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3 minutter siden, Anton Hagelee skrev:


Litt vanskelig å lese men er ikke faren Knud Halvor Olsen?





Tror det skal være Hmnd (Husmand).


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Double first names (such as proposed Knud Halvor) in Hallingdal are pretty rare, not plain enough.  Here is Halvor Olsen's death #6 1902 male:

Gol kirkebøker, AV/SAKO-A-226/F/Fa/L0006: Ministerialbok nr. I 6, 1901-1918, s. 196
Brukslenke for sidevisning: https://www.digitalarkivet.no/kb20051102010842


#1 Anne Olsdtr Robele Nov 1915:

Gol og Hemsedal lensmannskontor, AV/SAKO-A-510/H/Ha/L0001: Dødsfallsprotokoll, 1903-1925
Quick link: https://www.digitalarkivet.no/sk10101211121078


It appears neither of the two children she and Halvor had were still living in 1915.  Which could point to Barbo since we know she has gone on in 1899.


Endret av Jackie K Marler
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An interesting combination of names here in 1910 census in Manitowoc co Wisconsin, Knute Robley.  Also the record mentioning Emil's mother's name does not contain Halvorson or Halvorsdatter, only Robley:

Knute K Robley
Census Year:
Marital Status:
Mary Robley
Liberty, Manitowoc, Wisconsin, United States
Birth Year:
Household Members:
Knute's year of migration given as 1854 and Mary's as 1850.  Mary has born 10 children and only 1 is living.

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There is a Betsy Knudson age 10 in this family in Manitowoc county, Wisc. in 1870:

"United States, Census, 1870", , FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:MN9P-L9Z : Tue Mar 05 08:16:07 UTC 2024), Entry for Arne Knudson and Mary Knudson, 1870.



Endret av Jackie K Marler
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Here is a "Robley" who was born in Raabole in Vestre Slidre who lived in Manitowoc co Wisc:



Mother of the granddaughter (1910) Mable Thronson in FAG:



Grandfather Knute K Robley (from 1910 census) in FAG:


Endret av Jackie K Marler
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Barbro Halvorsdt Robøle fra Gol ble viet 15/5 1892 Bragernes

Buskerud fylke, Bragernes i Bragernes, Ministerialbok nr. III 6 (1888-1899), Viede 1892, Side 126
Brukslenke for sidevisning: https://www.digitalarkivet.no/kb20060516030014


Barbro i ft 1900


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Okay so the Halling is off the table.


This is probably the Knute Robley, name carried as Karobly from 1910 listed in the 1870 census of Manitowoc co rather than the Arne Knudson / Knud Knudson family listed above.  No Betsy:


"United States, Census, 1870", , FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:MN9P-SCT : Tue Mar 05 08:16:33 UTC 2024), Entry for Knud Karobly and Mary Karobly, 1870.


Here is the Knud Robley family in 1880 census, still no Betsy:


"United States, Census, 1880", , FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:MN41-98Y : Mon Mar 11 00:08:53 UTC 2024), Entry for K. K. Roble and Mary Roble, 1880.

Endret av Jackie K Marler
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This man, Even Knudsen Roble, is, according to this family tree, an older brother of Knute Robley from 1910 census.  Even has two daughters named Barbra, one born 1853 and the other born 1859.  The one b 1853 is not carried forward and the one born 1859 is listed as married to a Tollef Rime.



Probably this family in 1860 census, the elder Barbra is not with them but the one born in 1859 is:



"United States, Census, 1860", , FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:MWMR-8HJ : Tue Jul 09 00:21:44 UTC 2024), Entry for Evan Knudson and Betsey Knudson, 1860.


The family in 1870 census"


"United States, Census, 1870", , FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:MN97-121 : Tue Mar 05 10:02:29 UTC 2024), Entry for Evin Knudson and Betsy Knudson, 1870.


However, neither of Even's daughters Barbara were born in Norway....

Endret av Jackie K Marler
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1 time siden, Jackie K Marler skrev:


Moorhead (Minn.) Advocate 30 Sept 1880 page 4 col 1

Great find!


Thank you so much for all your work! I appreciate it a lot!


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13 timer siden, Anne_Tonby skrev:

Barbro Halvorsdt Robøle fra Gol ble viet 15/5 1892 Bragernes

Buskerud fylke, Bragernes i Bragernes, Ministerialbok nr. III 6 (1888-1899), Viede 1892, Side 126
Brukslenke for sidevisning: https://www.digitalarkivet.no/kb20060516030014


Barbro i ft 1900



Synd, hun passet så godt...

