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[#7023] Jørgen Åsmundsson Grave, lensmannssønnen som dro t

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Gjest Torun S. Soknes

Vet ikke om dette vil hjelpe, men en dame ved navn Pearl Danroth er innom DA fra tid til annen (har sett noen innlegg av henne). Hun har tidligere gitt opplysninger som får meg til å tro at hun holder til i eller har kjennskap til Saskatchewan. Hvem vet, kanskje hun kan hjelpe deg videre?Mvh Torun S.

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Gjest Arne Solås

Kom over en hjemmeside hvor eieren (bosatt i Minnesota) må ha jobbet i en årrekke med Grave-slekt. Det ser desverre ikke ut som det er relatert til "din" Grave, - inneholder mye tyske og hollanske navn. Men slik jeg tenker, - har han holdt på med sin slekt i kanskje 15-20 år, så er det ikke godt å si hvilke opplysninger han har liggende i sin database. Jeg tenker i første rekke på Aasmund - at du kan få bekreftet(eller avkreftet)at det er rett person. Her finnes også en "chatte"-side (visstnok bare tilgjengelig søndager)hvor du kan forhøre deg. Kanskje får du knyttet noen kontakter. Adr.: www.angelfire.com/ia/wizard15/Mvh. Arne

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Gjest Arne Solås

Sorry, Tom - jeg kan heller ikke finne den. Håper den dukker opp igjen slik den var. (Uten krav om medlemskap og betaling) Mvh. Arne.

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Gjest Tom Askerøi

Jens "claimed" sitt land i 1910 og fikk det i 1913, da 47 år og født i Norge. Det simpelthen MÅ være broren, "alt" stemmer jo...Bortsett fra at han i 1613 er "single" mens han var gift ved begge de siste utreisene fra Norge. Men han kan jo ha hatt en kone som døde før 1913 og en annen i 1927? Iflg muntlige kilder het forøvrig kona hans Alma - den første da antagelig(?)Men foreløpig har jeg ikke funnet noen spor etter Jørgen (men i julestria har jeg heller ikke fått anledning til å besøke Hekkveien...)

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Gjest Lars Løkkebø

HeiHvis det er riktig at Jørgen endte opp i Saskatchewan så finnes det en web-side der det er mulig å få god hjelp. Gå til: Lenke fikk i alle fall jeg rask hjelp for å lokalisere fjerne slektninger.Lars

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Gjest Tom Askerøi

En Almena Grave (=Alma???) døde i Minnesota i januar 1910. Dette kan ha vært den evt første kona til Jens. Og tidspunktet passer jo bra med at han senere samme år claimed land i Canada. Det er altså en mulighet for at brødrene samlet seg i Minnesota - at Jørgen dro dit via Canada noe jeg har fått opplyst slett ikke var så uvanlig.Det åpner jo nye perspektiver...?

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Gjest Carla Brining

Hi Tom Since the Swiggum site is down thought I would post this here. I don't read Norwegian but I have a translator program that does an ok job so can understand most of what is posted. Here is a site that explains the township, range numbers that the BLM site gave for Asmund Grave. [url="http://www.ra.dnr.state.mn.us/share/html/twprng.html>Lenke Township 160 N Range 32 W is now located in the county of Lake of the Woods which was created in 1922 so 1910 & 1920 census information would be in Beltrami county and any current info in Lake of the Woods county. This site has information on Lake of the Woods and an address for the County Historical Society which might be able to help you. http://nmin.ardc.org/history/lowindex.asp I didn't find a map of township 160 but found a Realitor (sells land) site that had some Platt Maps (county maps that show who owns land) of land that they were selling and on one there were landowners with the name of Grave although it could be Grove since the map isn't real clear. This map was for townships 163-164 Range 34W which would be about 12 miles east and 18 miles north of Asmunds land so maybe belong to sons or grandsons of Asmund. The site is

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Gjest Tom Askerøi

Thank you, Carla. You're help is fantastic - I'll check it out immediately...By the way, Solem & Co has moved to / Forresten er Solem & Co.s nye adresse:Lenke GOD JUL / MERRY CHRISTMAS !!

