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Ancestor Was Born Illegitimately And Having a Hard Time Finding Grandparents

Avery Block

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On 9/20/2024 at 11:42 PM, Inger Hohler said:

1841 in Hjartdal, one Halvor Svendsen Haugen, bachelor, born about 1814, married Mari Trondsdatter. https://www.digitalarkivet.no/kb20061212320266

Another case of problematic electronic registration. When I saw the original, I thought Halvor might be a Sørensen, not Svendsen. He was a Sørensen. See top left. https://www.digitalarkivet.no/kb20061212320228
He is very unlikely to be the father of Anette as he had the wrong patronym.


On 9/20/2024 at 11:42 PM, Inger Hohler said:

1846, in Seljord, one Halvor Svendsen of unknown age, died. According to the availiable information he was born in Laardal[?]

Obviously he can't be Anette's father
I just wanted to see if identifying him could rule out any of the Halvor Svendsens born in Laardal in the relevant period. I could not.

There were but a few Halvor Svendsens born in Laardal who would have been alive by 1846. 
Halvord Svendsen Berge was 2y old at the 1801 census. https://www.digitalarkivet.no/census/person/pf01058319001043

He was the only one in Laardal by that name in the 1801 census. He is probably the Halvor Svendsen Lofthus who died in 1843 as the age fits well. https://www.digitalarkivet.no/kb20061214320107

I haven't found any Halvor Svendsen born in Laardal between the 1801 census and 1846, which means the deceased in Seljord  was probably an older man who was not staying in Laardal at the time of the 1846 census. By electronic search I've found a Halvor Svendsen Berge who was Cautionist at a wedding in 1799 - quite possibly the grandfather of Halvor Svendsen Berge, 2 y in 1801. While I have not found him dead in the records, he was not there at the 1801 census. I haven't found any useful probate record from Berg in Vest-Telemark sorenskriveri, AV/SAKO-A-134/H, 1689-1821. If he  actually were the paternal grandfather of Halvor Svendsen Berge, age 2 in the census of 1801 he would have been well past 100y in 1846.

However, there is trace of another Halvor Svendsen in Laardal in the early 1800s. In the 1816 silver tax, he paid 1 Spd. He was living at Wiig. https://www.digitalarkivet.no/db10081203280037
The size of the tax indicates he was probably not a sevant. Most likely he was a cottager, in which case he would have been born before 1800. I don't know where he came from. I haven't found him in the church records as a father. He could have been the one who died in 1846, although I don't know if he was born in Laardal and just not present for the 1801 census. I am guessing that since the Halvor Svendsen who died in 1846 had unknown age, his other personal information in the church records could be inaccurate too.


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18 timer siden, Gry.Onarheim.Dahlmo skrev:


Ingen fare med meg som har studert flere språk, men tenkte på eldre lokalkjente som kanskje lettere blir med når de forstår språket - uansett så er jo linkene til god hjelp som du selv nevner 👍




Hva med å flytte oss til Ås i Akershus, når det gjelder mor til Anette Hansine?


Pauline Olsdatter Folde af Ous prestegjeld - mor til Anette Hansine i 1851:


Jeg har tenkt at siden dette paret bare var midlertidig i Skaalevig, kan presten ha feiltolket deres opplysninger om de langt hjemmefra?


Her er en meget god kandidat:


Pauline Olsdatter født 16.september 1830. Foreldre Ole Syversen og Helene Paulsdatter, Gaardmandsbraaten.


Akershus fylke, Ås, Nordby, Kroer i Ås, Ministerialbok nr. I 5 (1827-1840), Fødte og døpte 1831, Side 50-51
Brukslenke for sidevisning: https://www.digitalarkivet.no/kb20061026040713


Konfirmasjon 1845. nr 20. Bosted Gaarmandsbraaten. 


Akershus fylke, Ås, Nordby, Kroer i Ås, Ministerialbok nr. I 6 (1841-1853), Konfirmerte 1845, Side 222-223
Brukslenke for sidevisning: https://www.digitalarkivet.no/kb20060927050113

Utflyttet fra Ås i 1850 til Christiania - Pauline Olsdatter Faale - sammen med en eldre søster og hennes mann, samt sin yngre søster:


Akershus fylke, Ås, Nordby, Kroer i Ås, Ministerialbok nr. I 6 (1841-1853), Inn- og utflyttede 1852, Side 502-503
Brukslenke for sidevisning: https://www.digitalarkivet.no/kb20060927050211

Hos FamilySearch (må vel være innlogget - gratis registrering) finner jeg så en del info på denne familien.
Her kan vi følge personene og opplysningene er kildebelagt med link til kirkebøker. Pauline er bl a fadder ved en dåp om jeg husker rett.....