Men det er minst like viktig å finne ut hvem det IKKE er.


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Thinking Betsy must be findable in the 1880 census, here a long shot possible, a 19 year old Marion (first name a problem I know) Knutson living and working in Stephen Torgason's boarding house which is where Betsy married Simon:


"United States, Census, 1880", , FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:MZ9S-4RH : Sun Jul 07 06:41:13 UTC 2024), Entry for Stephen Torgason and Julia Torgason, 1880.


One other Betsy Knutson in one of the local newspapers in Clay County, is a school age (lower department) person:


Clay County advocate. Pub. Date April 19, 1879 page 1 col 4
Endret av Jackie K Marler
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Barbro/Betsy was about 20 years old when they married.

Without knowing her correct name, she might be a challenge to find with certainty.


I appreciate your help with US sources!



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Yes the records we know for certain are two Minnesota census schedules, 1885 and 1895 where her birthdate calculates to 1860 or 1862.  And we know Betsy might be short for Barbro and that she had to be here in US on or by Sept 1880.  Her birthplace is Norway in each of these items, too.  I still think the Robley clue is going to be critical.


Unfortunately, I haven't figured out a way to get to the continuation of the article which might contain more biographical information.


Thief River Falls Times Thursday 21 Feb 1957 page 1 col 7


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Here is the death certificate of Anne Regine Olson.  The parents are named as Sam Evanson and Barber Robele.  So this is the 2nd of the siblings that have the Robley clue:


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This is a confirmation for a Barbro Herbrandsdtr Robelle.  Her patronym is not Knudsdtr or Knudson but her father's is.  This confirmation is from Wilmington (Minn.) Lutheran church registers in the ELCA (held under Trinity Lutheran). 




 Her baptismal record is #114:

Gol kirkebøker, AV/SAKO-A-226/F/Fa/L0002: Parish register (official) no. I 2, 1837-1863, p. 465-466
Quick link: https://www.digitalarkivet.no/kb20061115040423


Her father's birth family is found in Boka om Gol III, page 840-841 on a farm named Robølhaugen.  The story mentions that he left Norway with his family in 1868 and here is the link:  #28-33

Gol kirkebøker, AV/SAKO-A-226/F/Fa/L0003: Parish register (official) no. I 3, 1863-1875, p. 318
Quick link: https://www.digitalarkivet.no/kb20051116041228









Endret av Jackie K Marler
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Barbara født 1860



Familien emigrerte i 1868



Herbrand Knudsen var født på Robølhaugen


Familien omtalt på side 789,790 Gol bygdebok 7B


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1 time siden, Jackie K Marler skrev:

Her baptismal record is #114:

Gol kirkebøker, AV/SAKO-A-226/F/Fa/L0002: Parish register (official) no. I 2, 1837-1863, p. 465-466
Quick link: https://www.digitalarkivet.no/kb20061115040423


Yes! Very promising find!


Many (most?) norwegian families in US changed from patronym to fixed surname so I guess she would have used Knudsen.

When her son Emil died, his mother's maiden name was said to have been "Halbrunson". https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:V4W5-ZZF

Halbrunson and Herbrandsen are not so different.


You have been an awesome help! Thank you so much!




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1 time siden, Anne_Tonby skrev:

Barbara født 1860



Familien emigrerte i 1868



Herbrand Knudsen var født på Robølhaugen


Familien omtalt på side 789,790 Gol bygdebok 7B



Hun er en veldig god kandidat til Betsy!

Jeg hadde nesten gitt opp at hun kunne bli funnet!


Du, Jackie og Anton har antagelig løst hele saken for meg!

Veldig takknemlig!!




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1 hour ago, Jackie K Marler said:

Her baptismal record is #114:

Gol kirkebøker, AV/SAKO-A-226/F/Fa/L0002: Parish register (official) no. I 2, 1837-1863, p. 465-466
Quick link: https://www.digitalarkivet.no/kb20061115040423


Good job Jackie, I think you persevered and completed the search. 

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Thief River Falls Tribune, Tuesday 10 Feb 1920 page 5 , col 3 and 4

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Anna Norgaard with her family and two of her sisters in 1910 in Moorhead Minnesota:

"United States, Census, 1910", , FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:M2LK-P4N : Sun Mar 10 03:23:14 UTC 2024), Entry for Sam A Norgaard and Anna Norgaard, 1910.


Anna with her family in 1920 census:

"United States, Census, 1920", , FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:MCD3-P9J : Sat Mar 09 11:44:32 UTC 2024), Entry for Samuel Norgard and Anna Norgard, 1920.

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