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Gjest Pearl Danroth

Tom - As soon as I get the chance in the New Year, I will look up Jens and Jørgen's names in the Ships Passenger Lists which are on microfilm in the Saskatchewan Archives. Most emigrants from Norway who first sailed to Britian came to the Port of Quebec/Montreal from Liverpool. It should not be too hard to find their names, as Grave is not a very common name and I have the dates when they emigrated from Oslo in 1927 and 1905. Hopefully, in the passenger records it will be more specific about their destination.Happy New Year, Pearl

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Gjest tom askeroi

Og Jens homestead papirer gir følgende opplysninger:1) Jens Grave's address on Jan 27, 1910 (when he applied for the first homestead) was - Mayville, North Dakota. Jens must have been in Moose Jaw, Sask on that day, as that is what the official stamp indicates.2). As mentioned before he cancels that first homestead, and applies for the NE 24-3-26 W3rd on June 21, 1910. On that date, he gives his address as Maple Creek, Saskatchewan (north of Consul). So now we know he has been living in the area and has a mailing address.3). The following information was given on the Homestead Application dated June 21, 1910: - Number in family = 2 , Nationality = Norwegian, Where from = N.D. (North Dakota), Previous occupation = Farmer4) On July 31, 1914, Jens Grave fills out the Sworn Statement to say he had completed the required homestead duties. - age 47 - address - Rangeview, Sask. - Here he states he is single. - Built his house and commenced living on the homestead on April 10th, 1911. - Naturalized Citizen - these papers were received and returned to the homesteader on 5/9/1916. 5) Jens received Patent (title) to his homestead on October 25, 1916. - his address is still Rangeview, Sk.******************************************** That's about all the information on the forms that is of importance now. The rest is just interesting, such as the size of his house, how many acres of land he broke (plowed), etc. You should get in contact with Carla and ask her where Mayville, N.D. is located.

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Gjest Carla Brining

Hi Tom So now we have Jens in North Dakota too. He did move around. Mayville is near the eastern border of North Dakota and wouldn't have been too far from Asmunds land in Minnesota. It is located in Traill County and here is a site http://www.rootsweb.com/%7endtraill/ I found Jens, Alma and his mother Hillborg in the 1900 Norwegian census! At least I'm pretty sure that it is them. First I located Hillborg in Seljord on the gardsnavn Grove with etternavn Grove (moved after husbands death?). Then I found Jens Grove and Alma Grove in Kristiania. The year of birth is correct and his occupation is the same as listed on the 1904 emigrant list for him. Couldn't find Alma on the emigrant lists so wonder if she came to the US or died in Norway. His homestead application in 1910 lists number in household as two. This could be Jens and his wife, or child if his wife had died or brother if he was living with him but probably unlikely. Still not much information on Jorgen but maybe searching the 1910 census would turn up something. I don't think there is an index for Minnesota or North Dakota so would have to search the most likely counties. A pretty huge task I think. Hopefully Pearl can find him on the Ships passenger lists and find out his destination. Happy New Year Carla

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Gjest Pearl Danroth

Just a note on the number of living with Jens in 1910. From his homestead file under the heading - "Number in family, including entrant" (entrant is the one applying for the homestead)was this: 1 male adult and 1 female adult. In the space for "number of children under 12", there is nothing written - a blank space. The one adult female could be a sister, mother or daughter over the age of 12 years. PD

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Gjest Tom Askerøi

Yes, I'm pretty shure you've found the right persons in the 1900 cencus. I haven't - but I should have thaught of the possibility - someone obviously regularly registrated an a for an o - it's the same on my father's side. (The Pape family is registered as Pope). I know Jan Oldervoll isn't reading these pages, but this looks like a common mistake... (There is no farm called Grove in Seljord, so the mother has only moved to a lesser house on the farm Grave as far as I can understand).THANKS A LOT TO YOU BOTH, Carla and Pearl. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

