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Norwegian-flag Sloop "Union" wrecked December 1871

Richard Berg

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I am trying to locate the registration of the Norwegian-flag sloop "Union". This was a merchant vessel. I'm particularly interested in the crew names, and some ports of departure and destinations. The vessel was owned, I believe, by a man named Christian Andersen, and it was wrecked near Gothenburg in early December 1871. This historical newspaper article from "Adressetidende for Brevig, Stathelle and Langesund" (https://www.nb.no/items/dc1d40d811439e99aff4f21fd84e9f4c?page=0&searchText=Johannesen) reports the shipwreck. I am trying to determine whether the Capt. Johannesen mentioned is indeed my great-grandfather. 


Can someone direct me to any online resources that might contain this information? 


Thank you.

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Hi, and welcome to the forum.
Do you have any further information about your great-grandfather? Obviously he must have had children in order to be your great-grandfather. Any information about those children (names, where and when they were born, the name of his wife) or relevant information about your great-grandfather himself might be of value.

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Welcome from me too 🙂


From oldnews.com (requires subscription):





Folkets Avis - København
8. des 1871 • Copenhagen, Denmark
Side 1/4 (tekst)


Fra Slagen strives til 08 den 4de December: 3gaar Morges Al. 9 ind strandede paa Nordsiden af Skagen i den or tanagtige Storm Slup Friheden (not Union) af Stathel, Rapt. Johannessen, fra Frederikshavn til Hjem stedet. Slibet bemærkedes straks af nogle paa Stranden værende Fiskere, der sendte Bud efter Redningsapparaterne, som ogsaa med sædvanlig Hurtighed tom tilstede. Imidlertid blev der truffet alle mulige Foranstaltninger til Mandstabets Redning, da 2 Mand saas i Rigningen. Stibet huggede over Revlerne og fom helt ind til Strandfanten, hvor den ene Matros blen reddet omtrent 1. 11, men desværre var Stipperen allerede forinden frossen ihjel, og den anden Matros var slaaet overbord af en Styrtese, da Stibet gif over Revlen. De For ulykkedes Død er saa meget fergeligere, fom Stipperen efterlader sig Enke (widow) og 7 Bern (children) og Matrosen Ente og 3 Børn.


MyHeritage: is this "your" capt. Johannesen?


Navn    Bergenius Johannesen
Kjønn    Mann
Født    13. jan 1836
  Stathelle, Bamble, Telemark, Norway
Dåp    27. mar 1836
  Bamble, Telemark, Norway
Død    4. des 1871
  at sea, near
Kone    Johanne Marthine Johannesen (født Knudsen)
Barn    Arthur Julius Johannesen
Anna Jacobine Bergenius
Jorgine Bergenius
Carl Bergenius
Olydea Bergenius
Johanne Johannesen
Agnes Bergenie Bergenius


Census 1865 Kjellestad, Stathelle, Telemark: https://www.digitalarkivet.no/en/census/person/pf01038133006231



Telemark fylke, Bamble landsokn, Stathelle, Langesund i Bamble, Statlig folketelling nr. 171, 195-196 (1865-1865), Protokollside, Side 237
Brukslenke for sidevisning: https://www.digitalarkivet.no/ft20090728680375


ts Avis - København
8. des 1871  •  Copenhagen, Denmark
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Hi, Gry,

   Thank you SO much for your research and for posting this newspaper article. I will be able to retrieve the original article.


Yes, indeed, Bergenius Johannesen is my great-grandfather, with the family you have described. He did have seven children in twelve years. The oldest lost at sea, and the youngest, born only two weeks or so before he perished, died in 1873. The other children made it to adulthood, and the whole familiy emigrated separately to the U.S. in the 1880s and 1890s, to settle in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 


   With all due respect, I corrected your interpretation of some of the K's, F's, S's and T's, and was able to generate this pretty good English language translation online:  "From Skagen is written to us on the 4th of December: Yesterday morning at 9 o'clock stranded on the north side of Skagen in the hurricane-like storm, Sloop Friheden of Stathelle, Capt. Johannessen, from Frederikshavn to Home. The ship was immediately noticed by some fishermen on the beach, who sent for the life-saving appliances, who were also present with their usual speed. However, all possible measures were taken to save the crew, when 2 men were seen in the rigging. The ship cut over the [sand]bars and came all the way to the shore, where one of the sailors was rescued at about 11 o'clock, but unfortunately the skipper had already frozen to death, and the other sailor had been knocked overboard by a crash when the ship [a wave?] went over the railing. The death of the injured is all the more tragic as the skipper leaves behind a widow and 7 children, and the sailor a widow and 3 children."


