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[#5999] Anders Christensen og Aase Andersdatter. Holte i E

Gjest Tor Kenneth Talmo

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Gjest Tor Kenneth Talmo

Vi - Pearl Danroth, Demaine, Canada og meg selv søker etter etter opplysninger som kan hjelpe oss til å finne dette parets foreldre. Anders Christensen ble født ca. 1764 og trolig konfirmert i Haug Kirke 1780. Finner en Anders Christensen Holte som konfirmant dette år. Ingen alder eller foreldre oppgis. Aase Andersdatter ble født ca 1765. Jeg har funnet ei Aase Andersdatter Spirstøeie el. Spishøleie som konfirmant i 1782. Hun sies å være 16 år. Ingen foreldre oppgis. Ved tellingen i 1801 er paret oppgitt som familie nr. 4 på Holte. Anders og Aase gifta seg i Haug Kirke 8. feb. 1789. Ved tellinga i 1801 har de flg. barn: Lars Andersen (f.1787),Dorthe Andersdatter (f. ca 1793), Malene Andersdatter født 1. feb 1795 (Pearls linje).Christen Andersen født 21. feb 1799. I tillegg døpte Anders og Aase en Christen i Haug Kirke i 1787. Nesten to år før foreldrene giftet seg. Denne gutten sies å være født 17. feb 1787. Hans faddere var; Pernille Andersdatter Kulland - Kari Olsdatter Rud - Nils Andersen Holteeie - Erich Pedersen Holte og Lars Erichsen Hassel. Faddere til Malene var; Dorthe reidarsdatter Holte - Kari Olsdatter - Anders Reiersen og Erich Axelsen Holte. Berthe's faddere: Berthe Johannesdatter Spiten -Stephine Stephensdatter Holte - Povel Stephensen Holte og Nils Andersen Holte-eie.Spørsmålet er i hovedsak om noen kan hjelpe til med aner på Anders Christensen eller Aase Andersdatter. Forøvrig er vi selvfølgelig interessert i opplysninger om de andre som er nevnt her også. Svar gjerne på engelsk, da kan Pearl også følge med, og jeg slipper å bruke mine dårlige engelsk-kunnskaper til oversettelses-arbeidHilsenTor Kenneth og Pearl

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Gjest Jon Torp

Dear Pearl and Tor Kennth. I think I have found the parents of Anders Christensen. I will be very surprised if this is wrong: I do find a probate dated January 12th 1779 - written at Southern Holte (Holte Søndre) in Eiker. Christen Christophersen who lived and died at Holte is dead -leaving behind the widdow Dorthe Olsdatter. The probate says that Christen was married 1st time with Kirsti Larsdatter and that there is one son present from this marriage he is more than 25 years old -name: Christopher Christensen. (He is found at Holte in the 1801 census). In his 2nd marriage he is leaving behind 4 children: Ole Christensen 19yrs. Anders Christensen 16 yrs. Jens Christensen 11 yrs. Kirsti Christensdatter 21yrs. It is also said that the dead man had a brother namely Syver Christophersen Holte. Legal guardian for the widdow is: Halvor Olsen Strøm (perhaps he is the widdows brother??)This means that The man Christen Christophersen Holte could be identified as the Christen born at Holte Mar.17th 1717 father: Christopher Syversen -mother: Aase Helgesdatter....... There is a probate at Southern Holte (Holte Søndre)on January the 8th 1750 - both Aase Helgesdatter and Christopher Syversen are dead - leaving behind 7 children...1)Lars Christophersen -more than 25 yrs-living at Kongsberg-2)Jens Christophersen-more than 25 yrs-living at Southern Holte-3)Christen Christophersen-more than 25 yrs-living at Southern Holte-4)Syver Christophersen-24 yrs-5)Christopher Christophersen -17 yrs-6)Helle Christophersdatter -married to Peder Amundsen Ristvedt..7)Kisten Christophersdatter 20 yrs-unmarried......furthermore....there is a separate probate for Christopher Syversen Southern Holte at August 4th 1739....there it is said that the widdow is Aase Helgesdatter.......and that he leaves behind 8 children (the same 7 children + Karen Christophersdatter that are married to Ole Bendsen Quisl)...Christen is then 22 yrs old.... AND that it is most likely that Christopher Syversen is the oldest son to Syver Jensen Southern Holte who dies in 1717....I find a probate after him dated at Southern Holte (Holte Søndre) October 29th 1717...the widdow ia named Kirsti Clausdatter...leaving behind 5 children....1)Christopher Syversen, 2)Claus Syversen 3)Maren Syversdatter -dead-leaving 7 children...all son of Amund 4)Aase Syversdatter -married to Halvor Larsen 5) Anne Syversdatter - Unmarried......Hope this was some help..Regards Jon Torp