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Gjest Heidi Tofterå Slettemoen

De fleste nordmennene i Saskatchewan slo seg ned helt i sør, langs den amerikanske grensen.Consul ligger helt sør-vest, ved elven Battle creek, like ved Cypress lake og sør for Cypress Hills provincial park og Ft. Walsh national historic park. Maple Creek ligger like langt nord for Cypress Hill som Consul ligger sør. Consul hadde 153 innbyggere i 1990. Nærmeste "større" by i SK er Swift Current med rundt 20 000 innbyggere - 15 mil unna. Medicine Hat i Alberta med sine 50 000 innbyggere ligger faktisk nærmere, mener jeg. Hvis du så trekker en trekant mellom disse to byene og Chinook (2000 innb.) i Montana, finner du Consul omtrent i midten!Faktahilsen fra Heidi, med mor fra Moose Jaw, SK.

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Gjest Tom Askerøi

TAKK og GODT NYTTÅR til alle venner og hjelpere. Bare en liten korreksjon av et tidligere innlegg: Lensmann og stortingsmann Åsmund Larsson Grave hadde ikke to sønner med navnet Jørgen - han hadde faktisk TRE. I første ekteskap med Ingebjørg Jørgensdatter (inngått 18/6-1840) hadde han en, født før 1849 som døde som barn. Med den andre kona, Helleborg Jørgensdatter (søster av den første kona, ekteskap inngått 15/11-1853) hadde han bl a barna Jørgen "II" født 18/6-1856 også død som liten, Åsmund, født 1/10-1858, Jørgen "III" ("min") f 4/6-1864, og Jens født 20/9-1866...THANKS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR to all friends and helpers!

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Gjest Gro Berit Sternang

Hei og GODT NYTTÅR.Eg har fylgt med på denne debatten, moro å sjå kor mykje hjelp ein kan få frå alle kantar.Når det gjeld folketellinga 1900 så trur eg kanskje dei kan ha brukt Grove istaden for Grave. Hvis det er ein misforståelse så er det litt rart at det skjer både for Seljord og Oslo. Grove er ukjent for oss idag, men utfrå gardsnr. ser eg at andre gardar som ligg like ved Grave har nr. like før og etter.Eg las litt i Seljord-soga i jula, og såg då desse navna under Grave, men hvis eg ikkje hugsar feil så var det ikkje direkte under hovedgarden. Begge ekteskap med barn stod der, men bare ein Jørgen under kvart. Eg regnar med at du har lest dette? Håpar du finn ut av dette med Jørgen.Ættesoge for Seljord er under arbeid og er planglagt trykkt i år, denne har vi venta lenge på. mvh Gro Berit.

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Gjest Carla Brining

Hi Tom, Well I have a theory on where Jorgen is on the 1900 census. If you search Gårdsmatrikkelen 1886 [url="http://draug.rhd.isv.uit.no/rhd/matrikkel.html>http://draug.rhd.isv.uit.no/rhd/matrikkel.html Searching using Aasmundsen in the etternavn field you will find land owned by Jørgen, Lars and Aasmund (you can find more land owned by them using etternavn Grave). Asmund's land is Gårdsnavn Utgaarden, Bruksnavn Bringsaas. In the 1900 census under Gårdsnavn Bringsaas there is an Aasmund G Bringsaas, birth year 1864. We know this can't be Aasmund since he is in America and the birth year is wrong so could this be Jørgen Aasmundsen Grave? If so I wonder what happened to his wife, died or is divorce a possibility?Another lead on Jørgen in America, a search on Ancestory.com