   Thank you again. I really appreciated this information. This corrects my earlier understanding about the "Union," which was also a Norwegian-flag ship captained by a different Johannesen, I see, that wrecked near Gothenburg in December 1871. 


Best regards,


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  På 6.10.2024 den 22.09, Richard Berg skrev:

With all due respect, I corrected your interpretation of some of the K's, F's, S's and T's, and was able to generate this pretty good English language translation online: 



Hi, Dick,


    Thank you! - interesting topic - just glad to be able to assist you.


It's not my interpretation, but from the website - I was too busy to correct/translate the text....


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  På 6.10.2024 den 15.45, Richard Berg skrev:

I am trying to locate the registration of the Norwegian-flag sloop "Union". This was a merchant vessel. I'm particularly interested in the crew names, and some ports of departure and destinations.



1:  Bergenius Johannesen - sjøinnrullering (US: enlistment at sea? not naval (military) - Langesund, Telemark - Patent nr (US: lisence no?) 454:


Arkiv og arkivdel
SAKO-A-831: Langesund innrulleringskontor
Serie og underserie(r)
F: Ruller
Fc: Hovedruller
L0002: Hovedrulle
nr. 2 /1868 - 1870
Hovedrulle, patent nr. 1-614.


Telemark fylke, Hovedrulle nr. 2 (1868-1870), Protokollside, Side 229
Brukslenke for sidevisning: https://www.digitalarkivet.no/ru20090429610583

2:  Bergenius / Berzelius Johannesen - skipperrulle og styrmannsrulle (US: enrollment/enlistment captains and mates) - Langesund, Telemark.


Her you'll find ports of departure and destinations and the names of the ships. 


Arkiv og arkivdel
SAKO-A-831: Langesund innrulleringskontor
Serie og underserie(r)
F: Ruller
Fd: Diverse ruller
L0001: Skipper- og styrmannsrulle
Skipper- og styrmannsrulle
nr. 1 /1860 - 1867
Diverse ruller. Skipper og styrmannsrulle, patent nr. 1-113.


Telemark fylke, Skipper- og styrmannsrulle nr. 1 (1860-1867), Protokollside, Side 37
Brukslenke for sidevisning: https://www.digitalarkivet.no/ru20090429640138


Screenshot ports: - from Brevig to: London, England, Spanien? (Spain), Stettin? (in current Poland), Gyland? (Jylland, Denmark?)





3:  I understand that you have access to the website nb.no?


Historical newspaper articles: Brigg "Ariadne" of Brevik:  captain Larsen, captain Johannesen


4: Registration of "skip Niord : https://www.sjohistorie.no/no/skip/20419/

    Registration of "Brigg Ariadne" https://www.sjohistorie.no/no/skip/1681/



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  På 7.10.2024 den 7.13, Gry.Onarheim.Dahlmo skrev:

It's not my interpretation, but from the website - I was too busy to correct/translate the text....



I don't edit "original" sources - would probably translate if I wasn't so busy last night.


Link to 4 historic articles about "Friheden" from the danish newspapers.

Good luck, Dick!

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Thank you again, Gry, for your information and links to various documents. 


I have searched through some nb.no sources, where I originally found the 5 Dec 1871 "Adressetiden for Brevig..." article about Johannesen's death, but I can't actually get to the Danish newspapers for free. There is a seven-day trial which I will sign up for, though, so I expect to review the four articles you referenced in your post this morning. From the snips you provided, it looks like the stories migiht provide more details. 