Og hos MyHeritage (krever vel abonnement):




Ås bygdebok 1 og 2 - gårdshistorien - hos nb.no (fant ikke familien der etter raske søk).


Dette svaret imponerte meg. Det er heilt utruleg kva de greier å finne.

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Jeg fant dette dødsfallet i Skoger (Drammen) 1865. Halvor Svendsen, understøttet af fattighuset d. 19.12.1865, beg. 24.12.1865. Bosted: Svartepladsen under Hedensrud. I dødsfallprotkollen så står det Hendensrudtangen. No 7 i des: https://www.digitalarkivet.no/sk10101211304012


Grunnen til at jeg legger han inn her er at på Hedensrud/Hedensrudtangen så var det ganske mye sjøfolk. Og har vel alltid vært det har jeg inntrykk av. Det er jo heller ikke så langt unna Sande, så kan jo hende han kom "hjem" til gamle trakter. Det sier jo ikke noe om hvor han kom fra, men det var mye innflytting i dette området, mange kom fra Hallingdal og de traktene der, men også fra Telemark

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1856 Eidanger: bachelor Halvor Svend Svensen  33y, (born approx. 1823)  father Svend Olsøn, married  Anne Johanne Arnesdatter

I forgot to include the link. https://www.digitalarkivet.no/kb20051011030873

I don't think he is a Halvor Svend. Double first names for men were rare in this period, except among the affluent. What was transcribed as Halvor to the electonic records, should be interpreted as 'Matros' - sailor, and he appear to have been christened Swend  in 1821. https://www.digitalarkivet.no/kb20051011030325 Father Swend Olsen living at Heiestad.


Both Svend and Anne Johanne were living in Eidanger at the time of marriage. Eidanger, at  least, is on the coast. The clergyman was supposed to include the  groom's place of birth, but nothing is specified,which normally meant he was from the parish.
This couple were living at Kjørholt in 1857 when they had a stillborn child. https://www.digitalarkivet.no/kb20051011030931 Again the 'Halvor' is probably 'Matros'. This couple appear not to have had any other children.


I haven't found any Halvor  son of a Svend christened in Eidanger kirkebøker, AV/SAKO-A-261/F/Fa/L0007: Ministerialbok nr. 7, 1814-1831, nor have I found his confirmation or moving to the parish in 

 Eidanger kirkebøker, AV/SAKO-A-261/F/Fa/L0008: Ministerialbok nr. 8, 1831-1858 by going manually through them.

There is, however, a page from 1820 which is unreadable because it's out of focus https://www.digitalarkivet.no/kb20051011030321


In the 1891 census his wife was a widow and lived at Kjørholdt - sister of the deceased husband of the main person. Anne Johanne's last name was given as Svendsen which fits with the beginning practice of using the husband's patronym as a last name.  She's listed as born  in 1814 when the marriage record says she was born around 1817, but that's not an unusual discrepancy.  https://www.digitalarkivet.no/ft10061012402033 She died in 1892 and here her patronym is back to Arnesdatter, but she is described as the widow of Svend Svendsenhttps://www.digitalarkivet.no/kb20060531060355

One Svend Svendsen Aaranager, married, born 1821 former sailor and ship's carpenter (skibstømrer) died in Eidanger in 1888

https://www.digitalarkivet.no/kb20060531060348 A reference is made to C N[or No]-6 1856. I think this could be the minister's shorthand for Copulated Number 6 1856.  This just happens to be Halvor Svend Svendsen and Anne Johanne Arnesdatter. He was supposedly born and living at Heiestad. And here's the couple at Heistad in the 1865 census https://www.digitalarkivet.no/census/person/pf01038132002511 He combined being a sailor with being a smallholder. In the 1875 census he's a ship's carpenter, house owner, and they were living at Hustad. https://www.digitalarkivet.no/census/person/pf01052166003590

I've found no hits for Aaranager, Aaronager, Øranager as a place name in the electronic books.