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Gjest Tor Rustad

Om det kan være til hjelp - her er en kopi fra Carla's innspill. (Dato = registreringstidspunkt)Den patronyme H'n passer vel ikke inn??Grave, Jorgen H. County: Marsh Reel: 1 Code: 1 Volume: [A] Page: 307 Operator: CONRA Date: 08 October 1996 Time: 13:22 Document Type: Years: Numbers: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Grave, Jorgen H. County: Marsh Reel: 10 Code: 29 Volume: [1] Page: 21 Operator: CONRA Date: 01 November 1996 Time: 08:25 Document Type: Years: Numbers:

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Gjest tom askeroi

Her har det jammen rent inn innlegg mens jeg har vært opptatt annetstads et døgn. Jeg takker dere alle for innsatsen og forslagene og hjelpen!Carla har helt sikkert funnet riktige folk i 1900-tellingen. En håndskrevet a kan fort bli til en o ved avskrift, det har det blitt på bestemor og oldefar Pape også (Pope i Drammen). Så vi har definitivt med avskriftsfeil å gjøre.Helleborg bor på, og eide ved matrikkelen 1886 gnr 44 Lykka under Grave. Avskriftsfeil med Grove.Men her kommer siste nytt - Pearl skirver:FOUND HIM. On the ship the "SS CANADA" Dominion Line, the following passenger left Liverpool, England on October 26th, 1905 and landed in the Ports of Quebec/Montreal on November 4th, 1905.#25762, Jorgen Aa Grave, Male, Age = 41, Country of Birth = Norway, Destination = WETASKIWIN.Wetaskiwin is a small city in the province of Alberta, 68 km south and a little east of Edmonton.He definitely knew where he was going, as the spelling of Wetaskiwin was correct. It's not easy to pronounce, let alone spell. I also looked up the name Grave in the telephone listings for Alberta. There are 4 people listed: A. Grave - Calgary, John Grave - Calgary, Maureen Grave - Edmonton, Mike Grave - Edmonton. That's not many people, but there is a possibility that one or all of them are related to either Jørgen or Jens.Så da vet vi altså at Jørgen kom til Canada og hvor han hadde tenkt seg. Så var det bare å finne ut hva jeg skal gjøre nå...

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Gjest Carla Brining

Hi Tom Well I'm pretty sure I was wrong on Jorgan in the 1900 census. Under Yrke, Aasmund G is listed as Jordbruger S (son?) and Gunleik O as Jordbruger and on the 1985 census there is a Gunleik Ols. with a son Aasmund about the same age so it is likely that they bought the land from Aasmund Grave.The information on the passenger list is great. Here are a few suggestions for further research.You could try and find out if he filed for naturalization papers, this site has information that might help with that [url="http://www.archives.ca/02/02020203_e.html#citizen>http://www.archives.ca/02/02020203_e.html#citizen Try and find his death record http://globalgazette.net/gazfd/gazfd71.htm Contact the city of Wetaskiwin Archives http://city.wetaskiwin.ab.ca/archives/start.htmIf anyone enjoys reading family histories of settlers the Kingman Alberta website

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Gjest tom askeroi

Once more THANK YOU to Carla. And to Pearl who's got me the ships list. One strange thing, though: On arrival he is suddenly listed as married(!) - he was single when he left Norway 2-3 weeks earlier. It's probably just a mistake by the ships purser - but was it possible to get married on board. By the captain? It probably was, but we can't find any "suitable" wife leaving the ship with him...?No real progress this time - just to keep you all updated.

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Gjest Pearl Danroth

Yes, it was possible to get married aboard the ship by the Captain. Marriages are still performed by the ship's Captain. If Jørgen met someone aboard and married her, that would explain why her name is not listed directly below his name. I think the ships' passenger lists were completed before leaving the port of departure, in this case - Liverpool. Married couples, husband and wife, are usually listed together and any children listed below their names.If Jørgen arrived in Canada with a wife, then it should be easier to find him. So keep the possibility that he was "married" in mind when searching further.Good Luck, Pearl

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