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[#4534] Kristian and Lovise Hanson of Onso, Hauge, Glemmin

Gjest Sharyn Herian

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Gjest Sharyn Herian

Kristian and his wife Lovise had children Karen Helene, Rina, Soren, Edvard, Henrik, Marie and Carl or Charles. Kristian is from Onsoy-Hauge Farm but Karen was Christened in Glemminge in 1879I did not find them on the 1876 Onsoy census. Does this mean they lived in Glemminge or is this a Parish only? Would I find a Glemming Farm? The family immigrated to Boyd, Wisconsin, then Duluth, Minnesota.I found the parents and brothers and sisters of Kristian Hansen, son of Hans Nilson. I would like contact with other descendants of this family. Thank you very much for any help you can give me. Sharyn

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Gjest B.H.Engseth

Sharyn, I think there is a Glemminge farm, but Glemminge is also a Parish. You may want to search the censuses for the neighboring parishes of Onsøy. - Fredriksstad - Glemminge - Tune - RaadeToday Onsøy, Glemminge, and Fredrikstad is all one Parish called Fredrikstad.Good luck in you search for other descendants... Bjørn

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