The man was a sailor, of the right age and I haven't found anything about his whereabouts around 1850 but I  believe he can be excluded because of the first name being incorreectly transcribed.

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I've gone through Kragerø innrulleringskontor, AV/SAKO-A-830/F/Fa/L0004: Mønstringsprotokoll, 1834-1836

and the only vaguely relevant information I've found is 

H. P. Svendsen, 24 y old in 1835, from F. Fjord


He could be the same as Hans P. Svendsen https://www.digitalarkivet.no/ru10040912231042

in which case he's not a Halvor.


Halvor Wiborg, 28 y old ...[? Stmnd? Short for Styrmand or helmsman in English] in 1835https://www.digitalarkivet.no/ru10040912231042

I've only found one person with this name by electronic search, and I'm not sure this is the right person. https://www.digitalarkivet.no/view/255/pd00000007317212

I did find a pilot Halvord Svendsen, dead in 1875 and living in Grønland parish. He was a married man (possibly divorced - or that might apply to the man below) with the street address Aakebergvn. 68, alledgedly born 1824. https://www.digitalarkivet.no/kb20060921030547 He did not live long enough to be in the census of 1875. I found no widow at this address in the census, which leads me to believe he was the one divorced. He died just a few days before the census.



Endret av Inger Hohler
spelling mistake
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The pilot who died  in 1875 was registered as a widower at the same address in the 1870 census. He was living with his sons. https://www.digitalarkivet.no/census/person/pf01053324048614

Henry Oliver and Carl August, and a daughter Sigrid Jonete.
Sigrid wasn't born by his wife. The christening record says the father was divorced, and that the mother was an unmarried Oline Johannesdatter. https://www.digitalarkivet.no/kb20060921020491

Same goes for Carl August where there's no mention of a wife. https://www.digitalarkivet.no/kb20060213070623
Ditto for Henry Oliver. Here the mother is called 'pige' (unmarried woman) Otine or Stine Johannesdatter, the father has yet to become a pilot. He's a sailor. https://www.digitalarkivet.no/kb20060920060353

The address was Maridalsvn. at Henry Oliver's christening.


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Jeg har også denne karen "i sikte" 🙂


Har noen flere linker, men tatt en pause på denne karen siste uken. Det at han var skilt ved barnedåp, som du nevner, er sannsynligvis "min" kar fra Asker.


Ditt funn ref Aakebergveien ble "the clue" til mine funn.


Nå til fjells i helgen, men skal legge inn mine funn så snart ledig tid.


Denne nøtta skal løses!


God helg fra Gry.

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Moren, (med de ulike navn i kildene: Oline/Othine/Stine), Oline Johannesen med 4 barn (kalt Schvensen) i FT1875 og fortsatt på samme adresse:




Oslo fylke, Kristiania, Statlig folketelling (1875-1875), Dokumentside, Side 8739
Brukslenke for sidevisning: https://www.digitalarkivet.no/ft20101206330623

Yngstemann, Frejdel Denius født 1871:


Oslo fylke, Grønland i Oslo, Ministerialbok nr. 4 (1869-1880), Fødte og døpte 1872, Side 131
Brukslenke for sidevisning: https://www.digitalarkivet.no/kb20060921020606

Her står det at moren lever i conkubinat (samboerskap) med fraskilt mann los HS.

Det står endel om konkubinat og straffeforfølgelse på nettet, så mulig vi kan finne noe i arkivene?


Othine Svensen i FT1885 med barna Sigrid og Freidel på adressen Helgesensgade 20b:




Oslo fylke, Kristiania, Statlig folketelling (1885-1885), Dokumentside, Side 11883
Brukslenke for sidevisning: https://www.digitalarkivet.no/ft20080516630811


Othine Svendsen emigrerer 1887 med barna Sigrid og Freidel - reisemål Chicago:


Akershus, Oslo fylke, Emigrantprotokoll nr. 14 (1887-1888)
Brukslenke for sidevisning: https://www.digitalarkivet.no/em20110222670705


Tilbake til "vår" HS: Asker oppgitt som fødested i FT1870, som Inger henviste til.