The ship's log book (image above) is especially interesting. He was clearly only a Styrmand on the Ariadne up through about 1868, possibly when the Ariadne was sold in November of that year. He was then on another ship (can't read the name from the image...) in 1869 as a the skipper. Unfortunately, the log doesn't continue into 1870 and 1871. 


You've provided me with many links to review and explore further.  And you've showed me new ways to find this information. Thanks.


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  På 7.10.2024 den 12.19, Richard Berg skrev:

...so I expect to review the four articles you referenced in your post this morning. From the snips you provided, it looks like the stories migiht provide more details...





Lemvig Avis
12. des 1871  •  Lemvig, Ringkøbing, Denmark





Slup Friheden ", Kapt. Johannessen av Brevig, som forrige lørdag formiddag av seilede fra Frederikshavn til hjemstedet med Korn og Fedevarer, er, ifølge Frederikshavn strandet paa Skagens Nordside. skipperen og ?. ", i den orkanagtige Storm forrige Søndag Bedstemanden omkom, hvorimod den tredie om bordværende Mand reddedes. Skibet, der ikke er forsikret, staar muligt til at redde, ligesom man haaber at bjerge ladningen.


(Some corrections by me)




7. des 1871  •  Aarhus, Aarhus, Denmark




 Slup Friheden ", Kapt Johanessen, af Brevig. som i Lordags Formiddags af. fejlede herfra til Hjemstedet med korn og fedevarer, er i den orkanagtige Storm i forgaars strandet paa Skagens Nordfside. Skipperen og Bedstemanden omkom, hvorimod den tredie ombordværende Mand reddedes. Skibet, der er uassureret, staar muligt til at redde, ligesom man haaber at bjerge Ladningen. - Stagens ? er i Stormen dreven løs og strandet tæt derudfor. 


(some corrections by me)

Endret av Gry.Onarheim.Dahlmo
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Fyens Stiftstidende
8. des 1871  •  Odense, Denmark




 Slup Friheden ", Capt. Johannessen af Brevig, som i Loverdags Formiddags afseilede fra Frederikshavn til hjemstedet med Korn og Fedevarer, er i Søndags strandet paa Skagens Nordside; Skipperen og Bedstemanden omkom. Med Hensyn til dette sørgelige Forliis meddeles" Frdhvns. Av. " (Fredrikshavn)fra Skagen, at der øieblikkelig, da Strandingen var skeet, blev sendt Bud efter Redningsapparaterne og i det hele truffet alle mulige Redningeforanstaltninger. Fartoiet stod i Havstokken, men da det gik over Revlen, blev Matrosen slaaet overbord af en Braadsø. Skipperen tog nu Overtøiet af sig, formodentlig for at gjøre Forsøg paa at svømme iland. Han var imidlertid bleven saa forkommet, at han ikke kunde røre sig; Kl. 10-11, da den anden Matros blev reddet, var Skipperen død og laae paa Dækket Det lykkedes en Fisker at komme ombord og faae ham iland. Der blev da strax gjort Oplivningsforsøg, men uden Nytte



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   Thank you again for your help with this information. Bergenius' death was reported in newspapers all around Denmark - some very briefly and other with much more detail.


I spent some time trying to discover his church death record in Bamble (Stathelle, Brevig, Langesund...) to no avail. My wife suggested he might have been buried in Skagen shortly after perishing there on Dec 3, 1871. What an inspiration.  Sure enough, that's what happened. 


Here's a link to the Kontraministerialbog for Skagen Sogn, Døde Mænd 1856 - Døde Mænd 1884:


which at "1871 - Line 10" records his death and burial dates, and cause of death. 


Of course, they knew next to nothing about this man. Who would have taken him back to Brevig anyway? He had to be buried there in Skagen. There's no mention of which cemetery he's buried at. The reference register in the death record, "JevnførelsesRegister 171-50" does not appear to be available online, if that would have provided a clue. I wonder. too, who would have paid for the burial. How difficult a burial it would have been in frozen ground. Would there be a headstone or other marker? I wonder, too, if the family ever even knew what had happened.  Fascinating.