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Gjest Jon Torp

The parents of Syver Jensen Holte is .....Jens Nilsson Vestre Lo and Ollou Sjursdotter Viken....BUT...anyone who say they know the father of Jens Nilsson Vestre Lo...will have to prove it....there is a widespread misunderstandig about his ancestry...so be careful.....Ollou Sjursdotter Viken´s parents are Sjurd Viken and Elin Amundsdatter Landfald (born ca. 1585)Elin was first time married to Tryg Christophersen Dramdal-Elin Amundsdatters father was Amund Christophersen Landfald-and his father was Christopher Amundsen Landfald (mentioned 1583-1590)..Christoher Amundsen Landfald had some silver stolen from him...the silver was found at Akershus castle...but confiscated by the lord at the castle-this is mentioned in 1583)

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Gjest Pearl Danroth

Thanks, Tor Kenneth, for posting this for me.Jon - This is quite amazing, in less than a day, you have found 6 more generations in my family. If Elin Amundsdatter Landfald was born around 1585, then her grandfather Christopher Amundsen Landfald was likely born around the first part of the 1500's. I never dreamed someone would find my ancestors back that far. If I have figured this out right, Christopher Amundsen Landfald would be my gr-gr-gr-gr-gr-gr-gr-gr-gr-greatgrandfather or 12 generations back from me.This information confirms that 2 other families living at Holte in 1801 were related to Anders Christensen. Christopher Christensen, age 52, was a half-brother and Jens Christensen, age 33, was a full-brother to Anders. Right?Is the place or farm Landfald close to Holte?How soon after a death was a probate completed?Thanks for all your research. I appreciate all the work you both have done. Best regards, Pearl

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Gjest Jon Torp

Pearl - glad I could help -all your conclusions above are correct as far as I can see. Landfald is located between Solbergelva and Drammen on the northern side of the river - If you look on a contemporary map you will find that the place today is called Landfalløya. Jon

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Gjest Jon Torp

Probates USUALLY took place a few days/weeks after the funeral. But sometimes months or even years after a persons death. Too find a death date you will have too look in the churcrecords. Jon.

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Gjest Pearl Danroth

Just a few more questions. Is Landfald in Eger/Eiker Parish? What was your source for all the information, other than the probates? Did the information come from a "bygdebøker", and if so, what was the name of it? Is this information on microfilm?I should soon be getting a map and hopefully can find these places.Thanks again, Pearl

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Gjest Jon Torp

Pearl - the sources -apart from the probates...are articles in NST -a Norwegian genealogy magazine. Plus a transcription of an old document from Landfald transcripted by Are Gustavsen. Landfald is now in Drammen - it used to be Lier Parish..but is now Drammen.

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Gjest Tor Kenneth Talmo

Pearl - The parents of of Aase Helgesdatter (mariied to Christopher Syversen Holte) was: Helge Halvorsen and Malene Richardsdatter. There is a probate in Lie, Eiker 11. Sept. 1721. Helge Halvorsen was dead and he was leaving behind his widow Malene and 7 children. Abraham Helgesen, Anders Helgesen, Nils Helgesen, Hans Helgesen, Erik Helgesen, Karen Helgesdatter and Aase Helgesdatter - married to Christopher Syversen Holte. It seems to me that Aase was the only child married at this time. By the way - Helge bought this farm (Lie) on an auction 15. Jan 1720. I'll send you a "private mail" with further info.Tor Kenneth

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Gjest Tor Kenneth Talmo

According to the "mormons" there was one Malene Richardsdatter born in Eiker 1651/1654. She was a daughter of Richard Andersen. She's probably "our lady". But, has to be checked further.Tor Kenneth

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Gjest Pearl Danroth

Tor - This is interesting!I have been finding baptism records for Eiker Parish online. The baptism record for Jens Christopher Syversøn Holte (son of Christopher Syversøn Holte and Aase Helgesdatter) gives one of the godparents as Hellie. Her "bosted" was Li. Are Li and Lie the same place, just a different spelling?Did you happen to see what Helge Halvorsen paid for the farm called Lie?Do you know when the spelling changed from 'søn' to 'sen'? This is the first time I have seen it written that way (søn)- in early 1700 records.Thanks once again, Pearl

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Gjest Tor Kenneth Talmo

Pearl - Li and Lie is the same place (farm). I couldn't see what Helge paid for the farm in 1720. But, that should be possiblie to found out. I don't know when the spelling changed. It did not changed a specific years. It was differences from one parish to another and I think also between the preasts.Tor Kenneth

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