Han skal være født 1824 på Bjerkøya i Asker ref Sjømannsstanden i Asker 1814-1905 og dens slektskapsforhold : tillegg til Askerboken - side 18


Merk at ekteskapet oppløst før 1852. Kan årsak være fødsel av hans datter Amalie Hansine f. 1851?

Vil vi finne dokumenter fra skilsmissen ved hjelp av Arkivverkets brukerveiledninger?:







HS gift 1844:


Akershus fylke, Vestre Bærum, Østre Bærum, Asker i Asker, Ministerialbok nr. I 10 (1825-1878), Viede 1844, Side 58
Brukslenke for sidevisning: https://www.digitalarkivet.no/kb20061114030061


Endret av Gry.Onarheim.Dahlmo
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2 hours ago, Gry.Onarheim.Dahlmo said:

Moren, (med de ulike navn i kildene: Oline/Othine/Stine), Oline Johannesen med 4 barn (kalt Schvensen) i FT1875 og fortsatt på samme adresse:




Oslo fylke, Kristiania, Statlig folketelling (1875-1875), Dokumentside, Side 8739
Brukslenke for sidevisning: https://www.digitalarkivet.no/ft20101206330623

Yngstemann, Frejdel Denius født 1871:


Oslo fylke, Grønland i Oslo, Ministerialbok nr. 4 (1869-1880), Fødte og døpte 1872, Side 131
Brukslenke for sidevisning: https://www.digitalarkivet.no/kb20060921020606

Her står det at moren lever i conkubinat (samboerskap) med fraskilt mann los HS.

Det står endel om konkubinat og straffeforfølgelse på nettet, så mulig vi kan finne noe i arkivene?


Othine Svensen i FT1885 med barna Sigrid og Freidel på adressen Helgesensgade 20b:




Oslo fylke, Kristiania, Statlig folketelling (1885-1885), Dokumentside, Side 11883
Brukslenke for sidevisning: https://www.digitalarkivet.no/ft20080516630811


Othine Svendsen emigrerer 1887 med barna Sigrid og Freidel - reisemål Chicago:


Akershus, Oslo fylke, Emigrantprotokoll nr. 14 (1887-1888)
Brukslenke for sidevisning: https://www.digitalarkivet.no/em20110222670705


Tilbake til "vår" HS: Asker oppgitt som fødested i FT1870, som Inger henviste til.

Han skal være født 1824 på Bjerkøya i Asker ref Sjømannsstanden i Asker 1814-1905 og dens slektskapsforhold : tillegg til Askerboken - side 18


Merk at ekteskapet oppløst før 1852. Kan årsak være fødsel av hans datter Amalie Hansine f. 1851?

Vil vi finne dokumenter fra skilsmissen ved hjelp av Arkivverkets brukerveiledninger?:







HS gift 1844:


Akershus fylke, Vestre Bærum, Østre Bærum, Asker i Asker, Ministerialbok nr. I 10 (1825-1878), Viede 1844, Side 58
Brukslenke for sidevisning: https://www.digitalarkivet.no/kb20061114030061

Firstly, thank you very much for putting your time into this.


Secondly, I don't entirely understand, are you saying this is my person or just a candidate to be them?

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I'd say he's a very good candidate. He is only Halvor Svendsen of the  right age we've found this far who is both a sailor and we know was living in Oslo, and someone we know thought is was all right to have multiple children by a woman without getting married, at a time when co-habiting without being married was illegal.

While very few people were actually tried and sentenced for living in a concubinate,  it was definitely something people thought twice about.

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9 minutes ago, Inger Hohler said:

I'd say he's a very good candidate. He is only Halvor Svendsen of the  right age we've found this far who is both a sailor and we know was living in Oslo, and someone we know thought is was all right to have multiple children by a woman without getting married, at a time when co-habiting without being married was illegal.

While very few people were actually tried and sentenced for living in a concubinate,  it was definitely something people thought twice about.

What documents would be needed to say for certain? And I see, yes I have other lines of my tree that go far back in Norway, this specific situation is quite odd, I don't know if this kind of thing is very common. Does it mean the man is usually of higher status or anything?

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I would assume that the divorce case (around 1852), which may provide further information, can possibly be found here:






You can contact the National Archives with questions here:






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6 timer siden, AveryFB skrev:

What documents would be needed to say for certain?


This is a difficult genealogy puzzle so more research is needed here - such as finding any probate records where the persons may be mentioned.

