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Ekteparet Crist (Christian) Benson fra Solør og Marion (Maren) Knutsen fra Gran, Hadeland emigrert til Nord Dakota – finne igjen i norske kilder?

Jorunn Stenberg

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Also Findagrave finds no Christian Bentsen in the same cemetery as Amalia.


1888-1889 City Directory has a Christian Benson living at the same address as for Amalia's burial record 919 29th Ave S.  His occupation is machine hand at Simonson Bros. Manufacturing Co.  He is still there in the 1891-1892 directory.


A Hjalmer Brastad is also in Minneapolis in the 1885-1886 directory working at the same place as Christian, working as blacksmith.


Interesting Hjalmer had a son named Einar Oluf Brastad who married a distant cousin of mine from Norderhov--Anna Olava Gulbrandsdatter.


And Hjalmer and his family are on line 1598 on the same page as Christian and Amalie passenger list.


Endret av Jackie K Marler
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Another tack:  Anne Bergitta b 19 Jan 1885 mother is pige Maren Knudsdatter:

Nordre Land prestekontor, AV/SAH-PREST-124/H/Ha/Haa/L0004: Ministerialbok nr. 4, 1882-1896, s. 16
Brukslenke for sidevisning: https://www.digitalarkivet.no/kb20060727080086


Ole Kristian #4 b. 6 Jan 1889 mother is pige Maren Knudsdatter:

Nordre Land prestekontor, AV/SAH-PREST-124/H/Ha/Haa/L0004: Ministerialbok nr. 4, 1882-1896, s. 37
Brukslenke for sidevisning: https://www.digitalarkivet.no/kb20060727080107

(the note on this one says it's her second, the other born 19 Jan 1885.)

Endret av Jackie K Marler
My apologies for duplication but I wonder if more follow up is in order?
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1 time siden, Jackie K Marler skrev:

Another tack:  Anne Bergitta b 19 Jan 1885 mother is pige Maren Knudsdatter:

Nordre Land prestekontor, AV/SAH-PREST-124/H/Ha/Haa/L0004: Ministerialbok nr. 4, 1882-1896, s. 16
Brukslenke for sidevisning: https://www.digitalarkivet.no/kb20060727080086


Ole Kristian #4 b. 6 Jan 1889 mother is pige Maren Knudsdatter:

Nordre Land prestekontor, AV/SAH-PREST-124/H/Ha/Haa/L0004: Ministerialbok nr. 4, 1882-1896, s. 37
Brukslenke for sidevisning: https://www.digitalarkivet.no/kb20060727080107

(the note on this one says it's her second, the other born 19 Jan 1885.)


Same as in suggestion from Sven Hjortland ?




Maren https://www.digitalarkivet.no/view/255/pd00000031193419

Bessie https://media.digitalarkivet.no/view/5070/18 Anne Birgitte

Christ Hans https://media.digitalarkivet.no/view/5070/39  Ole Kristian "

Endret Onsdag 16:55 av Sven Hjortland

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Amalie Mathilde Therese Brastad

in the U.S., Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Church Records, 1781-1969

NameAmalie Mathilde Therese Brastad


Record TypeMarriage

Birth PlaceRurgenter

Marriage Date3 Jan 1883

Marriage PlaceMinneapolis, Minnesota, USA

SpouseChristian Berilla

Church NameTrinity Lutheran Church

Church LocationMinneapolis, Minnesota




The website that I use to post screenshots is down today, but the transcription could be wrong as his name looks to me as Christian Bend? age 27 place could be Valdres?


The witnesses are a Andreas Dahl and Oliva Dahl the wife is possibly related to Amalie. According to a Family Tree on Ancestry. Oliva Dahl is 


Olia Halgrimsdatter Brastad


BIRTH 2 SEP 1839 • Fleskrud, Buskerud, Norway

DEATH 11 SEP 1914 • Minneapolis, Hennepin, Minnesota, USA


Husbad is 


Anders Emanuelsen Dahl


BIRTH 21 AUG 1836 • Sweden

DEATH Minnesota, USA


Her father is 


Halgrim Olsen Brastad


BIRTH 1803 • Sonbye, Norderhov, Buskerud, Norway

DEATH 3 APR 1890 • Norderhov, Buskerud, Norway


He has a son 


Ole Halgrimsen Brastad


BIRTH 17 JUN 1831 • Norway

DEATH Unknown


Whose daughter is 


Amalie Mathilde Theresse Olsdatter Brastad


BIRTH 1856 • Hønefoss, Buskerud, Norway

DEATH 16 OCT 1890


A long way of saying that the witnesses come from the brides family unfortunately.




BIRTH 17 JUN 1831  Norway







Endret av Anton Hagelee
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Here is the transcription for Christian. 


Christian Berilla

in the U.S., Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Church Records, 1781-1969

NameChristian Berilla


Record TypeMarriage

Birth PlaceValdes

Marriage Date3 Jan 1883

Marriage PlaceMinneapolis, Minnesota, USA

SpouseAmalie Mathilde Therese Brastad

Church NameTrinity Lutheran Church

Church LocationMinneapolis, Minnesota





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