (Household Examination)

Year range1757-1775

GID Number2201.5.11800


Roll/Fiche NumberFA-103

Page number39



Endret av Anton Hagelee
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6 hours ago, Dag F Gravem said:

My guess is that the etymology for the one in Gagnef is similar. I recommend the Dalarna subforum of Anbytarforum to find friendly and helpful people for more information:



Thank you for this recommendation. I have registered with the forum and will see what other information it yields. 



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It looks like the Pros name in Kopparberg was in use in modern time as well.


  Borlänge, Kopparberg, Sweden
Dato 27. nov 1895
Tekst "...Olof Albert, son till Karls Olof Persson i Gröntuf. Döde: Pros Olof Anderssons änka Anna Mattsdotter i Gröntuf, 70 år och 3 månader. ..."
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1 time siden, Anton Hagelee skrev:

Thanks to all for the amazing help. My best guess at present is that 


Pros Per Persson


BIRTH 12 SEP 1755 • Gröntuv, Gagnef, Kopparberg (Dalarna), Sweden


started using the Pros part of his name to distinguish himself from all the other Pers in the Gagnef parish. Perhaps deriving  it from his father who was a Per Olson. I have not found a connection for this family to the several farms named Prostgården in this parish so am reluctant to use  that as an explanation for his use of the term Pros.



I wouldn't rule the farm connection out, Anton. This is the normal naming procedure in this neck of the woods. Prosgårdarna were likely part of Gröntuvs skriftlag, which runs from page 29 to 41 in the examination protocol you linked to (see its index). A skriftlag was a group of farms that were "household examined" at the same occasion, and these two seem to be almost neighbouring farms: https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Prosgårdarna,+Djurås,+Sverige/Gröntuv,+785+30+Gagnef,+Sverige/@60.5785567,15.1032584,3793m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m14!4m13!1m5!1m1!1s0x4667842325e72ed1:0x7c3a89b83cabb6ba!2m2!1d15.123244!2d60.574855!1m5!1m1!1s0x466785ca0c8b3031:0x13a02a88bf9c020!2m2!1d15.0925139!2d60.5908211!3e2?entry=ttu


But do ask the people over at Anbytarforum in the Gagnef subforum to the Dalarna subforum about this.

Endret av Dag F Gravem
stavefeil igjen
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This 1817 map from the Great Partition land reform seems to confirm that Prosgårdarna were part of Gröntuv village, page 11. https://historiskakartor.lantmateriet.se/hk/viewer/share/20-gag-83/0003uw42/lm20/REG/20-gag-83/Storskifte


Compare with:



It makes total sense to me that someone from Prosgårdarna would be registered as belonging to Gröntuv in various church records. I also notice that in some of the documents that you have linked in the previous post, the geographic references seem to be to villages and not to farms, indicating that the village level of detail was sufficient for the sacerdotal authorities. But again, Anbytarforum is the place to verify this. If no one responds there, try contacting Gagnef Hembygdsförening



Prior to the Great Partition, village land was communally owned by the village farmers. This age of enlightenment rationalization effort from the authorities made farming more efficient but also contributed to increased social inequalities. The picturesque village settlement structure did survive the land reform in Gagnef and adjacent parishes. I do recommend a visit around Midsommar.


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Gagnefs Släktforskarförening is another option:



A book was fairly recently published documenting all the 195 farms belonging to Gröntuv village, Gröntufs gårdar och släkter:



An image search on rötter.se also confirms that Prosgårdarna belong to Gröntuv, documenting several people with the farm name or surname Pros in different variations:


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