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Kristianssands Stiftsavis og Adresse-Contors Efterretninger, lørdag 28. desember 1867 :


Denne kandidaten passer jo bra mtp på yrke og alder. Han er nevnt som vitne i Sjøretten ref Dampskipet "Kong Sverre".

Kan han finnes i kildene for Agder?




Skipet hadde sin hjemmehavn i Kristiania:


04/1867: Levert som KONG SVERRE til Det Søndenfjelds Dampskibsselskab, Kristiania.


Kilde: https://www.sjohistorie.no/no/skip/16671/monstringer


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6 hours ago, AveryFB said:

Does it mean the man is usually of higher status or anything?

I've seen some examples of couples who could just barely get by living in a concubinate in this period, so it's certainly not the rule that he is of higher status. However, generally a woman who would accept to stay in a concubinate in spite of how society looked upon it, is either reckless (think Lydia in Pride and Prejudice, even if she was a fictional character from decades earlier, and a quite different setting), or someone who thinks she has very little chance of improving her situation without that man. Which usually means she's of lower status, although technically she could be of the same status and just feel trapped by the situation. There were many in Oslo at this point who had no expectance of an inheritance. 

Dampskibslods Halvor Svendsen died in December

1875. A brother Olaus Svendsen is mentioned. https://www.nb.no/items/1e12b6967e1863c384ab5d75886b5749?page=0&searchText="halvor svendsen"

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Bjerkøya - Halvor Svendsen had a brother who was called Olaus. https://www.digitalarkivet.no/en/view/255/pd00000002106249


There was an auction when Halvor  Svendsen, the pilot died. He owned  the house in Åkebergveien. https://www.nb.no/items/116adae3902634d7e729747ff0d4c7b5?page=0&searchText="halvor svendsen"

According to Oslo skifterett, AV/SAO-A-10383/G/Ga/Gaa/L0009: Dødsfallsprotokoll, 1874-1878, s. 71b-72a 
the entry about his family starts by saying he has 4 adult children by his divorced wife. This has been crossed out, and underneath it says something about 2 adult children and something I can't read. There is additional information that he has 4 children born out of wedlock. 


The 4 children born out of wedlock are those with Oline Johannesdatter as a  mother.

Endret av Inger Hohler
auction, death protocol
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I did find an entry in Oslo skifterett, AV/SAO-A-10383/H/Hc/Hcb/L0003: Skifteforhandlingsprotokoll, 1871-1878

However, there is nothing about his children born out of wedlock. This means he had not written them into a will, or formally recognized them as heirs.


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Well, we now know that the pilot (lods) Halvor Svendsen who was co-habiting with Oline Svendsen and had four children by her, was the same person as steam ship pilot Halvor Svendsen from Bjerkøya, and who was divorced no later than 1852.
We also know that he did little if anything legally to secure Oline and their children.

As for the two adult children mentioned in the protocol of deaths, the 'Skifteforhandlingsrotokoll' mentions two children: Anne Margrethe Bakke and Sigvart Bakken. Sigvart Bakken he had Gerhard Hansen appointed as his guardian. For Sigvart to require a guardian he would either be younger than 21, or have issues which made him incapable of handing the inheritance. 

Sigvard was well over 21, but in the 1875 census he was listed as somewhere between the Mediterranean and London. https://www.digitalarkivet.no/census/person/pf01052041000046 The local paper says Sigvard had a Guardian to represent his interest while absent. https://www.nb.no/items/791d02e58cfed878b0d132108a791d98?page=1&searchText="Halvor Svendsen"

It may be possible to find the selling price for the house, and perhaps information about how much his children by his ex-wife inherited. From what I can see he does appar to have taken up a large loan with security in the property.
It's a little hard to read, but one of the loans may have been taken out shortly before he died. Perhaps he tried to secure his new family somewhat after all, by making sure there was money available whithout writing a will.

Endret av Inger Hohler
Corrected unclear reasoning
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On 10/1/2024 at 1:55 AM, Inger Hohler said:

I'd say he's a very good candidate. He is only Halvor Svendsen of the  right age we've found this far who is both a sailor and we know was living in Oslo, and someone we know thought is was all right to have multiple children by a woman without getting married, at a time when co-habiting without being married was illegal.

