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[#2658] Petra Alette Vinge

Gjest Trondheim

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Hello, I am not sure I am doing this right but I am looking for a sibling to my great grandfather.I believe the probate records are partially indexed at the Statarkivet i Trondheim and I am thinking the probate records maybe the best way to try and find Petra Alette Vinge (b.1873) and Albert Marius Sollid [(Sollie). b.1865]- adopted brother. Would probate records be kept for women?. I do not want to have someone spend a lot of time looking for a death record. I do not know how else to make this search easier. Any assistance would be appreciated!!!!Here is the info I have on Petra: Petra Alette Vinge born 5 April 1873 to Peter Andersen Vinge and Anne Pedersdatter Vinge. She is registered in the Bakke church. She is living with her parents in the 1885 census. She was confirmed on 8 April 1888 in the Bakke church. I cannot find anything about her after 1888. I used the census of 1900 to find all the Petra's that were born in 1873. I found four but have eliminated 3 because of birth place or I have found their marriage in the Bakke church records [Petra Hegstad, Petra Ervik and Petra Andresen]. Now maybe if the census has the wrong year of birth I am barking up the wrong tree!!The one person that could be a sister to my great grandfather (Axel Vinge b.1865) is Petra Fredriksen born 1873 in Trondheim. This is the link: Lenke I have the Bakke church records up to 1900 but I cannot find the marriage of Petra and Johan Fredriksen(although he is only 21 at the time of the census!!) Any assistance in finding this person would be appreciated! Sincerely, David Vinge dvinge@powersurfr.com Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

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Gjest Kjell Hamberg

If you look at the address, you'll see that Petra Winge in 1875 & Petra Fredriksen in 1900 live in the same street, Christianfeldts gate. Might not be the same house, but the similarity indicate that you should definetely look for some more information around her and Johan Fredriksen. His age in 1900 (21) indicate that you will probably find the marriage in 1899 or 1900.

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Gjest Per Helge Seglsten

If you make a country search for (first name beginning with) "Petra" (born 1873 +-10 years) you will find one Petra Amalie Bjørgum, daughter of Peter and Anna Bjørgum in Trondheim. According to the records this Petra Amalie is born in 1878, but the birth years are not neccesarily qite accurate in the censuses. Anyway I guess it's worth while checking out.Per Helge

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Gjest ostormnor@netscape.net

Anyway, the probate records indexed in Statsarkivet i Trondheim (1865-1920 only record Berntine Winge (1895) - not very helpful, I suppose...

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