There's also no mention on the same date of the death and burial of the first mate who was knocked overboard. I would assume his body was not recovered. Or perhaps he was Danish who came on board in Frederikshavn and was sent back to his home parish for burial.



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   - "a wife is always right" 😉 - inspiration and then the church death record in Denmark  👏


Skagen church and cemetery - links:






(In the newspapers at nb.no we can read about the brutal snowstorm south of Scandinavia primo dec 1871).


More info here?:


Landsarkivet for Nørrejylland, Viborg

Skagen redningsstation
Fra    Til    Officielle navne
1852    1962    Skagen redningsstation

Arkivnummer:  TTRV-43   vis infotekst

Arkivinstitution:    Landsarkivet for Nørrejylland, Viborg




Skipper BJ has been "in the storm" before 1871:  - at Themsen Oct 1866 (Oldnews.com):




Det fra Arthangel paa Themsen ankomne Skib Franklin, Hassel, traf den 21 de September paa 53 Gr. n. Br. 3 Gr. østl. Lgd. den norske Brig Ariadne, Johannesen, fuld af Vand og anderledes beskadiget, og reddede dettes Mandskab.


  På 8.10.2024 den 14.20, Richard Berg skrev:

I wonder, too, if the family ever even knew what had happened.  Fascinating.



Straks som strandingen skete sendtes bud efter redningsapparaterne, men i ventetiden skylledes bedstemanden overbord af en brodsø og skipper B. Johannesen, som forsøgte at svømme i land, blev så forkommen at han lagde sig urørlig uden overtøj på dækket, hvor redningsmandskabet fandt ham død kl. 10-11, mens de reddede den sidste overlevende, skipperens søn, der var med som kok. Den livløse skipper bjærgedes af en fisker i land, men oplivningsforsøg var nytteløs.




Skipper's son, cook on board, survived.


Son of first marriage?: https://www.digitalarkivet.no/census/person/pf01038133006318


Your great-great grandfather met a tragic end and his widow was left alone with 7 children. She must have been a very strong woman who was able to take care of her family and later emigrate to a foreign country. Typically women from the long coast of Norway.


Please let me know if you need some translation - I have used google translate - (mostly German for me the past 40 years).


Best regards, Gry (descendant from a lot of strong coast women/widows: their stories never made it into the old history books)

Endret av Gry.Onarheim.Dahlmo
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  • 3 uker senere...
  På 11.10.2024 den 14.43, Gry.Onarheim.Dahlmo skrev:

Skipper's son, cook on board, survived.


Son of first marriage?: https://www.digitalarkivet.no/census/person/pf01038133006318



Gry, This is certainly a surprise. 


Arthur was the first child of Bergenius Johannesen and Johanne Knudsen. He was born on 13 Oct 1859 in Bamble, Telemark, Norway. Bergenius was 22. 

#11  https://media.digitalarkivet.no/en/view/1346/8662/84


The parents were married on 20 Sep 1859, just in the nick of time:

#21  https://media.digitalarkivet.no/en/view/1346/8673/22

Johanne's father is Jacob Knudsen.


I have no insight into why Arthur was fostered to his maternal grandfather's family at age 6 or earlier. (He's actually 6 on 31 Dec 1865, when the census was recorded, not 7.) Even if Bergenius was "away" at sea, he had to come home occasionally because Arthur had two sisters (Anna and Georgina) and a brother (Carl)  by 1865. They are not fostered. There were two more sisters by 1870. Arthur is back with his mother and the rest of the family as shown in the 1875 census, after his father perished at Skagen in 1871.  His occupation is Ship's Cook!




At the early age of 12, he's the ship's cook on his father's brig, Friheden. It is said (family lore) that he himself died at sea in 1880. If true, I'm sure he was the ship's cook. 


I have wondered whether Bergenius was buried in Skagen, Denmark. I have not located a record of a gravesite for him. However, if his son Arthur made it back to his home in Stathelle, maybe the body of Bergenius did, too. Yet, I haven't found a record there of a church service or burial. 


Endret av Richard Berg
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