While very few people were actually tried and sentenced for living in a concubinate,  it was definitely something people thought twice about.

Okay so I thought to try something on Ancestry, I manage the DNA test for a Grandson of the Annette born in 1851. I chose to look for DNA matches with the name Svendson in their tree, there is a distant match who has this person in their tree. Obviously not Halvor, but perhaps some sort of relative? If I could tie this person to a Halvor Svendsen I think we could say that is the Halvor we are looking for. Just an idea, not sure how good of an idea it is. 

Screenshot from 2024-10-03 05-07-55.png

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On 9/27/2024 at 6:42 AM, Inger Hohler said:

The pilot who died  in 1875 was registered as a widower at the same address in the 1870 census. He was living with his sons. https://www.digitalarkivet.no/census/person/pf01053324048614

Henry Oliver and Carl August, and a daughter Sigrid Jonete.
Sigrid wasn't born by his wife. The christening record says the father was divorced, and that the mother was an unmarried Oline Johannesdatter. https://www.digitalarkivet.no/kb20060921020491

Same goes for Carl August where there's no mention of a wife. https://www.digitalarkivet.no/kb20060213070623
Ditto for Henry Oliver. Here the mother is called 'pige' (unmarried woman) Otine or Stine Johannesdatter, the father has yet to become a pilot. He's a sailor. https://www.digitalarkivet.no/kb20060920060353

The address was Maridalsvn. at Henry Oliver's christening.


Also is this the Oline Johannesdatter you were talking about? It is from a tree attached to another DNA Match 

Screenshot from 2024-10-03 05-32-48.png

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Avery, I'll have a look at the information you've  posted later - but I'm not a member at Ancestry, so I'm not sure if I'll be able to help much.

Meanwhile I've had fun looking up information about the steam ship pilot Halvor Svendsen's property. Which might seem strange since we don't know if it's the right Halvor Svendsen, but you never know where you'll find the missing piece of information - if it is to  be found.

I think I've  figured out what the deal was  with Halvor Svendsen's house in Aakebergveien.

Halvor Svendsen's house plot was measured in November 1875. https://www.digitalarkivet.no/tl20080728371077

It was given a new 'matrikkel' number, so instead of 22B it was now 68B.

When his legitimate daughter and guardian of the absent son presented their plans for the estate, according to Oslo skifterett, AV/SAO-A-10383/H/Hc/Hcb/L0003: Skifteforhandlingsprotokoll, this was supposedly about about 'matrikkel' number 68, not 68B, but this seems to be an error. At that meeting it was stated thatthe house needed more work before it was fully complete. The Guardan for the son would see to that the work was completed as quickly as possible, and then the house would be sold. There were back taxes and a loan to be paid off. H. Christoffersen would handle the sale of furniture etc. This plan was approved by whoever took down the specifics.

The house and the plot and all the deceased's belongings were announced to be auctioned off already in February. Now it's all about  68B. The person to contact was the Guardian of Halvor Svendsen's son, presumably  the persson  or company to handle the auction was called Lunde, because that's what the name under the advertisement said. https://www.nb.no/items/116adae3902634d7e729747ff0d4c7b5?page=0&searchText="halvor svendsen"

Most likely there was no house sale at this time, because I haven't found a record of the sale. At least not leafing through the early months of

Oslo byskriverembete, AV/SAO-A-10227/G/Gb/Gba/L0049a: Pantebok nr. I 49a, 1874-1876

68B on was then advertised for sale on March 8. 1876 'cheaply' - and still before it was fully compleed. An attorney Henr.  Olsen was listed as the contact person. https://www.nb.no/items/9e26b12244224343cc33337b9350b28a?page=3&searchText=Aakebergveien 

68 B was later advertised to be let, as late as November  1876.  https://www.nb.no/items/7f086e214d9c55a860fcb984f0486179?page=1&searchText=Aakebergveien

The property is now described as a lovely flat with 4 rooms, a maid's chamber a kitchen with water and entrance to an outhouse called a 'bryggerhus' ('brewer house', they were probably used more for washing clothes, but the pans in there came in handy for those who wanted to brew  their own beer) and an entryway and clothe's chamber, with a pretty view of the sea.

It looks as if someone moved in to parts of the building, because in early 1877 there was a new advertisment mentioning 2-3 rooms, the kitchen and maid's chamber, and  a shared 'bryggerhus' in 68 B.

