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[#4868] Frosta/ Aasen FOLKTELLING 1875

Gjest Sara Krogh

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Gjest Sara Krogh

I am looking for my great grandfather Edvard Mathias Krogh on a farm called Flaegstadmarken (or Flekstadmarka or Flegstadhaugen) in the Frosta- Aasen area. Edvard was born 1872 Meloy, Nordland. I think he was living on this farmi n Frosta with fosterparents Eilert Olsen and Jonette Neilsdatter and some other fostersons. I cannot find this farm in the 1875 census on the internet. Can anyone help with that? I want to know who were Edvard's parents that looked after him. Also was his real father, Lorentz Pedersen (shoemaker) living in the area??? He may have been from the Rognaas farm (born 1849) OR the real father of Edvard might be another Lorentz Pedersen from some other place... I look forward to hearing from anyone who can give me advice. Sara

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Gjest Sissil Bruun Sørensen

There is a farm, or actually 3 farms in Stod, Nord-Trøndelag in 1900. However, maybe this is your great grandfather, living in Horten, Vestfold in 1900.[url="http://digitalarkivet.uib.no/cgi-win/wc/webcens.exe?slag=n&filename=arkivverket/ft1900/f00703&postnr=323&spraak=There>Lenke is a old man named Lorents Olsen living in Stod in 1900. He's doing sho-work.

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Gjest Arne Langås

Sarah!I didn't get aware of this message before I sent the other one. The reason you can't find your ancestors in the digital 1875-census is quite simple: The census for Frosta is not published on the Internet! I find Edvard Krogh listed as a fosterson under Flekstadmarka in Frostaboka. The same Edvard Krogh is listed in a book named "Slektstavle, Korsnesveien", which I own a copy of. His father, Lornts Persen (normalized form of the name) was born 1829, and was a son of Anna (or Ane) Jonsdatter and husband Per Larssen, cotters in a place Fallet under Åtlo, Frosta. Anna/Ane was my great-great-grandmother's aunt.Edvard Krogh was a brigadeer in the Salvation Army, and is also mentioned in a letter my great-grandmother once recieved about her family. The writer of the letter was one of the genealogists/historians on Frosta, Hans Vold (b. 1870), who also was of the same family. I quote and translate: "Ane Jonsdatter Steinmyra was the oldest. She married Per Fallet under Åtlo. Her son's son was major Krog in the Salvation Army, a well known man"Please send me a private mail for more info.Yours Arne Langås a.langaas@c2i.net http://home.c2i.net/olangaas

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