This was a modern house built for a middle class family. It sounds like it could have been a dream home for the steam ship pilot and his illegitimate family. The loan in November 1875 shortly before he died could be for trying to finish the work on the house, or, if he was too ill to work, for living expenses, to secure those who would not inherit - I can't say.

Endret av Inger Hohler
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14 minutes ago, Inger Hohler said:

Avery, I'll have a look at the information you've  posted later - but I'm not a member at Ancestry, so I'm not sure if I'll be able to help much.

Meanwhile I've had fun looking up information about the steam ship pilot Halvor Svendsen's property. Which might seem strange since we don't know if it's the right Halvor Svendsen, but you never know where you'll find the missing piece of information - if it is to  be found.

I think I've  figured out what the deal was  with Halvor Svendsen's house in Aakebergveien.

Halvor Svendsen's house plot was measured in November 1875. https://www.digitalarkivet.no/tl20080728371077

It was given a new 'matrikkel' number, so instead of 22B it was now 68B.

When his legitimate daughter and guardian of the absent son presented their plans for the estate, according to Oslo skifterett, AV/SAO-A-10383/H/Hc/Hcb/L0003: Skifteforhandlingsprotokoll, this was supposedly about about 'matrikkel' number 68, not 68B, but this seems to be an error. At that meeting it was stated thatthe house needed more work before it was fully complete. The Guardan for the son would see to that the work was completed as quickly as possible, and then the house would be sold. There were back taxes and a loan to be paid off. H. Christoffersen would handle the sale of furniture etc. This plan was approved by whoever took down the specifics.

The house and the plot and all the deceased's belongings were announced to be auctioned off already in February. Now it's all about  68B. The person to contact was the Guardian of Halvor Svendsen's son, presumably  the persson  or company to handle the auction was called Lunde, because that's what the name under the advertisement said. https://www.nb.no/items/116adae3902634d7e729747ff0d4c7b5?page=0&searchText="halvor svendsen"

Most likely there was no house sale at this time, because I haven't found a record of the sale. At least not leafing through the early months of

Oslo byskriverembete, AV/SAO-A-10227/G/Gb/Gba/L0049a: Pantebok nr. I 49a, 1874-1876

68B on was then advertised for sale on March 8. 1876 'cheaply' - and still before it was fully compleed. An attorney Henr.  Olsen was listed as the contact person. https://www.nb.no/items/9e26b12244224343cc33337b9350b28a?page=3&searchText=Aakebergveien 

68 B was later advertised to be let, as late as November  1876.  https://www.nb.no/items/7f086e214d9c55a860fcb984f0486179?page=1&searchText=Aakebergveien

The property is now described as a lovely flat with 4 rooms, a maid's chamber a kitchen with water and entrance to an outhouse called a 'bryggerhus' ('brewer house', they were probably used more for washing clothes, but the pans in there came in handy for those who wanted to brew  their own beer) and an entryway and clothe's chamber, with a pretty view of the sea.

It looks as if someone moved in to parts of the building, because in early 1877 there was a new advertisment mentioning 2-3 rooms, the kitchen and maid's chamber, and  a shared 'bryggerhus' in 68 B.

This was a modern house built for a middle class family. It sounds like it could have been a dream home for the steam ship pilot and his illegitimate family. The loan in November 1875 shortly before he died could be for trying to finish the work on the house, or, if he was too ill to work, for living expenses, to secure those who would not inherit - I can't say.

Firstly, thanks again for looking into this all so much. You don't really need Ancestry, I can get any more info for you from the pages if you think they are relevant. The point is that these people are related to Annettes Grandson so I thought it might be a good angle to attempt, if we can get a genetic connection then we know we have the right Halvor, although we would still need some sort of record technically to connect them. My thought it say for example the Axel guy I posted had a brother named Halvor Svensen who is the same one you mentioned then I would say we have our guy. I'll try to look into it and see what I can find, I can't read Norwegian though so I'm mostly limited to what the Arkivet has public and transcribed. Thanks again and let me know if you need any of the Ancestry info. 

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I would also like the add that the Halvor you have been mentioning is from Gronland also just like the DNA matches so I do think they are connected just need to figure out how, I did some looking and have her to find anything but I really think there is a connection.

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